Each year, I get to write the Thanksgiving post here at Inspired by Life & Fiction. It’s one benefit of being the author who posts the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. There’s so much to be grateful for, even more in a year that has been far from normal…what is normal anyway?
This year I want to fix my gaze on the many reasons I have to be grateful.
The first is a big one. Just look at this photo.

I am blessed with an amazing family. Our kids are all doing great, and our daughter who had the health challenges with her vision is doing so much better. Praise God! We still have to do the weekly shots, but it’s maintenance rather than trying to get ahead of out of control inflammation. I am so very grateful. Our oldest son is applying to colleges and is going to have amazing options. Our oldest is an amazing young woman who has moved with such humble confidence and grace through what has been an unsettled year on college campuses. And our youngest makes our hearts smile while we pray he grows up to use his powers for good. My husband has a great job that expanded this year, and I learned how to flex as I taught in a crazy year while also launching one book and preparing the next for a January release.

I’m so grateful for this shelf which represents my books. I think it’s all but one or two, but I’ve honestly lost track. When I started writing in 2005, I prayed I might get the opportunity to see one of my books in print. Instead, every time I look at this shelf, I’m reminded of God’s amazing goodness and faithfulness. He doesn’t owe me one more book. Instead, I’m grateful for the opportutnity to work on each one. In fact as I write this post, I think God just directed me to the missing piece for my next proposed novel. My wheel’s are churning with another layer.

This is also a year where I am more grateful than every for you, our readers. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a few of you (waving at Ruby!) face-to-face, but in a year that included quarantines and smaller worlds, it’s meant the world to know that I could connect with you here and in other spaces of social media and the internet. Thank you for reading our books. Thank you for spreading the word about books and authors you love. Thank you for asking your library to carry our books. Each of those and so many other gestures and comments are life-giving to those of us who spend a lot of time staring at an illuminated screen wondering if our words matter. That’s why I want to end this month with a giveaway that celebrates you. Just use the form below to enter. I’ll be giving away a copy of the Hidden Justice series. Another reader will receive a copy of Flight Risk.
As 2020 draws to a close, what are you thankful for? How has this year surprised you?
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I’ve been grateful for simple things like …buying toilet paper
…puzzle/game time with family
…watching all Star Wars for the first time with my nephew
…health & safety in the midst of chaos
…seeing the world come together in some instances with love & kindness
…and definitely for books!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to the Putman Crew!!
Becky, whoever thought we’d be grateful for toliet paper? Right? What a great list!
I am most thankful for our move back to my hometown. Closer to family and not so cold. It has been difficult to face my mom’s diagnosis of dementia. It is a new normal every day. It’s frightening, confusing, and frustrating all spilling over into each other!
Linda, I’m glad you can be there, but demenia is such a hard diagnosis…for the patient, but even more for those who love them.
I am thankful for the health of my parents and parents-in-law who are all in their 80s. I am also grateful for my children, their spouses, and my 5 grandchildren who all live close to us and come for Family Dinner Night (FDN) almost weekly. Cara, you have a beautiful family! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. 🙂
FDN is a great idea! You know you have a great relationship when they choose to come home! We should try that as another moves to college in the fall. Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful to spend another holiday with my parents. My mom had a stroke in March and my dad is having surgery next week. They are 92 and 95.
Lori, each year with our loved ones is a gift. Praying for your father!
I’m surprised by how resilient people are. This worldwide pandemic has thrown us all for a loop, yet by the grace of God, we keep on keeping on…
Despite our world being flipped around by an unseen foe named Corona, we have so much to be thankful for. I’m incredibly thankful for the birth of my first grandchild. He’s such a blessing!!
Cheryl, you are right….this year has emphasized how resilient we can be. And huge congrats on your first grandchild!
Very thankful that hubby is retired and we CAN stay at home during these troubling times, Thankful that we planned well for our retirement and have a guaranteed income when so many are struggling to make ends meet. Thankful for a home for a roof over our heads and a place to lay our heads at night. Thankful that we took the plunge 4 years ago, sold out downsizing to move to our dream destination where we have many daily critter visitors that keep these two photography nuts happy and content during this extended stay at home phase we are in. Thankful that even with medical issues that we are both well and Covid free able to continue on living life as we know it. Always grateful for my Mom teaching, bless her heart in heaven, for teaching me throughout my to keep a well-stocked pantry and the ability to cook from scratch. Thankful for ample food when so many are wondering where their next meal is coming from. Thankful for a loving man that I love more with each passing day who makes the last 37 years seem like a twinkling of an eye and who I pray I have many more years to share with. And lastly but most definitely, I am grateful for my loving God who is walks with me every day holding me up when I don’t think I can make it.
May we all learn to be thankful for the little things as well as the bigger ones.
Kay, what a wonderful list. You are truly blessed. Thanks for sharing!
I’m thankful for 5 healthy grandsons, ages 24 months up to 16 years old!
I am thankful that my family has been relatively healthy, especially my mom.
I’m thankful for my family and that we’re all healthy (so far). I’m thankful that a vaccine has been produced rapidly and will soon be available to our front line health care workers first and then down the line. I was surprised this year by all of the shortages but that is so much better now. I’ve tried more different hand soap (due to shortages) this year than in my entire life……something to laugh about later.
Perrianne, your list — especially the hand soap — made me smile. God is good in all things.
I am so thankful that our family has been able to avoid the virus thus far and that I am able to help our 6 year-old granddaughter as she learns virtually, I am grateful that I was able to once again vote for the U.S. President, even though the results are still disputed. I am pleased that I have learned to appreciate a simpler lifestyle!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Connie, I think we’re all learning to appreciate simpler. And I bet your granddaughter is loving the special time with you!
Very thankful for my family and friends.
Great picture of your family! I have two of the Hidden Justice series.
Betty, thanks for being such a faithful reader. Happy Thanksgiving!
2020 has not been a terrible year for us. Weird for sure, but not horrible. My hubby was off for 4 months but kept his job. In January I started working with a weight clinic and pointed my path to gastric bypass surgery, which I had in August—I’m 78 pounds lighter than I was that day. My oldest daughter bought a home, my youngest daughter has a job she enjoys, and I’ve never been busier at work. I miss my sibs and being together today, but I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving for Easter!
Teri, what an amazing year for you. And I think you’re right. For many of us, it’s been odd rather than horrible. Odd is such a good word for it. Congrats on the weight loss! That’s worth celebrating!
This year I’m super grateful for health! We’ve had quite the year with diagnosis of a heart condition and an autoimmune disease. Plus my whole family had C-19 in September and are all fine. So I’m just so grateful we’re all doing well!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!
Melissa, I’m so glad you all are fine! C-19 is so interesting in the way it affects people so differently!
This year I’m thankful that I was already, in many ways, used to this pandemic lifestyle. Due to having chronic illnesses, I’m used to having to keep medical supplies and special foods stocked, staying home and being socially distant (I have a compromised immune system), and sanitizing. So not a lot has really changed as far as my lifestyle, and I’m grateful that the Lord has worked good for me through my illnesses in this way.
Sarah, what a sweet perspective. I’m so sorry you have this disease, but I’m grateful you have this approach to it. Praying for God to move as only He can do.
I’m thankful for God’s provision and protection. For His desire to have a relationship with me. I’m super grateful for my husband and daughter. And, I’m grateful for exceptional stories like your own that allow me to escape the 2020 craziness! 😊
I love your list, Nicole. Thanks for you sweet words about my books! I have been so grateful for books this year!
I am thankful for life. I had an cardiac arrest 16 years ago. I survived that. I have had problems with my lungs since then. I also have a heart condition that requires a pacemaker. I’m thankful that I’ve been safe during this Covid-19. So glad a vaccine is on its way.
I’m thankful that mom’s still with us. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March and has endured surgery and chemo. Praying we can keep her around a good while longer. 🙂
I’m grateful for the Lord’s mercy and grace. Even though this year has been unusual, I know the Lord will turn things around for our good and His glory.
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for making connections with online friends, even when opportunities to see the people I know in person have diminished. The Lord is good! He gave me a job, remote, doing something I have wanted to do for years. HE opened the door and basically handed it to me. How awesome is that? He is providing for us even when so many others are being laid off. I’m thankful for more time to read. My Bible but also other great writers, like you! May the Lord continue to show His face among His people.
I’m thankful that my HS is still in-person and hasn’t been too affected by the virus. I’m thankful I just typed “the end” on my fifth novel. (Now to get one published, so I can start on a shelf like yours, Cara.) LOL. I love that you have so many fantastic stories. I’m thankful for words and the power of story in a world that needs inspiration. I’m thankful for my family who has remained virus-free thus far. I’m thankful for the God who never tires of touching lives.
I’m thankful that only one member of my 4 generations of family has had covid and it was a light case. I’m thankful that I know Jesus as my Saviour! I’m guessing all of us have been surprised by covid and the changes it has made in our lives!
I’m thankful for books (!), family, walks outdoors, slower schedules, being able to work from home and most of all, Jesus. He is the reason for all the many blessings in our lives.