HAPPY MARCH! Spring is almost here and not a minute too soon, right?
Are you an audio book lover? I am.
I usually have 3 or 4 (or more) audiobooks going at the same time. Well, not literally. But you know what I mean.
I love having the freedom to take a walk, to clean, to drive from one place to another while also “reading.” Either being whisked away to a distant story world with characters I’ve grown to love—or loathe—OR learning from non-fiction, broadening my horizons and gaining deeper understanding (which can also be done in fiction, for sure!).
Here are audiobooks I’m listening to now . . .

1984 by George Orwell. A classic. I read it years ago but was recently inspired to listen to it again. Talk about a book written for our times!
Live Not By Lies by Rod Dreher. I mentioned this one a couple of weeks ago in this blog post. I have the print edition of the book too. Cannot recommend this highly enough. Again, a timely read.
A Time For Mercy by the ever popular John Grisham. Joe and I started this one on a trip recently and, for some reason, I haven’t returned to it. I’m enjoying the story well enough. It’s just not luring me back. And I love Grisham’s writing. I think it might be the narrator. A narrator can make or break an audiobook, and the way this particular narrator interprets the female voices is…well, odd. To me. I think I’ll download the Kindle sample and see if it’s different that way. Because I’d love to read more about Jake Brigance and the characters in a A Time to Kill. (Thanks for being my therapist and helping me talk through that.)
We Shall See God by Randy Alcorn. I’ve listened to this one at least three times through. On days when I need some extra encouragement, I’ll pick a section and drink in the words. This book draws me closer to God each time I listen. Highly recommended.
Blackout by Candace Owens. I deeply appreciate Candace Owens and the way she stands for what she believes and how well she expresses herself. She narrates the book herself—and it’s stellar.
The Cactus by Sarah Haywood. I happened upon this novel through a recommendation from Reese Witherspoon. The story and narrator drew me right in. The writing is crisp and fresh and the narrator absolutely nails Susan’s character! I’ve laughed out loud so many times and yet it’s got its poignant moments too. Try the sample and see what you think!
Here are some audiobooks in my to-be-listened-to stack. Are they in yours?

I’ve actually read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis years ago. But I’m looking forward to listening to it again! The others will be new to me.
So are YOU an audiobook lover? If yes, tell me what you’re listening to—and why you’d recommend it!
In celebration of audiobooks (and maybe to win you over to the audio side if you’re one of “those readers” who only reads print), I’m giving away four (4) Colors of Truth Audible audiobooks.

To enter to win, simply leave a comment on this post between now and March 15 at 6PM Central telling me if you’re an audiobook lover or not. I’ll draw four winners and announce them on my next blog post (on Tuesday, March 16). The four winners will each receive a code allowing them to download a free Audible version of the novel.
Hugs all and Happy Tuesday!
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
I still prefer holding an old fashioned book in my hands. Old school, I know, but it’s how I grew up. I spent a lot of time at our local library looking through the books and still do lol. I enjoy the sound of a page turning and the smell of a really old book – oh if that book could talk. So in answer to your question, I am not aboard the audiobook train yet. I’m not sure I ever will be, but you never know. Have a blessed day and thank you for all the wonderful books you write for your readers.
Totally agree with you, Carla. Old school all the way. 🙂
Hugs to you, Amy! Old school ain’t bad! : )
LOL, Carla. I still cherish all those traits of “old fashioned reading” too. A well read book is like an old friend. No audiobook can duplicate that. THANK YOU for your kind words and for reading. Much love…
Hi Tammy, years ago when I was making many 5.5 hour trips to OH to visit my dad and stepmom when they were alive I tried audio books, but I found I would get distracted by paying attention to the traffic around me on the interstates and would tune out the story. I did listen to a few audio books for a while during my walking outside and enjoyed them. The narrator for the Yada Yada Prayer Group series is wonderful. This was back when audio books were on cassette tapes. The didn’t complete the series on audio and I was so disappointed. I also listened to Grishim’s true crime nonfiction about an Ada, OK man who was falsely accused of murder. Sorry. I can’t remember the title, but it was very good. I’m a visual learner, maybe that’s why I’m more inclined to listen rather than read. Maybe I’ll have to give it another try.
Thanks for sharing, Pamela. And yes, there IS that distraction factor. I’ve often had to back up or, when walking outside, pause the narrator so I can chat with a neighbor. But I read soooo many more books now that I’ve incorporated audiobooks into my life. Books I’d love to read but simply do not have the time to “sit down” and read. Hugs to you!
I have not listened to audiobooks. I am not opposed to it, I guess I just go to books.
Thanks, Mary! Who knows, we may win you over yet!. : )
Thanks for sharing what you are listening to these days. I’m an audiobook fan, although lately I have been listening to Adventure’s in Odyssey episodes on my drive back and forth to work (reliving my childhood). I would rather listen to audiobooks than the radio, as I feel like I’m getting some reading done while accomplishing tasks (folding laundry, exercising, driving). The most recent audiobook that I have listened to is My Golden Ship by Mary E. Ropes from Lamplighter Publishing, their Dramatic Audio collection. These are more like radio theatre as they have multiple people acting out the parts and include sound effects. This story was great example of how our lives can impact others for the Gospel!
Love knowing all that, Jennifer! Thanks for the recommendation, friend.
I love audiobooks! The freedom to be able to learn or be immersed in a story while doing other things is amazing. I tend to listen to audiobooks most when I am driving or working out, though there have been days when I listen to an audiobook all day long!
That makes me smile, Lauren. Thanks for sharing!
I have not been a listener to audio books. But I’m changing my mind about it and this book would be wonderful for a first! I love this book (the whole series, actually!) so hearing it read would be good. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks, Kathy! Kate Rudd did a fabulous job, IMHO.
I have only listened to 2 audio books and I did really enjoy it. I listened in my car and while I cleaned house. I would love to win a copy of your audio book!!
Thanks, Beverly, for sharing!
My daily go to for an audiobook is The Word of Promise which is my daily Bible listening but I also read along with the slightly dramatized narration (nothing over the top with the drama). Otherwise, I do occasionally enjoy an audiobook for pleasure with a fiction book.
Thanks for that recommendation, Perrianne!
I’m a recent audiobook convert. Until the past year or so I could never get into the stories when listening – mostly because the narrator was so different than how I “heard” the characters in my head (Non-fiction was less of an issue for that reason). But I kept trying different books/narrators and have become less picky. I love it because I have greatly increased my book consumption (a difficult task to do the traditional way when you have three young kids.) Being able to “read” while doing the dishes or folding laundry is a huge blessing.
Exactly, Amanda. I completely agree. : ) Thanks for sharing today.
I’m not huge on audiobooks. I find that I would rather read fiction than listen to it. But I have to agree that the narrator is a big part of determining if I listen to an audiobook. I listen to non-fiction from time to time. Podcasts are more my thing. I listen to 2-4 a day–I have an hour commute one way.
I love podcasts too, Stacey. There are two or three I listen to daily. Which ones do YOU listen to?
I love audiobooks! At the moment, I’m listening to contemporary romance. But I choose whatever I’m in the mood for — sometimes contemporary fiction, non-fiction, thrillers, rom coms….
Fun, Becky! Thanks for sharing.
I LOVE audiobooks! I always have one loaded in the cd player of my car. (The current disks are stuck in there and I still need to go to a repair shop to have the player repaired/replaced. Sigh) Last summer a dear friend gifted me with an Audible membership and I am LOVING the flexibility of listing wherever I am – car, on walks, cleaning house, etc. The narrator can make or break a story for me. I’ve been know to return the book to the library when I didn’t like the narrator’s interpretation of the book. I would love to win one of your books. Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for sharing today, Joyce!
I love audio books when I travel. Loved the sample! Kate does a wonderful job!
Thanks, Angie!
I’m a relatively new convert to audiobooks and now I usually always have one going. I just finished Cara Putman’s Lethal Intent (I’ve listened to that entire series on audio and have loved each one). One of my favorite narrators is January LaVoy. I had started reading The Diviners series by Libba Bray but after hearing January speak at BookCon and slipping into the character of Theta, I immediately downloaded the audiobooks and read the rest of the series that way. I’ve listened to other books simply for her narration.
That’s HUGE praise for the narrator, Joy. And I agree completely. They can make or break an audiobook!
HUGE fan of audiobooks. Twenty-five years ago, I listened to audiobooks with my preschool-aged children. Since then, our family of nine have been hooked.
Provides a Classical Education, Lightens chore duties, Reduces arguments among Siblings on a road trip.
Such great points, Janice! Yes, yes, yes. : )
I love audiobooks for the reasons you mentioned. I can multitask like walking or driving while listening to a book at the same time. I’m thrilled when a book I want to read is available on audio because I listen to it and also read other print books when I have time. I agree about the narrator’s importance. For example, Lisa Wingate’s The Book of Lost Friends has several narrators, and they were great! I think I wouldn’t have enjoyed the book as much if I’d read the print. On the other hand, I’ve also heard books the narrator spoiled for me. Either the narrator drawled the southern too much (and I’m southern) or the narrator was male and couldn’t do the female characters justice. Thank you for your listening suggestions.
A big AMEN to your comments about The Book of Lost Friends audiobook. It was STELLAR! Thanks for sharing today, Marilyn.
I must add that audiobooks make it possible for my husband and I to both listen to a book through the car speaker when we have long trips. It really takes the monotony out of the drive for him.
Agree! ; )
I love a good audio! Sometimes, they feel like a personal retreat for me. They make all the mundane, day in an day out routines, feel exciting and so much more enjoyable.
Amen, Laura. It’s such a treat!
I’m one of those weirdos who enjoys listening to an audiobook AS I read the physical book. There’s probably not that many of us around. haha I love any style of storytelling. My dad is the greatest storyteller I know (vocally, rather than in writing) and he and my mother (who often read several books a week) inspired my love of reading from an early age. I am a book hoarder and love the look, feel, and comfort that physical books offer. But I also enjoy audiobooks.
I’d LOVE to read/listen to COLORS OF TRUTH…one, because YOU wrote it, and two, due to the mountains and valleys you crossed to publish it! I’m so inspired and impressed that you didn’t sway from your beliefs, and held true to your faith.
I wish you many blessings and great success with your writing!
I’m hugging you from here, Cheryl. So appreciate your kind words and I love that your parents read that way. So cool. And such a lifelong gift.
(((Hugs))) back. 😉
I love listening to audio books! I have enjoyed listening to books I have already read, classics that I have wanted to read but haven’t gotten to yet, recently published fiction, nonfiction, just about anything. I especially like to listen when I am driving. Long road trips pass by much faster when I have a book to listen to.
In the last few months, I have started to listen to audiobooks, and I am loving them for all of the reasons you mentioned. I will definitely add some of the titles you mentioned to my to-be-listened-to stack!
I LOVE audiobooks! That’s how I do almost all of my reading. I agree, the tone of the narrator is very important. I’ve never given up on a book because of the narrator but I tend to avoid books by a narrator I don’t care for (after giving them a fair try with more than one book)
During this pandemic our library was closed for several weeks but we were able to access audio books. What a fun way to “read” – when dishes need to be done, sewing on alterations, driving on short or long trips, it makes time fly by. Looking forward to hearing more of your books. Thank you!
I’m not listening to anything right now but the next book up is Scent of Lilacs by Ann Gabhart.
I recently started trying audiobooks (I preferred the physical books), but I discovered that I can read so many more books this way (while driving, cleaning, exercising, etc) and I was surprised at how much I liked it! I still prefer the physical book, but this format enabled me to make the most of my reading time! And now I’m an audiobook fan!
I became a huge audiobook fan last year! In fact, as I’m typing this I’m listening to Sarah Sundin right now. lol I’ve now added some of your tbr books on the list above to my listening list! I listen to books when doing laundry, dishes, gardening, driving, etc.
I’m learning to be an audio book lover. For books that are quick reads for me, I prefer reading by myself. Longer books that take more than a day and a half, I like to have the audio book so I can listen on my drive from work after my scriptures. I also love to have books with other accents/languages/medieval time periods on audiobook. Helps with authenticity!
I love audiobooks, and listening to them while I work. It does make me lose track of time when I get caught up in the story, but I am definitely more productive! Tamera’s books are always so enjoyable! She’s definitely one of my favorite authors.
Much as I love and will always read physical books, I also love audiobooks. I’m a slow reader, so they help me read books I may not otherwise get to for a long time and I don’t necessarily feel a need to own physically. It’s easier for me to read non-fiction on audio (don’t know why, it just is) and I’m more likely to read outside my comfort zone on audio because it’s often cheaper, I can go faster, fast forward parts I don’t like, and at least with Audible, if I really don’t like a book I can get my credit back, so it’s less of a financial risk. AND I like being able to listen to books in the car or while I’m cleaning or crafting.