I’m in vacation mode! I turned in my manuscript (which will become book #1 in a new series) last week. Praise the Lord!
Since then, I’ve been resting, exercising, letting my stress level lower, and catching up on all the aspects of life I’d put on the back burner during the weeks leading up to my deadline.
For the past few days, I’ve also been participating in what has long been a summertime tradition for my family: Vacation Bible School.
I have a single, very foggy, very mediocre memory of attending VBS when I was young. It definitely wasn’t something I grew up doing (or wanting to do) every summer. When I became a mom, however, I decided to test it out with my oldest when she was five. I immediately loved it. We’ve now racked up thirteen years of VBS, and I’ve only missed teaching a few of those times.
I’ve gone on a couple of church mission trips and served via the church at local organizations. However, volunteering at VBS is my favorite “service project” of the year.
Once, I served as the lead teacher for a four year old class and rapidly realized two things. One, when it comes to VBS, my calling is to be an assistant teacher. Two, I jive best with kids who are eight years old and above. Ever since that epiphany, I’ve been helping as an assistant in a class of older children.
I genuinely like all aspects of VBS: the worship times, the lesson, the prep and organization, overseeing crafts, getting to know the other teachers, and interacting with the kids.
Our lead teacher, Mrs. Lane, does a terrific job presenting the lesson each day.
Mrs. Lane is widely known at our church because she’s been teaching fifth grade Sunday School for decades. Imagine the life-changing impact she’s had on children, year after faithful year! It’s encouraging to see her in action. The Lord has given us all such different gifts and different assignments. It’s wonderful to watch someone obediently fulfill their assignment, using the gifts He provided.
It’s my hope that the Lord’s love will intersect with the lives of our students this week, that His spirit will move in power, and that they’ll know that the church is here — always — to welcome them with open arms.
I hope you’re all having a restful summer! Do you have a history with VBS?
Becky Wade
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Rebecca Maney says
As a children’s ministry director, it warms my heart to hear how VBS has been a special part of your family’s summers. . . . (especially since I am working seven days a week right now to prepare for ours). It is such a unique opportunity for the children, but often the adult volunteers come away just as spiritually refreshed!
Becky Wade says
I think it’s wonderful that you work as a children’s ministry director, Rebecca! VBS requires a lot of effort and planning, but it’s so worthwhile. Here’s hoping the Lord blesses you, the kids, and the adult volunteers involved.
Deborah Raney says
Your post brought back wonderful memories, Becky. I grew up going to VBS every summer (back then, in my little country church we just called it Bible School and it was ALL day for 5 days in a row with a big program on Sunday for our parents). Recently, my sisters and I were driving somewhere together and we started singing old Bible School songs. We were amazed how many we still knew all the words to—a testament to our music director, who STILL at 90 years of age, directs the choir in my childhood church!
My own kids attended VBS every year but except for being an assistant teacher one year, I usually only helped by baking cookies. 🙂 But I did RAISE a VBS director! Our oldest daughter, a teacher and mom of 3 boys, directed their church’s VBS for many years (and also directed their Christmas program).
Becky Wade says
It’s such fun to hear about your connections with VBS, Deb! Isn’t it amazing how song lyrics have the power to stick in our brains? Recently, my husband asked me about a country music song that’s 15+ years old now. At first I didn’t remember it at all. Then I vaguely recalled it. And then, when he played it for me on his phone, I remembered it SO well that I was able to sing almost all the words.
Betty Strohecker says
I loved VBS as a child! My two children went to VBS every year from 4-11 years old and I helped out with crafts, music, and food. My granddaughter attended VBS, and now at 11 is too old. It is such a great, heart-warming, Christian experience. Perhaps my favorite experience was leading a group at a Christian Day Camp that was sponsored at Camp Lejeune when my husband was stationed there. My children loved that! It was on a wooded area at the base where we set up our campsite, interacted with nature, hiked, and had group camp meetings to begin and end the day with songs and scripture.
It’s so great that your son is helping out. Those little ones look up to the teens that work with them. Blessings to you for giving your time to such an important event!
Becky Wade says
How fabulous that three generations of your family — you, your daughter, and your graddaughter — have all been impacted by VBS! 🙂
Emily Conrad says
I loved VBS! Now, my husband and I have been doing the skits for… 15+ years, I think? He’s been playing the goofy character for most of that time and has become a bit of a celebrity with the 3-6-year-old set 😉
Becky Wade says
LOL! It sounds like he’s earned his fame fair and square.
Amy M. says
My mom still has the coin bank I made from a Pringle’s can when I attended VBS wwwwaaaaayyyy back in the day. Whenever I drink orangeade and/or eat the cheapest store bought cookies you can find (which is extremely rare on both accounts) I’m immediately transported back to those times.
Becky Wade says
The orangeade and the cheap cookies! Ha! That brings back church tastes and memories for me, too.
Melissa Joy Romine says
I went to VBS as a child every summer. I also worked in our church’s VBS as a teenager.
This was my first year NOT to work in VBS since 1990. It has been so strange not being there, but our schedule just didn’t permit me to do so this year.
I think VBS is such a valuable tool for either introducing or leading children to the Lord. Our youngest made his profession of faith at VBS several years ago so it has a dear place in my heart.
Becky Wade says
“I think VBS is such a valuable tool for either introducing or leading children to the Lord.” True! Several kids in our class asked to speak with an adult about their faith.
Janice Laird says
Ran the Bible story exploration segment for many years when my kids were small, which meant doing the story for four different groups throughout the morning! I remember being completely exhausted by week’s end. No longer do VBS, but am involved in music ministry throughout our “season.” We’re on summer break now!
Becky Wade says
The music ministry sounds like a great way to glorify the Lord!
Linda Orr says
I loved Vacation Bible School. So many memories. Growing up, it lasted Monday through Friday. On Fridays, we had hot dogs – served by my grandmother – and then a program on Sunday for our parents.
Here in the South, it was always a huge tradition and a time when a lot of the kids were saved and baptized afterwards – my daughter and I included.
Becky Wade says
“it was always a huge tradition and a time when a lot of the kids were saved and baptized afterwards – my daughter and I included.” Oh, wow, Linda! I love that VBS was such a meaningful influence in your life and your daughter’s life.
Pamela Proudfoot says
I loved VBS. I walked to the church across from the school each Sunday alone for church and Sunday School each week. VBS was fun and I learned the most memory verses and still have the certificate to prove it…I am 71… that’s where I gave my heart to the Lord. Made very important friends there with Pastor and teachers. 20 years ago the Lord called me to go to YWAM and missions training. In Kona, HI… outreach in Philippines. Many trips to Mexico orphanage and ministry to Huichol Indians in Sierra Madre mtn. God is good!!
Becky Wade says
God is good, Pamela! How wonderful that you gave your heart to the Lord at VBS (and still have the memory verse certificate you received!).
Stacy Simmons says
What a wonderful experience for your family, Becky. The kids in your class were lucky to have you there since you are such a precious person : )
Have a fantastic summer!
Becky Wade says
Same to you, Stacy!
Stacy Simmons says
Thank you, Becky!
Suzanne Sellner says
Yes, I have a history with VBS. I used to attend VBS in my youth and loved it. As an adult, I have helped, taught, and served in more of an administrative role in VBS at our church. It’s always great fun and a favorite of the children.
Becky Wade says
It’s great to connect with so many other women who serve at VBS. I love that we have that in common!