Hi friends,
I pray you and your family are doing well and staying healthy during this crazy season of life. With all this extra time at home, particularly before they started Stage One of reintroduction (what it’s called in Maryland at least), I thought I’d have so much time and get so much accomplished. I’d finish my book early, I’d get all my launch stuff prepped and ready to roll out when the time is right, and I’d finish up all those lingering home projects.
We’re two months in, and I’m still on course for my book to be done in time, but it’s certainly not finished. I’m sprinting to keep up with my launch due dates. I’ve managed to get one project—remodeling my office (okay, who am I kidding? I’m cleaning and organizing my office, but the word ‘remodeling’ sounds so much better, doesn’t it?), my house isn’t any cleaner, and all those books I thought I’d power through are still in my TBR pile.
With all the extra time I have—my kids are grown—I’m trying to figure out what I’m actually doing with it. And then I realized. I’m being still. You know the bible verse from Psalms that speaks of stillness.

Be still, and know that I am God! ~Psalm 46:10-11
I am not a theologian, but as a layperson, a believer, I hope to share what this verse is growing to mean to me. It doesn’t tell us to just be still in this instance. It tells us to be still AND know God. During the still times in our lives, when we aren’t juggling a hundred things or running all over the place, we can still our minds and invite God in. Ask Him to show you afresh who He is.
Reader Question: What has God been teaching you through all of this?
May God bless and keep you,
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I’ve really been appreciating corporate worship since the restrictions on church services in our area of Texas have been relaxed somewhat. Watching a service on YouTube and trying to sing along with two very questionable voices (those of my husband and me) just isn’t as inspiring as singing with a chorus of church members and live music and hearing the sermon and prayers in person. In addition, I’ve also enjoyed the concept of rest. While I am retired, I was very busy prior to the “lockdown” and needed more rest. I was able to prepare my ladies’ Bible study lessons, pray, and participate in our Zoom meetings practicing “Be still and know that I am God.”
That’s wonderful, Suzanne! And, I’d be right up there as a ‘questionable voice.’ You know the old saying ‘can’t carry a tune in a bucket.’ That’s definitely me. Hope you have a wonderful day!
God is teaching me to calm down and trust His plan. It looks crazy right now, but God is NOT surprised.
HI Nicole,
Yes. That is so important to remember. God is NOT surprised. Thanks so much for the valuable reminder.
God is teaching me to listen for His voice and to trust Him. With all the extra time (since I’m only going out every two weeks to pick up a grocery order), I got my bookshelves cleaned off and organized. Mostly, I’m just enjoying seeing the birds at the bird feeders and knowing that God takes care of me just as He does these beautiful creatures.