I own this t-shirt….really. After enough people told me they thought I was Wonder Woman, I decided I needed the t-shirt….though I still don’t have the gold bracelets, the lasso of truth, or that invisible plane. That’s probably what I’d like most…the ability to fly around in invisible comfort and speed.
I tend to joke whenever someone uses that moniker, but I keep thinking if they really knew me and my day to day life, they’d know it really doesn’t apply.
I tried to organize a field trip for a few homeschooling families to a large art museum in Indianapolis. It was a comedy of errors. First, I picked a Monday. Then the night before the field trip one of my students pointed out to me that the museum is closed on Mondays. Whoops!
Then I picked a Wednesday at ten. The night before that date, a mom called to make sure I knew that the museum opened at eleven not ten. I had to laugh — an embarrassed laugh — but a laugh all the same. The mom chuckled with me and said it was good to know I make mistakes, too. I agreed.
You see, I’m not Wonder Woman. Instead I’m a woman who is doing the best she can with the many tasks in front of her. I try to keep everything moving. I try not to forget a task. I strive to meet or exceed every deadline. I even try to find a few moments for myself in the midst of homeschooling, teaching, taking classes, and writing books.
I often wonder if I’m enough. Did God make a mistake when He asked me to do certain things. Am I really the best person to mother my children? Did He make a mistake when He opened doors for me to write books?
But you know what He reminds me when I slow down long enough to listen? I’m not enough. But He is. And when I surrender to Him, He steps into the yoke with me. He takes the heavier load. All I have to do is lean into Him and His strength. Trust that He will give me all I am. And the wonder of it all is that when I do this, He gets the glory. And that’s what life is about.
Have you ever felt like you aren’t enough? How has God met you in those moments?
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Reading Christian fiction immediately popped into my mind when I read your question about how God meets me at times when I feel like I’m not enough. I started reading Christian fiction about four years back (can you believe I didn’t know it existed before then?!) and I find it so powerfully confirming. God speaks to me through characters. I live their lives right along with them. The truths they discover along the way become mine. It’s called bibliotherapy. I think about how Jesus taught with stories and how Christian authors are continuing that tradition today. I feel so blessed to have such a wealth of fantastic books to choose from. I’m always reading, always seeking right along with the hero and heroine.
Our pastor said something a few weeks ago that has really stuck with me. He said he dislikes the saying “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle”. He said, God does, because He wants us to ask Him for help and depend on Him more. I love that!
Cara, this reminded me of the new movie, Mom’s Night Out, which had as a main theme for moms: “You are enough.” I get their point and young moms need to hear that, but I like your conclusion better: we are never enough, but God never intended us to be. HE alone is “enough.” (And I do think that’s what Mom’s Night Out meant. But you were more clear, Cara. 🙂 )
Wonderful post, Cara. Especially loved two of your statements toward the end: He gets the glory. And that’s what life is about.
AMEN to that! 🙂 I think it’s important to remember if we do our very best but lean on Him, then He will see us through and He will get the glory – – because I’ve learned time and again that without Him I can do nothing—at least nothing worthwhile.
Thanks again for sharing this today. And I want to add that I think it’s wonderful you’re homeschooling. As a former public school teacher I applaud parents who do this. (That was actually the desire of my heart, but my husband didn’t agree- – so thankfully the Lord protected my kiddos while they were in public schools). 🙂
Thanks for the reminder, Cara. And I love what Gail said about how God DOES give us more than we can handle alone, because he wants us to depend more fully on him. I’m also reminded of the passage in Galatians that instructs us to carry each other’s burdens. God gave us a community to lean on. Church, family, friends. And just like those helpful students and moms who pointed out those museum details, we all need to help (and accept help from) those around us.
Yes, I frequently feel that I’m not enough. I do what you do, and lean on God. Love the imagery of the yoke!