Do you ever find yourself wondering what God has next?
Yeah, I know. You’re probably thinking, “Duh. Happens all the time, Putman.”
That’s what I’m thinking as I sit here in Starbucks preparing this post. This is not the first time that I’ve neared the end of a phase of life and wonder what’s next? Where does He want me to go first? Right now it’s reevaluating whether I’m supposed to make changes as I get my MBA. I don’t want to, but I do want to be open to His leading.
So what’s next?
Where next?
Those are questions I often walk my characters through as I write. What is the journey each character is on? Where are they asking God what’s next in their lives?
Think about the last character you fell in love with in a novel, movie, TV show. What was one of the things that attracted you to them? Probably the journey they were on. Some part of it resonated with you. Some part of it echoed in your soul and stayed with you.
Maybe some element compelled you to examine an area in your life. Maybe it pointed to an area of healing. An area of growth. An area of change.
For example, when I watch the Thin Man movies, in the interactions between Nick and Nora, I am reminded what selfless love looks like as Nick gets up — albeit a bit reluctantly — to make breakfast for Nora in the middle of the night. Sometimes (okay, most of the time) I value my sleep. Yet in that simple scene, I’m reminded what love can and should look like. I’m urged to live a bigger, better love by his example.
That can and does happen in novels. I learn to be empathetic to the struggles of others. To understand journeys unlike my own. And maybe I hear an echo in my soul…what next, Lord?
Can you think of a character’s journey that has challenged you? Or are you in the middle of a What next? moment? How do you handle those?
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Great thoughts, Cara. I think I get into trouble when I resist change and want everything to remain the same instead of asking “What’s next?”
God’s been reminding me this week just how much I don’t enjoy the “what next” periods. For this planner, it’s mighty uncomfortable.
I loved old movies so I can’t believe I’ve never seen The Thin Man series! I’m going to have to look for them. 🙂
What next moments are uncomfortable. I’d rather go through them with a character in a book than in my own life. 😉
I think the most recent book that hit me that way was Glass Girl by Laura Anderson Kurk. Her brother killed in a high school shooting, how does a family move on from such tragedy? How do you find grace and mercy – for others and for yourself?
We’re dancing around a what next moment at home. My husband’s job has reached a point of such stress that he’s not sure he can continue there. So we are praying and seeking, what next?
You definitely have to find the Thin Man movies. If you love classics, you’ll love this series.
I will definitely be praying for you and your family as you wonder what next. Those moments are exciting and scary.
Just wanted to let you know I watched The Thin Man last night and it was every bit great as you said. While the murder/mystery itself was nothing amazing, watching the two of them interact with each other was adorable. I loved their jokes and how sincere their love and trust in each other was. 🙂 I’m glad my library has most of the series cause I can’t wait to watch the rest!
I just finished Rahab’s Story by Jill Eileen Smith. Rahab took giants leaps of “What next?” again and again. I struggle with just the tiny steps because I ‘NEED’ to know where I’m going. Rahab’s wild faith is so inspiring!
I love seeing how others make those big leaps. It challenges and encourages me.
Cara, my “what next?” moment seems to be ongoing. I’ve wondered since I was sixteen where in the world my husband-to-be is. Only God knows right now. And I’m learning to be okay with that. My focus this year is learning to be content. If I can master it on the one dream I’ve had my entire life, then it will serve me well in the future, no matter what challenges and joys God has planned for me.
Such a great perspective, Andrea. Learning to be content is so hard, and yet such a key to spiritual health. Praying for you, my friend.
Thank you for your prayers, Cara! That is such a sweet gift to give anyone. I’m so grateful.
Thank you, Cara, for sharing. I’d been struggling for the last few years with ‘What next, God?’ For me, it’s live today for Him. I’m still not sure what’s down the road, but today is His whatever He wants. I love the reference to Thin Man movies! Love those! I love how they seem to know what each other needs and do it, even when they may not want to!
Live today for Him! That’s beautiful, Claudia!
One of the books I have read most recently is “Shadows Over Paradise” by Isabel Wolff. It is a story of two women, one younger, one much older, looking back at events of their lives that shaped them. I most resonated with the character Klara, the older woman. I would not want her painful past, living in the prison camps of WWII on Java. But I want the peace she has in her world today, on a small farm, near the ocean near Cornwall, England. I am also working on a scrapbook of my life (when did I get so old!). Klara was writing her memoirs through a ghost writer, the younger woman.
I pray I still have many years left! But at this point in my life, I’m not asking “What’s next?” I want to be a peace with where I am now, and accept this gift of life. Accept and not be afraid of the future.
sounds like a wonderful book!