- I love having my furniture back in my house.
Joe and I recently downsized from a house—to a townhouse. I’m tellin’ ya, downsizing at this stage of life is not for the faint of heart. Still, we’re loving our new place! But we left the house staged with our furniture until the house sold (which it did!), so it’s completely lovely to have our “things” back. Amazing what creatures of habit we are. Now this place is really starting to feel like home. - I love the time Joe and I are carving out to watch shows together.
We’re watching different TV series, and I’m so enjoying the time together—to laugh, to cry (well, me anyway), to try and be the first to figure out the plot, and to make snarky comments about characters we love to hate. Any shows you’re currently loving? Do share! - I love these Keto brownies I made last night.
This June will make it two years since I’ve been eating Keto (low carb gluten free). Hard to believe, but I love it! And these brownies…DELICIOUS!If you’re LCGF, put them on your list. Pronto! - I love this Keto Chicken Alfredo recipe I also made last night. Okay, sue me, I’m listing two recipes.
It’s. So. Good! Thank you dear friend Dana Corkern for sharing this recipe.
And thanks to Sarah and her oh-so-marvelous blog My Montana Kitchen for this image—and recipe. It is a definite KEEPER!
Check out Sarah’s blog and this recipe HERE. - I love this new little makeup sponge—beautyblender—that my daughter Kelsey introduced me to.
This thing is fabulous. Not cheap, but fabulous. - I love the Israel class I’m currently enrolled in (and Kristi McLelland who’s teaching it).
I could go on and on about this class. I’m learning so much about Scripture and about how God is better than I ever knew. I’m learning to feast on the Word (instead of just reading my Bible) and to view the whole of the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens (versus a Western lens). Talk about life changing. If you live in or around Nashville and have a chance to take Kristi’s Israel class…DO IT! Grab more info on Kristi’s classes here - I love Francine Rivers’ newest book The Masterpiece.
It’s Francine at her best. Nab it here.
- I love this dog. This man. This boat. And fishing.
Four things, granted. Still, the pics were taken on the same day, so I’m countin’ ’em as one.
People are often surprised to learn that I LOVE to fish! I do. Always have. Oh, and I also drive a truck. ; ) - I love this worship song.
Lauren Daigle is a fav. So is this song. To become more like Christ, to be transformed into his likeness, is my deepest desire. That desire would be completely impossible without his mighty power and grace at work within my totally messed up self. (The same mighty power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, incidentally! Ephesians 1:19-21) Thank you, Lord. Thank you.
- I love this verse.
Speaking of the Word of God, are you in BSF? Bible Study Fellowship will be having another Welcome Day soon. Check out the site and see if there’s a group meeting near you. And pray about it! God is working and moving. BSF has easily been one of my greatest blessings on this earthly journey. It could be yours too!
Now it’s your turn. What are you loving right now?
Blessings on your Tuesday,
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Tamera Alexander
Novelist at Novelist
Tamera Alexander is a USA Today bestselling novelist and one of today's most beloved authors of inspirational historical romance and women’s contemporary fiction. While being Gram Tam is her current favorite role, she’ll never turn down a stroll through an old cemetery or browsing through antique shops.
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
What are you loving right now?
It´s easy answer 🙂 I´m listening – Domine Fili Unigenite – from Vivaldi. And I adore it !!! My father spoke me about it yesterday and I really understand his passion for it.
And the second thing is my new book from one small antiquarian shop : the book bound in coloured goatskin with vintage painting on the cover.
Antiquarian shops – it is my „vice“ 🙂
And what about your father?
Hello Blanka! Your note encouraged me to listen to Vivaldi this morning, too. And you’re so right. Beautiful. Masterful. And I love antiquarian shops too. And books. Your find sounds like a real treasure. Much love, friend.
Also, thanks for asking about Dad. He’s doing fairly well. Has good days and not so good. But we’re encouraging him to seek JOY IN THE LORD every day until the moment when Jesus calls him Home, which Dad hopes is soon. And which has become my prayer for him, however difficult that is to pray. : )
I’m loving the time I spend with my granddaughter – reading with her, taking her to dance class, and to chorus practice. She was selected to be in the 5th grade all city chorus, which we get to hear this weekend.
Thank you for sharing!
I LOVE that, Betty. What a thrill for her. And for you to witness. I used to sing in choruses all through grade school and college. LOVED it! Blessings on your weekend.
I’m loving that my husband and I have put downsizing behind us two years ago. Oh it wasn’t easy on our part either. Both of us never got rid of anything. We lived in a bid 5 bedroom house by a lake for 33 years. We were empty nesters for a good 15 years or more.
It wasn’t that we didn’t enjoy our house because we loved it there. But as time marched on the stairs became harder to climb. I’d put off selling the place for years. Finally when my husband became disabled I knew it was time. I literally got rid of stuff that it broke my heart to part with.
Finally I was at the stage of my downsizing to list the place with a realtor. I knew this was God’s will for us when the first person who looked through the house made an offer. With mixed feelings we signed the closing papers. In the neck of time we found a lovely one floor town house rental and have been happy to live here for the past two years. It’s always hard to make these milestone changes in our lives. Part with the familiar and embrace the unknown, but for us this was a good move and part of God’s plan for us.
Your sharing today is so rich, Shirley. I so appreciate you sharing your journey, how God led you, and met you every step of the way. He’s doing the same for us. And I bet that couple who bought your lake house is treasuring it—and likely benefiting from all the love and grace that house held while you both lived in it. Grace and peace, friend.
What am I loving right now?
My daughter, Isabella. She’s going to be 6 in one month. She’s so vibrant and creative and unique. I’m also loving my husband through good, bad, and boring! Lol! My best friend is fighting a very rare and scary cancer. I’m loving every second I get to be there for her through this struggle. I’m loving my different Bible Studies. God is AMAZING! I especially love talking things out with my husband as I study God’s Word. Together, we’ve come to some really awesome insight that gives us God-bumps (like goose-bumps, but way better). And, I’m loving all the reading and reviewing I’m doing for all of the authors I work with. God has blessed me multiple times over through these exceptional Christian authors!!! Whoa! That’s a lot, but I’m super loving all these items right now. 😊❤
Love reading all that about you, Nicole. And all that God is doing in your life. Superb! And so much to be grateful for. Glad we’re connected in this community. : )
You ask about What shows we were watching….one that i really really like is………..The Good Doctor….Its about a Doctor that is autistic……he shows so many traits that i have even though i am not autistic…….i almost always hate being touched or especially being hugged….he loves reading medical books and that is something i love reading …But the show is so good…..if your not watching it you should…….The next Monday show is the season finally ……..it i think it will be a tear jerker.
I’m loving that I have 16 amazing grandkids and we just got our 2nd great-granddaughter! So much fun! I love that I can hug them, play with them, spoil them, and then give them back to their parents to deal with! 😀