What are you reading right now? Are you loving it? Is it changing you? If yes, I’d appreciate you sharing the title and author.
I recently read a book that touched me in a deep place. Wrestling with Wonder: A Transformational Journey Through the Life of Mary by Marlo Schlaskey is a phenomenal book about the nature of God and how we struggle to understand him. To make sense of things. Just as Mary did.
Here are some passages that really resonated with me. Maybe they will with you, too.
Marlo has a masterful way of weaving eternal, unyielding truth with the human condition. I was both convicted and encouraged beyond words as I read.
Here’s another passage that touched me…
A love that defies expectations…
Have you ever played the expectation game with God? The “if I do this (and obey)” then “You’ll do that” (give me what I want because I did obey) game. But our obedience doesn’t earn us the right to escape the suffering that Jesus went through, and that he promises we’ll go through as well. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I’ve overcome the world! (John 16:33)
Marlo takes us deep into the heart of Mary—and what perfect timing as Christmas swiftly approaches—and pens with such tenderness and unforgiving reality what it must have been like for the mother of Christ.
One last passage…
As I said in my endorsement for this book, I started underlining and then realized I was underlining nearly every sentence on the page!
If you’ve ever felt broken, disappointed, confused at what God is doing in your life, and desire God’s wisdom and discernment to shed fresh light into all that… I highly recommend Wresting with Wonder. Mary’s journey—and Marlo’s—will be an incredible gift of encouragement to you.
And maybe…a great gift for someone else at Christmas, too!
So tell me, what have you been reading lately?
If you’re in or near Franklin, TN this weekend (about 25 minutes from downtown Nashville), I hope you’ll drop me to see me from 12PM-2PM at Landmark Booksellers during the Franklin Pumpkinfest. I’ll be watching for you!
More about the Franklin Pumpkinfest
That sounds like a really good book – I enjoyed reading the passages. Thank you for sharing.
I’m currently reading Mesu Andrews’ “Love Amid the Ashes” and it has made an impact in my life, too. I love when books can do that. =)
Thanks for sharing, Raechel, and I’m checking out Love Amid the Ashes. Bless you today!
Wow, what an awesome sounding book! Thanks, Tammy. I read a lot (101 this year); Christian fiction. I realize I need to read something “deep” like this book, and am headed to Amazon now to get it on my Kindle!
I’m reading “Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus” by Lois Tverberg. She shows us Jesus in His Jewish context and brings a deeper meaning to what He said and taught. I’m learning SO much!
This sounds like a lovely book, Tammy! I got chills when I read this part: ‘It’s not easy to become clean. You must be tossed, spun. Beaten.’
Thank you so much for sharing these excerpts, Tammy. I have a particular friend who immediately came to mind as I read those powerful words. I think I know exactly what to give her for Christmas. Do you have page numbers for those excerpts?
I’m about 3/4 the way through The Vineyard by Michael Hurley, a win on GoodReads. I’d fallen for his writing when I read The Prodigal, his first book a couple years ago. This weaves Catholicism with fallibility….very personal and very raw…but amazingly wonderful
I love books like that because that’s my style of writing as well. I’m afraid to read it because I don’t want her thoughts to take a nest in my mind when I create my own work.
Thank you for your awesome post today, Tamera. ‘Wrestling with Wonder’ sounds like an amazing book, and I enjoyed reading the passages you chose to share with us. Among my favorite fiction books, the ones that really ‘speak’ to me, are your Belmont Mansion books… Thank you for them both, they are a gift to me!
I am currently reading a couple books to review on my blog, Prairie Sky Book Reviews. Although they are not quite as challenging as ‘Wrestling with Wonder’ sounds, I would still highly recommend them both. The first is ‘The Best Yes’ by Lysa TerKeurst, which is a wonderful non-fiction book about using Biblical wisdom to make God-led choices. It is great for women of all ages and circumstances, and is packed with so much counsel and ideas (and ideals). I think it could easily be read again, and again, and still have more gems to find in its pages!
The second book I’m reading is a Christmas fiction story called ‘Angel Dreams’, by Michael Phillips and Chris Schneider. Although I’m not even halfway finished, it is very interesting and unique so far, making you think in different ways. It kind of has a neat story behind it, as well… Michael Phillips is one of my favorite authors, and I’ve been excited to read this newest book of his. I hope to help spread the word about it, because I recently found out that the authors are planning to present this book to the Hallmark Channel as a possibility for a Christmas movie! And the more reviews, discussions, and sales it has, the better chance of it being accepted. So if anyone is looking for a new Christmas story, maybe you would be interested in checking out ‘Angel Dreams’! (It is available on Amazon.com
Thanks again for your post, Tamera, and for your great questions.
Thank you for your awesome post today, Tamera. ‘Wrestling with Wonder’ sounds like an amazing book, and I enjoyed reading the passages you chose to share with us. Among my favorite fiction books, the ones that really ‘speak’ to me, are your Belmont Mansion books… Thank you for them both, they are a gift to me!
I am currently reading a couple books to review on my blog, Prairie Sky Book Reviews. Although they are not quite as challenging as ‘Wrestling with Wonder’ sounds, I would still highly recommend them both. The first is ‘The Best Yes’ by Lysa TerKeurst, which is a wonderful non-fiction book about using Biblical wisdom to make God-led choices. It is great for women of all ages and circumstances, and is packed with so much counsel and ideas (and ideals). I think it could easily be read again, and again, and still have more gems to find in its pages!
The second book I’m reading is a Christmas fiction story called ‘Angel Dreams’, by Michael Phillips and Chris Schneider. Although I’m not even halfway finished, it is very interesting and unique so far, making you think in different ways. It kind of has a neat story behind it, as well… Michael Phillips is one of my favorite authors, and I’ve been excited to read this newest book of his. I hope to help spread the word about it, because I recently found out that the authors are planning to present this book to the Hallmark Channel as a possibility for a Christmas movie! And the more reviews, discussions, and sales it has, the better chance of it being accepted. So if anyone is looking for a new Christmas story, maybe you would be interested in checking out ‘Angel Dreams’! (It is available on Amazon.com
Thanks again for your post, Tamera, and for your great questions.
Thank you for this glimpse into Marlo’s book, Tammy – – sounds powerful! I will certainly look for it.
and also re-reading through my Bible (even though I’ve read my Bible since I was a young child, I’d never read completely through it – – genealogy and all
until a few years ago, so I’m now on my 5th time through, and am amazed at the treasures I discover each time! Passages I’ve read so many times will suddenly “come to life” for me (which I know is the Lord patiently helping me learn). 
I’m reading lots of fiction (Kim Vogel Sawyer, Judy Miller, etc.etc.)
Hugs, Patti Jo
I just finished reading Karen Kingsbury’s book, “Angels Walking”. By far, this is her best book ever!
My Mom lost her battle with Alzheimer’s almost 2 years ago. I can so relate to the story line of her book.
Looking forward with anticipation to the next book in this series.