Have you watched The Chosen yet? If not, you must! This video series has already brought me closer to Christ and I’m not even to episode 5 yet!
The Chosen is a free video series that brings the gospels to life. And I mean vivid-step-off-the-page-and-put-on-flesh kind of life! It’s phenomenal! The insights. The cultural revelations. The humor!
I honestly cannot recall a time in my life that I didn’t know that Christ died for my sins and that he loves me endlessly, and I’m grateful (#majorunderstatement) for believing parents who instilled that eternal truth in me at a young age.
But this video series…
It has me looking at Jesus—and the men and women who followed him—in a whole new way. There was a moment in episode two—I won’t spoil it for you, I promise—that literally took my breath away. My chest ached as I watched the scene unfold. Tears came. Happy ones. Grateful ones. Tears of conviction, too.
The app is compatible with numerous devices, so no matter what you have, you should be able to watch it. I’m telling you, I believe it will change and deepen your perspective on so many Biblical people. Not the least of all…Jesus!
The series is already getting great reviews, but we need to spread the word about the show—and the love and gospel of Christ it radiates.
Here’s a quick message from Dallas Jenkins, the developer and director of The Chosen (and yes, Dallas is Jerry Jenkin’s son—a smidgen of talent runs in that family):
I’ve been a believer my whole life, I’ve attended Christian schools my whole life, and I’ve heard the stories of Jesus countless times. I’ve also seen every Jesus movie and miniseries ever made, and there have been dozens. So why a new TV show about Jesus?
Because I have a passion for people to hear the “old, old story” again … for the very first time. When I see Jesus movies, it’s sometimes hard for me to feel moved or excited. I’ve heard the stories before, and many Jesus projects just take you from Bible story to Bible story, not spending as much time on the humanity and backstories of all these characters. And they sometimes feel stiff and formal.
So when we started to write a show that explores Jesus through the eyes of those around Him, we were repeatedly moved and excited. We explored the backstories of Simon Peter, Matthew, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, and a few of Jesus’ miracle recipients, and in turn experienced Him in the way they did. We couldn’t help but identify with their recklessness, rough pasts, religious piety, and desperation for life change. And ultimately, their redemption.
One of our favorite responses from an early screening? “The story of Jesus that actually appealed to my teenagers!”
No matter where you’re at in your journey with Christ—whether you’re one of the many people in the gospels who encountered Jesus after a horrific past without Him, or you’re a Nicodemus who’s been a lifelong member of the God team—Jesus proved over and over that we have so much to learn and innumerable traits that need change.
We hope this show allows you to see Jesus as they did. The end of the trailer tells you how to watch this show right now.
I told you the videos are free to watch. They are—and they’re also not. : )
Dallas Jenkins comes on to explain more once you’ve watched the first episode. But basically everyone is given a chance to “pay it forward” so that someone else can watch the shows free. So be sure to watch on your screen for the name of the person who made The Chosen available for you! And thank God for them. Like I’m thanking him for Elizabeth from US.
So forget Netflix! : )
Instead, take a step closer to Jesus while learning more about the gospels in the New Testament and the culture in which the Son of God took on flesh and made his home among us, start watching The Chosen today!
Let me know if you’ve already watched it, plan to watch, and if you’re willing to share about The Chosen! If this makes it easier, here’s a quick ready-to-go copy and paste message to share on social media:
First-ever multi-season show about Jesus. Season One available on a FREE app: www.thechosen.tv/app Life-changing TV series!
Blessings on your day,
Tamera Alexander
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Carrie Turansky says
I love the Chosen Series! I’ve been so touched by each episode. So well done and highly recommended!
Tamera Alexander says
I so agree, Carrie! Thanks for sharing today.
Robin Lee Hatcher says
Wow! Where have I been that I hadn’t heard about this yet? (Oh yeah. Back to back deadlines and a crazy life.) I took the time to watch while on the treadmill, and will be paying it forward right away. Thank you, thank you, Tamera, for sharing about it. The story I am finishing up is set in Capernaum in the time of Yeshua’s Galilean ministry, so that makes watching it extra special.
Tamera Alexander says
LOL. Isn’t it wonderful, Robin? Truly a gift that keeps on giving!
Bree NarnianWarHorse says
We absolutely LOVE The Chosen in this house! We were blessed to get to pre-screen Season 1 last year with other filmmakers, and have been beyond excited to share it with everyone /ever/ since then!
So glad to see authors are loving it and talking about this wonderful series too!
Tamera Alexander says
How cool, Bree! Thanks for sharing both here—and with others!
Karen Witemeyer says
I just downloaded the app. Thank you so much for the recommendation, Tammy! I hadn’t heard about this, and now I’m excited to watch it. 🙂
Tamera Alexander says
My pleasure! We’re LOVING IT!
Judy Dalton says
New to me as well. I just downloaded it. Sounds wonderful.
Tamera Alexander says
Great Judy! It’s going to bless your life! Thanks for passing it along, too. 🙂
Sally M says
I’d never heard of it before you posted about it. But my first thought when seeing this post was, “Is that Erick Avari?” I’ve been a fan of the Stargate franchise, which Erick was in, and that’ how I recognized him. Had the opportunity to meet him at a convention many years ago, and he’s a lovely man. Did a bit of digging, and learned he’s playing Nicodemus. I’d love to say that I’m immediately going to watch it, but I know I’d never get around to it in truth. But it sounds great.
Tamera Alexander says
Sally, please make time and give it a watch! You’ll take steps closer to Christ, I can almost promise you. Which is what this life is all about. Hugs!