As 2021 draws to a close, I imagine we’re all a bit skeptical of what awaits in 2022, understandably so. Which makes me especially grateful for the enduring truth that God holds all of our days in his hands.
This time last year most of us were probably thinking, “Wow, it’ll be so nice to have 2020 behind us.” Only to quickly discover that more of the same awaited us in 2021. Any way you look at it, it’s been a difficult last two years. So much heartache and loss, and yet it hasn’t been without incredible joy and blessing. God is so faithful to bring joy out of pain.
As he promises in Psalm 56:8…
“You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.“

He loves you and me so much that he collects our tears in a bottle. Not one of them goes to waste. He sees every hurt and, in his faithfulness, uses those hurts to draw us to him and to shape us for eternity.
In the biblical world, Jewish women used tear jars to store their tears in times of grief and lament. I love it that the Creator of the Universe chose a commonly known practice to communicate the depth of his love and compassion for us.
Would you like to have a tear jar as daily reminder of God’s presence and care? Or do you know someone who’s had a particularly hard year who could use this reminder? Usually $45 each, these particular tears jars are currently 50% off at New Lens Biblical Studies.
The tear jar pictured above (named Live Like a River) is my personal favorite, but Kristi has others left too. Click to see the entire collection.

Finally, can you use prayer for a particular situation in your life right now?
Yes, we sing “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” and it is as we remember and celebrate Christ coming in the flesh to make his home among us. But it’s also a difficult time of year. Is this your first Christmas without that dear loved one? Is this season an especially stressful one for you? Is everyone coming to your place and you’re feeling totally overwhelmed? Is a loved one sick or going through a really rough time?
Here at Inspired by Life and Fiction, we’re a community who prays for each other. And whatever is on your heart this week, only four days before Christmas, we want to pray for you. Just leave your request in a comment below and we’ll ask the Holy Spirit to intercede on your behalf.
I’d appreciate your prayers for Esta, my step-mom, who has pancreatic cancer. She’s just out of the hospital. Again. Esta is a jewel of a woman. She and Dad married when she was 79 and Dad was almost 80. They had been childhood friends and I love how, after Mom died, their paths crossed again. Dad’s been gone for over two years now and Esta still misses him dearly, as we all do. So I’d appreciate your prayers for her—for healing as the Lord wills, and for comfort and strength for her through the power of His Spirit. Thank you, friends.
I’m praying blessings and JOY for you in 2022, a year that God holds securely in his hands. Just as he does you and me, if you’ve surrendered your life to Christ.
Merry Christmas, friends, and see you again 2022,
In anticipation of the release of Redeeming Love, the movie on January 21 (tickets are already on sale!), I’m giving away SIX Francine Rivers’ books this month on my website. Want one for your or a friend?

Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
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- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Thank you for reminding me of the words, “God holds all our days in his hands.” That is especially meaningful to me as I have been navigating the difficult course of finding good care for my husband. He is on the same journey as your father, which I followed from your posts. It’s hard to believe he’s been gone for over two years – was it September? I followed your posts about him and thank you for sharing. I will pray for Esta. Please pray for me and my husband.
Merry Christmas!
Dearest Betty, I’m praying for you now and will continue to. God will meet every need of yours —and your husband’s—according to the richest of his grace in Christ Jesus…which is boundless! And yet the road is still difficult. God doesn’t promise no pain. But he does promise his faithful presence, which holds us securely and will sustain us through the fiercest drought and storm. Love you, friend.
Thank you so much, Tamara!
Blessings on you and your family!
August 12, 2019, Betty. Yes, hard to believe over two years already. Praying for you as you consider the care for your husband—and thanks again for helping me walk Dad Home.
Hi, Tamera. I clicked the link you provided for the website to check out the tear jars but didn’t see any on sale. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Deena, if you choose a jar and go to purchase, you’ll see the half off price.
What Harriet said! :-). Thanks Harriet!
Thank you!
Esta is in my prayers! As we approach the first Christmas without my mom, who went home to be with Jesus very suddenly and unexpectedly in mid-January, I would so appreciate your prayers for my dad and me. This grief journey seems only to get harder as time goes on. Praise the Lord for the hope of eternity with Him and our loved ones who are His!
My prayer is that we would all experience Jesus in a deeper way this Christmas.
Merry Christmas Blessings to you and your family!
Please pray we are reconciled with our youngest daughter Ann. She is bipolar.
Thank you, Tammy, for this reminder about our tears–I’ve never seen a “tear jar,” but how perfect for that purpose! I used that reference in the book I was working on–you know the one. 🙂 I am praying for Esta right now, that the Lord would comfort and encourage her and everyone she loves. Thank you for being sensitive to those for whom this Christmas wasn’t so merry. –Angie
Please pray for my daughter who is facing lots of dental work in the coming year. She is terrified of the dentist. Pray that the Lord will preserve her teeth even though dentists in the past have guided us wrongly and our visits to the dentist were delayed by pandemic lockdowns. Pray that along with better brushing habits she will gain a smile that does not embarass her.