Yesterday I spent several hours waiting around awkwardly in my own home as an installer worked to replace two windows. One side of my big office window cracked and discolored months ago and it has been no fun trying to look out of it, especially as it often fogs up. This is the window right in front of my desk, so I see it for many hours a day. It’s been like wearing a pair of glasses with a lens missing. (Or with one lens steamed up due to wearing a mask? 😉)
It reminded me of the verse: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” —1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV
Yes, I realize that the glass Paul refers to is a looking glass or mirror, but I hope you will indulge me. Foggy glass or dim mirror, we humans can’t yet see or know God with full, clear understanding. We see darkly or obscurely. I read that some scholars suggest Paul had in mind the bronze mirrors of Corinth, known for their imperfect reflections. Whatever the case, someday we will see him face to face and know him fully. What amazing grace!
As an author, I want to honor God in what I write and do try in my imperfect, human way to reflect just a bit of His glory and grace in my novels. I feel unable and unworthy in my own strength and merit to do this well and clearly, but thank God He is willing to equip and inspire. Recently our own Becky Wade shared the verses she prays (in first person) before she sits down to write every day. Last week, I printed out those verses for myself and propped them next to my computer. I thought I’d post them here, too, in case they might help you as well, whether in writing or any other pursuit:
Thanks, Becky! And thank you for reading.
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Anna says
I agree so much that we write to honour God but we are unworthy and unable to bring God’s message out clearly. Thanks for sharing about the glass mirror/fogged glass and also thanks to Becky & Julie for the 5 beautiful verses.
Julie Klassen says
Hi Anna. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
Mary Massey says
Oh I loved these thoughts Julie! It reminds me of something I saw written in a prayer app, it said, “God, would you take me out of the center of my little universe and help me learn to revolve around you.” -Lectio 365
The difference in your window is amazing. Is that snow on the ground already? Thanks for starting my day with something wonderful. 🙂
Julie Klassen says
Thank you, Mary. And yes, we’ve already had lots of snow here in Minnesota, but it is beginning to melt.
Mary Massey says
Oh my word. 🙂 It is just the beginning of the snow. I hope your holidays are wonderful Julie. 🙂
Katherine Talbert Phillips says
What a lovely, encouraging post! I too will be copying that list to pray before writing!
Julie Klassen says
Thanks, Katherine. Glad you found the verses helpful, too.
Betty/ Strohecker says
Very inspiring. Thank you!
Julie Klassen says
You’re welcome, Betty.
Alva Hay says
Julie, thank you for this reminder of where our focus needs to be in this crazy mixed up world! I appreciate your commitment to not compromise your convictions and write to, please Him.
Julie Klassen says
Thank you, Alva!
Becky Wade says
Hooray! It’s been a blessing to see that others find those verses helpful ones to pray as they dedicate their work (or their day, or their family, or their health, etc) to Him.
Julie Klassen says
Thanks again, Becky. I sincerely appreciate you, sister!
Deena Adams says
Thanks for sharing the prayer! I printed it out and will post it on the wall in front of my desk as a reminder before I write.
Julie Klassen says
I hope you find it as helpful as I do, Deena!
Suzy says
Thank you, Julie, for another inspiring post. I love how you use bible verses to relate to your every day life events. The view through your new window is beautiful, as are your writings that reflect your faith and honor God.