When Tasha Hackett reached out to me about her new Christmas book, Waiting for Gilbert, I was eager to help her get the word out. I grew up with the Anne of Green Gables books, and I loved that they served as inspiration for Tasha’s story. So I invited her here to share about it with you. Take it away, Tasha . . .

Tasha Hackett here! A few years ago, I read and re-read all of Karen’s books and was in the middle of prom season with my sewing business, when my husband randomly dropped the question: “If you ever wrote a book, what would it be about?” Obviously I answered, “Historical romance.” He shrugged as if he expected that but was not impressed and replied, “I’d write a zombie apocalypse.”
Too bad for him, I never wrote about zombies. Instead I now write with hope and humor specifically to encourage and entertain Christian women. My novels demonstrate an achievable vision of romance between flawed characters, who are loved by an unflawed God.
- I have to ask… did 2024 go the way you planned?
- Did you get angry about anything?
- If you’ve read my novels have you noticed that my characters get angry?
Eloise… Hannah… Cordelia… they are all VERY different and yet, they all have their “I’m angry” scene. Hmm.
You know what else these characters have? FRIENDS!
When I’m writing I think about you, my readers, and I think about me, and I try to give my characters what I need and what you need. Hope. Oh, yes. I’m writing romance. They get the guy in the end, but he can’t fix everything.
- I give Eloise hope for her future, and I give her friends.
- I give Hannah hope, and I give her Eloise.
- I give Cordelia hope, and I give her Diana.
But if 2024 hasn’t gone the way you planned, there are two things I want you to know:
1. There is hope. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it to the fullest (John 10:10). I don’t know who first said this but if it’s not happily ever after, it’s not over.
Psalm 91:1 “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
Friends, that’s a promise.
2. You’re not alone. A LOT of women struggle with the same temptations you do, with the same fears, same anger, same sadness, same overwhelm. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean we get to shrug it off so easily. Instead, I invite you to open up and share that you’re feeling some hard feelings and invite others to be open with you. Then when they are… love them.

I had a baby die in my womb when I was twenty-six. I had an eleven-month-old full of life and energy and I was a walking coffin for two weeks while I celebrated my first son’s birthday.
This was not something I could have done alone. This is not something I could have recovered from alone. I was swallowed in grief for years. That experience changed me. I still suffer after-shocks from it and limiting beliefs (lies) that it’s not safe for me to be happy.
Years later with four kids now in the house I was dreadfully attacked by Satan in my home. I was seeing evil visions, I was not sleeping, I could hardly eat, I suffered migraines half of my days. I was having dreams where I planned my own suicide.
This is something I tried to carry on my own because I wasn’t thinking clearly! I. Was. Not. Okay. And I didn’t get better until I told people.
Once I was safe again, that’s when I was able to write Eloise’s hope in Bluebird on the Prairie–that first novel had been stuck for over a year. It’s almost like the devil didn’t want me to tell you the good news of Jesus.
I wasn’t planning to dump this on you. This isn’t a gimmick to get you to buy my books… But I honestly want you to understand that there is hope and you’re not alone. This is why I write. I write about realistic characters finding hope. Eloise needed to understand she could be happy again. Hannah needed love over fear. Cordelia needed to know that she was not broken, but chosen.

My newest release, Waiting for Gilbert, is a small town holiday romance perfect for fans of Anne of Green Gables. It’s a first person love story of friendship growing into love. How beautiful is new love and finding out that person sees you as something extra special. It’s available wherever books are sold and on Audible. (Hop over to tashahackett.com for a signed copy.)

Back cover copy:
“I’m just a girl, standing in front of her phone, asking her landlord to come for dinner.”
Cute and fun Cordelia is history. From now on, I’m serious and focused CJ Thompson. No more snappy one-liners. No more dance-parties-for-one in restaurant booths. Anne-girl is out. Marilla Cuthbert is in. It’s time to grow up! If only it were that easy. With less than two weeks until a massive work deadline, I signed a 12-month lease on a cottage sight-unseen because I couldn’t bear to stay in the city another day after my broken engagement. It’s all well and good until my landlord knocks on my door at two in the morning.
Who knew living next to a house-flipping, cello-playing, swooney-smiling, flesh-and-blood man named Gilbert would be so distracting?
17. Finish unpacking
18. Drink coffee
19. Ask Gilbert to marry me.“

Oh, what’s this? Contemporary romance isn’t your thing? Gotcha. Here’s a free copy of my historical novel Bluebird on the Prairie.

Tasha is graciously giving away an audio copy of Waiting for Gilbert to one person who leaves a comment.
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There was this one year when all my birthday gifts were practical (read that as underwear) except for one: Anne of Green Gables. I was 10 years old and that was the beginning of my relationship with the Anne-girl. I was a reader from the time I received my first Big Golden Book (Pinocchio, if anyone is interested) and my love of books has continued my whole life long. I have just put this book on my “want to read” list on Goodreads. ♥
What a fun story, Colleen!
Your books sounds wonderful, Tasha. Good friends have helped carry me through lots of hurt. I can’t imagine doing life without them.
I’m so sorry about your loss of a child. I’m grateful you’ve allowed God to use that hurt to help others through writing about hope.
Thanks, Deena.
We can be thankful IN all circumstances even if not FOR them is something I’m learning. Friends are definitely a huge help in that regard.
Wonderful! I grew up watching the movies but didn’t finally read it until backstage during a college theatre production… I had tears on my face for curtain call that had nothing to do with the play and everything to do with Anne. Lol.
Your story is inspiring, and it sounds like God has given you much wisdom through your trials. I am excited to check out your books and meet these wonderful characters you described. Anne has been a beloved friend to me since I was just a girl, and Gilbert was one of my earliest crushes. I can’t wait to discover the story of Cordelia and her Gilbert!
My sisters and I were all in love with Jonathan crombie as Gilbert.its an honest crush for sure 😊
Nice to “meet” you, Tasha! I, too, am a huge Anne fan. Actually, I’m a huge L.M. Montgomery fan! My husband and I took our first trip to PEI last year and it was like meeting up with an old friend. Absolutely delightful!
Can’t wait to check out your Christmas story!
**gasp!! That’s so amazing you got to take that trip!
Finding true friends can be hard, but their value is so important! Your books sound lovely and a modern day Anne and Gilbert set at Christmas sounds fantastic!
It is hard to find true friends sometimes. This was such a sweet story to write. I even threw in a little snippet of him accidentally insulting her hair–though overall it’s not a retelling, just a few nods.
Thanks so much for joining us on the blog today, Tasha!
SOO happy to be here 🙂
Lady Tasha, your novels sound like the perfect “pick-me-up” books. And, thank you for writing them instead of zombie apocalypse!! 😜 My closest friends have been with me since youth group/high-school. Even while living in different states, we keep in contact, pray for each other & try to get together once a year or so. Thank you so much for sharing with us! 😍📚
… I plotted the ENTIRE zombie apocalypse. And write about two pages when I realized: Zombies are gross. But the characters wouldn’t leave me alone! I took out the zombies and what was left was “Bluebird on the Prairie.” hehe.
I have very supportive friends. They offer encouragement when I need it and will even stop to pray with me. My best friend and I have known each other since Kindergarten. Her mom was our teacher!
Oh wow! That very special to have such a lifelong friend.
I have a group of ladies that have been in a Bible Study for years. We laugh and sometimes cry together. We text each other often.
What a blessing 😊
My husband and daughter are my best friends. I can count on them to listen when I need to complain or counsel me when I need advice. They’re fantastic and I couldn’t do life without them.
Family for the win! 🥰
My closest friends are my book club friends. I don’t have any life-long friends.
I’ve had close girlfriends over the years & through many moves … & now I’m living in the town where I grew up, from which I was away from for 50 years … & I continue to make new friends.
Yes! It can be hard to move away. I’ve done it so many times. 🥲 I’m glad you’re willing to keep making more.
My closest friend is my sister and a lady that I worked with for years. We are both retired but we still talk on the phone and go out to eat at Christmas and our birthdays. They are there when I need them.
Ooo! Food buddies are the best kind.
Writing has brought me into a new season of friendships. Something about us being women who are creating these stories while mothering and living and growing in the Lord forms incredible bonds!And Tasha, I am a huge fan! I’ve read all three books and have Waiting For Gilbert lined up on Audible to listen to a second time!
Kindred spirits aren’t so scarce as I used to think. 😉
We have a winner! Congratulations to Joyce Jamieson. Watch your inbox for an email from me, Joyce, with instructions on how to claim your prize. Enjoy!