Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Fiction Readers Summit in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I’ve never attended a big organized reader-author gathering before. Since I’m only a two-hour drive from Grand Rapids, I was really excited to be able to go.
I wasn’t really sure what to expect from the event. But I figured at the very least, I’d get to meet some readers, hang out with writer friends, and get to talk about books (always a bonus!).
The first evening was a reader-author dinner where readers and authors sat together and got to know one another. I was delighted to share a table with one of my influencers Hulah Gorby!

Selfie with Hulah after dinner!
I loved seeing fellow authors Collen Coble, Lynn Austin, Mesu Andrews, Bethany Turner, and more. I also had a blast getting to hang out and room with Dani Pettry.

Hanging out with the awesome Dani Pettry
Afterward, I had the wonderful privilege of going out to dessert with some of my fellow Bethany House authors along with a couple of lovely ladies from Bethany House’s Marketing Department (Noelle Chew and Amy Green).

Three Taylor University Grads! Jocelyn Green, Amy Green (Bethany House Publicist), and Me!
The next day was a very full day with a variety of panels including “Flip the Panel” in which authors got to ask readers questions. It was a informative way to hear what readers like and don’t like about our books and about Christian fiction in general.

Here I am asking my question: With the abundance of books flooding the market, how do you as readers narrow down your choices for deciding what books to read?
After a fun day, the evening ended with a book signing event at the awesome Baker Book House. Actually “awesome” doesn’t do this enormous and beautiful bookstore justice. The store has been remodeled in recent years and now boasts a coffee shop, relaxing seating area, rows upon rows of books, as well as a very large used book store.
It’s the kind of place every book-lover dreams about inhabiting forever. If you’re ever in the Grand Rapids area, I HIGHLY recommend stopping by and visiting it.
The Signings and Selfies event wrapped up the retreat. Since it was open to the public, we signed books for lots of readers! Some of the readers purchased new books, but many also brought stacks of books from home.
So what was it like to meet so many readers?
For me personally, it was a joy to interact one-on-one with readers. Of course, I love hearing from readers online through Facebook or emails. But there’s just something special about meeting readers face-to-face—hearing their voices, seeing their personalities emerge, learning more about them personally, and sharing a passion for Christian fiction.
I got to eat lunch with Nancy McLeroy (another one of my Influencers!) and learn more about her challenges this past year with her daughter’s health. She expressed how reading Christian fiction has been a blessing to her through all of the trials.

Meeting the delightful Nancy McLeroy
I met another sweet reader named Emilee Hill who blessed me her kindness and a handmade gift. I loved that she reads this blog and remembered some of my recent blog posts!

Posing with the very sweet Emilee Hill
I was so touched by the many, many other readers who expressed their dedication to Christian fiction. Some readers even shared how they see writing reviews and helping spread the word about Christian fiction as a ministry.
A HUGE thank you for all the readers who came to the Fiction Readers Summit and the Signings and Selfies! You blessed me!
For those who missed the event, be on the lookout for the next one in August of 2019.

How about YOU? Have you ever gone to a readers’ event or book signing? If so, what did you like best? If not, have you ever met an author and what was that experience like?
Jody Hedlund
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I had never been to an event like that either but I enjoyed it a lot. It was great getting to know you better, Jodi. I hope our paths cross more often.
I have attended both CFRR retreats and LOVED meetings so many other readers, reviewers, bloggers, authors, and industry representatives. There is something special about being face-to-face, isn’t there? I hope to attend both retreats in 2019 . . . . . trying to convince my husband to get on that jet place twice in one year in order for me to meet some more of “my people”.
What a blessing! I’ve had several opportunities to meet authors over the years and each time I am so glad I made the effort to be there. It is wonderful to connect with authors in person. There is always something new learned. For example, when I met Tamera Alexander a few years ago she shared the back story about one of her covers. So interesting!
I’d love to attend the event in 2019. It’s just so far for me, but you never know…
Blessings to you Jody!
This sounds like so much fun! I haven’t ever gone to one of these – too far since I live in Virginia. But I did have an author come visit my bookclub once – we so enjoyed asking her questions about how she wrote and plans for future books.
I have met Beverly Lewis at a book signing and had my picture taken with her. I have also met Wanda Brunstetter at one of her plays and also had my picture taken with her. Both were a joy to meet! I would love to meet ALL of my favorite authors someday. 😊
I absolutely enjoy meeting authors. I am writing my first Christian romance and also, publishing a children’s book. I know the time and effort authors give to their calling. Whenever there is an opportunity to meet authors and thank them, I love saying hello. 🙂
I went to CFRR last year and loved meeting some of my favorite authors!(One of the highlights was meeting Becky Wade!) I also met many authors whose books I was not familiar with, and have been happily reading their books now. Pretty much any author I chatted with I bought their book because they were all so nice. I am usually a very quiet person but the authors were all so kind that (according to the friend I came with) I became sort of chatty. Thank you authors who take the time to come to these events!
I have never met any authors in person, but I do connect by email and influence for several. So I feel like they are my friends. That would be a wonderful trip to make. One of my blogger friends went and said it was spectacular! Blessings! Thanks for penning some of my favorite books!
“there’s just something special about meeting readers face-to-face” I couldn’t agree more, Jody! I’ve been very encouraged by the reader events I’ve attended for that same reason. 🙂
Would love to attend an event like this! Where is the 2019 meeting taking place?
Grand Rapids Michigan again in August 8-10, 2019
It was my first author/reader event also, and such a wonderful experience. It was great meeting you (next time we’ll have to get a photo)! I tend to find myself a little at a loss for words and ended up thinking of brilliant things to say after. 🙂
I have never had the opportunity to attend a large author/reader event like this. I would love to do it one day though.
I have had the chance to meet one MaryLu Tyndall in a one-on-one setting. She only lives a little over an hour away from me. I had a doctor’s appointment near her house. Since I was connected with her online as one of her street team I let her know when my appointment was. We met at Starbucks and visited for about an hour over tea after my appointment. It was an absolute joy as we just got to know each other and discuss life.
Then my sweet husband was willing to drive me two hours to attend a book signing by Sarah Sundin. I am also connected with her online and had let her know I might be there. When I walked in the store she exclaimed, “You made it!” She came out from behind her table to hug me. We were able to visit with her off and on between others coming up for autographs for almost 2 hours. It was a wonderful time of getting to know her as well.
It was such a pleasure to meet you! What a fabulous event!
I’ve never been to anything like this but TOTALLY plan on going next year!!!
I had the privilege of attending CFRR last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially the part where I got to talk with some of my favorite authors! 🙂 And because of that event, I have been reading books from other authors that I hadn’t known of before.
I hope to be able to attend one of these in the near future!
I’ve never been to a readers event like the one you described.
I have met authors in person at book signings, the most memorable one was Charles Martin. Yes, he is as good looking in person as he is on the back cover of his books.
As a Church Librarian, I would be in “Book Heaven” if I visited Baker Book House and it’s used book store. Hopefully, one day I will.
In 2014 my husband and I traveled to Sugarcreek Ohio for Wanda Brunstetter’s Fan Filled weekend. It was awesome. Wanda is my favorite writer and I was thrilled to get to meet her and talk to her and get to know her. Wanda planned a full weekend for her fans that attended. We had a bus tour that took in Berlin and the shops there and the Amish museum. Every morning we had lunch with Wanda and Richard and every evening we had dinner with her and her husband. We visited a neat quilt shop and got to work on making a quilt. We even got to attend a live play on The Quilting Club. This was taken from one of her books and it was totally awesome. I don’t think I will ever forget this weekend for it truly was a fan filled weekend.’
I attended CFRR last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was such fun meeting some of my favorite authors and some new-to-me authors, but I also loved meeting some of my Facebook blogger and reader friends in person. There was definitely a lot of tackle-hugging going on. One special treat was a surprise appearance by Jen Turano. I was able to hang out with her and enjoy her adorable sense of humor.
This event sounds wonderful, since I read several authors who were there. Unfortunately, like someone else mentioned, I live too far away in Virginia Beach.
However, I have been very fortunate to attend some author signings and meet several authors at our Virginia Festival of the Book, held each year in March. Interestingly enough, I only found out about this event from the blog of one of my favorite authors from New York who was appearing there. And I took all of her books, which she graciously autographed. After reading another author’s blog, I became a moderator for her Google discussion group, just completing my third year. She lives in San Francisco, and I was able to meet her in 2016, when visiting my daughter who lives in CA – what a treat!
I became connected to this blog through reading Julie Klasson’s books, and I look forward to reading it every morning. I am enjoying getting to know about all of the authors here and being introduced to their books. Hoping to meet some of you one day. It is such fun to interact with authors.
It was amazing to finally meet you! I have been reading your books for years and love promoting Michigan authors. Thank you for taking time out to come and spend a few days with us. We appreciate it so much! You have encouraged me to keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel with my teenage boy and homeschooling. They do eventually grow up and hopefully become great people. 🙂