In the ever popular Jesus Calling (by Sarah Young), it reads:
BRING ME THE SACRIFICE of your time: a most precious commodity. In this action-addicted world, few of My children take time to sit quietly in My Presence. But for those who do, blessings flow like streams of living water. I, the One from whom all blessings flow, am also blessed by our time together. This is a deep mystery; do not try to fathom it. Instead, glorify Me by delighting in Me. Enjoy Me now and forever!
I love how Sarah Young phrases these vignettes in Jesus’ point-of-view. Time truly is a precious commodity, and time with Him is too.
A friend and I were commenting recently that the days seem to be flying by! I can hardly believe Thanksgiving is almost here. Before we know it, Christmas and New Years will be on the doorstep, followed swiftly by another new year.
On a walk the other night, Joe and I discussed this very thing. We started talking about these verses in chapter four…
“Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”
We agreed that this is exactly how each day feels right now. Like morning fog. Here and gone. These verses serve as a reminder to me that only what we do for God will last. Everything else fades to nothing.
I was also reminded to slow down, and to cherish more time spent with loved ones. Yes, there’s always work that needs to be done, and we need to work as though we’re working for the Lord, not for people (Colossians 3:23), but we also need to take “Sabbath time.” Time to refresh our souls, and to cherish family and friends.
I did some of that this weekend with some writing buddies…
With Brandilyn Collins and Sunni Jeffers
With Janet Bly, Gayle Roper, Terri Blackstock, Sunni Jeffers, Brandilyn Collins
With Jill Eileen Smith, Kathleen Fuller, and Maureen Larson
As I “bring Christ the sacrifice of my time” today (however odd that sounds to me, as if time with Him is ever a sacrifice on my part), I’m praying that you, too, will pause to dwell in His presence—to delight in Him—perhaps more consciously than you normally do amidst the hustle and bustle of the coming holiday season.
What’s your favorite way to slow down and be with the Eternal One? A walk? Reading the Word? Prayer? Biking? Baking/cooking for others?
Glad we’re on this journey together,
Tamera Alexander
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- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Just like King Solomon says, our lives are but a mist, here today and gone tomorrow. And yet as insignificant as that sounds God loved us enough to send His Son, Jesus, to die for us all. Prayer walking in my neighborhood is one way to stay close to the One who loves me that much. Each house passed gives an opportunity to pray for those that live there and struggles they may be going through.
What a wonderful thought, Gail. To pray for your neighbors as you pass. Even neighbors you don’t know. Thanks so much for sharing that, friend.
I love Jesus Calling. I think I’m on the third year of reading it and it’s still as fresh and pertinent — each day seems to have been written specifically with me in mind. So reading it daily helps me slow down and be in His presence. I also listen to gospel music throughout the day and I listen to a different sermon online every day while I’m doing mundane tasks. But the big changer for me has really been to strive to be thankful in every moment. Saying thank you for the simple things, like sunshine, warm house, food in the cupboards, as well as the big things. I am learning to appreciate what I have so much more and find my thoughts are directed heavenward much more frequently now.
Striving to be thankful every moment, Kav. So important. To live in the moment. To be present. Amen, amen. Thanks for sharing.
I try to get up early in the morning (and most mornings I do) to spend time in the word and in prayer. My day just doesn’t feel right if I don’t. But I also love to meditate while hiking with Brian and our dog on the weekends.
Jesus Calling, I adore that little book. I read it for the first time in 2013, a year of huge life changes for me (debut novel year), and gave my much highlighted copy to my mother on December 31, when I unexpectedly found myself back home for my dad’s memorial service. I plan to get another copy, and will probably pass that one along too, eventually. It was the best devotional I could have read that particular year, along with my scripture reading. Like an extra dose of spiritual vitamins.
Like an extra dose of spiritual vitamins. Love that, Lori. And so sorry about your sweet dad. Praying continued comfort and peace as the months and years pass.
I like to have my devotions and prayer first thing each day. Then I go over all the journals I’ve written and read each entry for the days date from past years. I do that before I get started on my day. I also enjoy participating in blogs like this one.
Reading back through journals is such a good way to be reminded of God’s faithfulness. Thanks for that, Shirley. And blessings on your day.
Loved this, Tammy! Such an important reminder for us all – – especially at this time of year.
Recently the Lord has nudged my heart about this very thing, and I’ve been standing longer and admiring the gorgeous
Autumn leaves in our back yard (I have a large bay window that gives me a wonderful view). 🙂 And as I’ve admired the
leaves, I’ve also prayed and thanked God for His blessings.
Now this may seem like no big deal, but at other seasons in my life I would’ve been rushing SO much that a quick glance
would be all I’d manage.
Enjoyed seeing the photos of you and other authors – – I’m sure you all had a delightful time of fellowship. 🙂
Hugs, Patti Jo
p.s. LOVE LOVE LOVE my Jesus Calling book!!!! 🙂
Oh, that’s SUCH a huge deal, Patti Jo. That you’ve been standing longer and admiring more. So wonderful. Love that and love you!