I’m in between novels at the moment, and searching for inspiration. After writing 29 books, I sometimes feel like I’ve used every storyline, every setting, and every plot device there is. I’m certainly not ready to retire, but what do I write about next?
As I faced the blank computer screen, casting about for ideas—life happened. My life.
This past month our family suffered a huge loss when my husband’s sister, Marion, passed away after a short illness. She lived nearby, so we were able to say our goodbyes and tell her how much we loved her, but it didn’t make it any easier. Ken is the youngest of six children and Marion was his last remaining sibling. She was also one of the most positive, joy-filled, loving people I have ever met, in spite of the fact that she didn’t have an easy life. Everyone who knew her loved her and wanted to be around her. I will miss her stories, her laughter, her beautiful perspective on life. We know she received a joyful welcome in heaven, yet we can’t help feeling sorrow and grief at her loss.

But even as we grieve, we also have a reason to rejoice. A few days from now, we will celebrate our oldest son’s marriage to a beautiful woman who already has become a daughter to us. She brings a young son into our family, a sweet, new grandson who we also love as our own. We feel God’s face shining down on all of us.
Three years ago, our son suffered through the most difficult, painful season of his life. Ken and I felt helpless as we watched him suffer. All we could do was stand alongside him and pray for him—to a Heavenly Father who also knows human suffering and a parent’s grief. My neighbor, who is also my prayer partner, prayed for him on her morning walks as she passed by our house. One morning she texted me a verse that God had given her for our son:
“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings.”
I looked up the context and read the second half of the verse: “And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall” (Malachi 4:2).
It seemed impossible, unbelievable, at the time. But as it turned out, our son’s night of darkness drew him closer to God, giving him a deeper relationship than ever before in his life. Now, as I see him with his new bride-to-be and young son, I see the fulfillment of that verse.

This—all of this—is what I need to write about next. Life! Life with its joys and sorrows, grief and laughter. Life with friends and family members who share all of it with us. Life with our good and loving God who never leaves us or forsakes us. I need to write authentic stories of people just like me, showing the hard parts of life in a fallen world, never pretending that pain doesn’t exist. But also showing the joy that a life lived with God can bring. Yes, life is hard . . . but God is good. And He loves us more than we can ever imagine. I still don’t have a plot or a setting for my next book, but no matter what I decide on, I want my story to burst at the seams with hope. Hope in the joy of heaven, which Marion is now experiencing. Hope in a Savior who can turn our tears into laughter and make us leap like a newborn calf with life and joy.
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What a beautiful testament to God’s goodness in our lives. I’m so sorry for your losses, Lynn, but so grateful you cling to God through these times, and acknowledge Him for the joy that comes in the morning.
Thanks Deb. I know you’ve had joy and sorrow recently too
After reading your Biblical fiction books which opened my eyes to the horror of the Ninevites, I really wanted to see a book from your about Jonah.
Sorry, typo *from you
That might be interesting!
Love you dearly, Lynn, and am praying peace and comfort for you all even as I’m flat out REJOICING for Marion. Blessings on this upcoming marriage for your oldest son too. And this next book! God is so good, so faithful, SO not what we deserve.
Thanks Tammy. You’ve experienced sorrow and joy recently, too. It’s quite a roller coaster isn’t it.
Sympathies, joy, love and peace to you. I most cherish your early novels and your biblical fiction. I have been just hoping for more biblical fiction from you.
Thanks Janine. I’m not sure about biblical fiction but I will never say never.
What I liked most about your Biblical fiction is how it put these people and their stories into a perspective I could better understand. That is why I said after you wrote about the Ninevites I really wanted one about Jonah from you. Everyone gives him such a hard time but they don’t really know where he was coming from. And I think what he was struggling with is probablt something we struggle with today.
What sorrow to say goodbye to your husband’s last living sibling! What joy to welcome your son’s bride and son into your family! You’re right; life is full of joys as well as sorrows, and I look forward to any book you write! I loved Chasing Shadows and all your other books that I’ve read!
Thanks Suzanne. It’s nice to know I have an eager reader waiting.
Yes, life is hard and it often hurts to live in a fallen world. To deny the pain is to lie to yourself and others. Life is still good as you journey through the hard times and look to see God’s provisions. To deny God’s mercy is to close the door to joy and peace.
I don’t know how people cope if they don’t know God. He’s so good!!
I’m sorry to hear about your sister in law’s passing but so encouraged to hear about your son’s new and wonderful beginning. Your recent experiences really do exemplify, “Life with its joys and sorrows, grief and laughter.” I wish your son and his soon-to-be wife all the best! May the Lord richly bless them and may their wedding day be a moment of great joy and laughter.
Thanks Becky. We’re looking forward to it.
Thanks for sharing, Lynn! One of my favourites of your books were: A house in Brooklyn (because of the jewish elements…would love another book like this), chasing shadows and my all time favourite: a proper pursuit :-).
Thanks Eli. I hope you continue to enjoy my books.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for your loss but rejoicing over heavens gain. Missing my mama so much. Two months seems like forever. Praying for God to bless your sons wedding. Love and prayers.