Did you get a new e-reader for Christmas? If yes, what kind did you get?
Me? I’ve still got my trusty Kindle PaperWhite, which I love and use nearly every day. Yes, I still love holding a “real” book. But the convenience of having so many books in the palm of your hand is just flat intoxicating and more than a little heady. : )
Just for fun, would you share…
The name of the last book you’ve downloaded?
The author?
Whether the book was free or discounted (the marketer in me is dying to know)?
What prompted you to download the book?
And finally, how many book you have on your e-reader.
If you’re looking for some great discounted reads, check out this fabulous sale on over 170 ebooks:
You’ll see several books from the authors of Inspired by Life and Fiction for $2.99 or less. I’ve already downloaded my fair share and can’t wait to dive in.
Also, if you’re looking for a delicious New Year’s Eve dip recipe, look no further. This stuff is fabulous! It’s Captain Rodney’s Cheese Bake.
This is after we’d already started eating it, sorry. Should have taken a before pic but well… I forgot. It’s so good! Click for the recipe.
If you have a favorite New Year’s Eve recipe (sweet or savory), I’d love to know. I’m a sucker for a new recipe.
Blessings on your New Year’s Eve,
Tamera Alexander
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The last book I downloaded was Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. I paid for it, and was prompted to download it because I wanted to read the book before seeing the movie. I only got about 12 chapters read before we went to see the movie last night (wonderful film!) but it is excellent reading and I’ll finish the book.
Last book I downloaded was “Muffin but Murder” by Victoria Hamilton. I got it from the library. Love cozy mysteries! Have over 3000 books on my Kindle. Love having the variety to choose from!
The name of the last book you’ve downloaded?
Love’s Reckoning
The author?
Laura Frantz
Whether the book was free or discounted (the marketer in me is dying to know)?
It was ( and is still I think) free.
What prompted you to download the book?
The fact that it was free 🙂 And I’ve been curious about it for a while now.
And finally, how many book you have on your e-reader.
About 30.
Thanks for sharing and happy New Year, Tamera! That Cheese Bake looks scrumptious. Will check out the recipe.
The last book I’ve downloaded is My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade. I love her other two books and since this one was on sale, I picked it up.
I have had a kindle had for a year but have just started fully using it about a month ago since I prefer paperbacks. I have over 50 books.
Gasp! I don’t have an e-reader. I’m a traditionalist. I love ‘book’ books. Now, if you asked me what was in my physical TBR pile I could shoot out twenty titles or so. As to how many books are on my not-so-virtual shelf? I have no idea — haven’t counted them. Kind of scary to contemplate counting them. But I do like the cheery look of a room lined with bookshelves. 🙂
So, since I do my ebook reading on a laptop, ebooks are few and far between. The last two I downloaded were the Hope for the Holidays collections by the Seekerville authors. They are only available in ebook format so I had no choice. LOL. And not, they weren’t on sale, but still a bargain at 2.99.
I have a Nook Simple Touch. Just yesterday I downloaded Love’s Fortune by Laura Frantz. I believe I bought the first one in this series, and then got the second and third one for free from my Library’s downloadable book collection. I think I have about 1,000 books on my Nook.
I have my Amazon ebook wishlist connected to ereaderiq.com and get alerts when any of the books go on sale. So I downloaded When I’m With You by Cecilia Gray not two minutes ago for free. (http://amzn.com/B00ASCHFR6) I added all her books to my list a while ago as I enjoy Regency novels and Jane Austen retellings. I downloaded The Rose Legacy by Kristen Heitzmann yesterday and A Woman of Fortune by Kellie Coates Gilbert on the 27th, also free. I had Beauty & the Beast by Jenni James for free months ago, but after reading it Sunday, I’ll be buying the rest of the series sap – it was too cute!
Forgot to say I have a first-generation Nook tablet (not what I would choose if I could do it over again). And I have no idea how many ebooks I have but I’d say hundreds for sure…
I have a Kindle….love it and am finding I can read easier on it since I have developed painful arthritis in wrists. I have over 100 on my K and that many or more in archives. I just downloaded When Love Stirs by Lorna Seilstad…because I have her #1 in that series already downloaded. It was discounted…….I have to watch for bargains…lol
Thanks for the info you provided, Tammy, and Happy New Year!!
Pilgrimage of Promise by Cathy Bryant. Free for my Kindle, 380 books on there. I almost never buy an electronic book at full price. Most are free. Some are 99 cents. Others I borrow from the library (actual books). I have neither the space nor the cash to buy physical books. When I do buy full price books, electronic or otherwise, they tend to be nonfiction.
I bought myself a Fire for Christmas just for reading my e-books on. Honestly I only download free books…the rest of the books I read are “real” books I borrow from the library. The last book I downloaded was The Unveiling: Book One (Age of Faith 1) by Tamara Leigh.
I love my Kindle Paperwhite, but I prefer “real” books, so those are mostly what I read. The last book I downloaded was Kristen Heitzmann’s The Rose Legacy. I actually own the paperback version, so didn’t really “need” it. I have quite a few books in both formats. Why did I download it, when I already have the paperback? It seemed like a good idea. I imagine there will come a time in the not too distant future, when I will want to downsize from my home to a much smaller dwelling. When I do that, I won’t be able to keep all my physical books. At that point, I might read more ebooks, so in a sense I’m collecting them in case I want to read them in the future. I have a few hundred ebooks.
Hi Tamera. I have both ebooks and actual books. I have a kindle fire which I use for almost everything.
The last book that I down loaded was My Amish Boyfriend.
Author is Melody Carlson.
It was discounted on one of those fabulous Amazon limited discounts. Also I’ve always thought it was cute even if I’m not a teenager.
I have 87 books in my kindle cloud.
Plus numerous books on my shelves that I’ve read or that are waiting to be read.
You mentioned a nice recipe for New Years Eve. I have a good recipe for slow cooker hot chocolate but didn’t know if I should take up space here.
Loved this post and these questions. Thanks for the book sale notice. I will look into your book for 1.99.
I just downloaded Becky Wade’s “My Foolish Heart” minutes ago! I saw several Bethany House authors posting/tweeting about the sale(s). Last night I was rereading my favorite parts of “Meant to Be Mine” so the sale was perfect timing for my craving of Mrs. Wade’s stories.
And finally, how many book you have on your e-reader? 80ish.
* The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization
by Anthony Esolen
* Neither discounted nor free
* I’m taking Western Civilization in the spring semester and thought this sounded interesting as an addition to what I will be reading and studying. The description’s first line says, “Everything you should know–but PC professors won’t teach–about our Western heritage.”
* 656 books on my Kindle Paperwhite and 1,543 in the Cloud.
Wow!!! That’s a lot of books Robin. Have you read all of them yet?
Shirley, I’ve read a lot of them, but I have no idea how many. Most that are still on my Kindle have not been read. I try to remember to remove them after reading. Not so much because I need to free up space, but it just keeps a better count of books I want to read. On Goodreads, there are 925 on my Read shelf, 3 on my Currently Reading shelf, and 573 on my To Be Read shelf. The best part is, I own all those books and I haven’t had to buy a single new bookcase in years.
Chapter 14 of HearthLand, by Chautona Havig….also, have found some good freebies on Face Book under Avid Christian Reader, and Spirit Filled Kindle. THANKS for your great books!
Last book I downloaded: Merry Humbug Christmas by Sandra D. Bricker
The book was .99 cents.
I downloaded a sample and enjoyed the first two chapters, so I thought it was worth a dollar!
I have over 100 books on my ipad, and love reading on it because you don’t have to find a good light to read by! I do also read regular books! I am a church librarian but cannot possibly all the wonderful books in there!!
Hi Tamera! I didn’t get a new Kindle but I am saving for a Paperwhite b/c my Fire just doesn’t hold a charge long enough for my reading needs. I have over 500 books in my Kindle acct & my most recent download was Healer of Carthage by Lynne Gentry earlier today. I download at least one book each day so I have to download discount/free books only b/c my only income is disability. I read Healer earlier this year when I reviewed it for Netgalley and knew I’d have to download a copy to keep ASAP b/c it was in my top 3 books read this year! Merry Christmas & pray you have a blessed new year!!
I just downloaded a couple from the library. Martha and Claudia by Diana Wallis Taylor. Love being able to snag ebooks from the library. 😉 I don’t buy many ebooks – so mostly stick to free deals, library, or friends generosity. (even my paper books are usually rescues from the recycling centre. :P) I’d probably buy more if I had the $$ for stuff like that, but in truth, if I’m going to pay the full price for the book – which most ebooks are still priced full – I’d get the paper book, not the digital copy. E-prices SERIOUSLY need to come down, not just for the odd bargain. 😛
I use a Kobo Glo. Its not the newest model out there, but it works well. (I don’t use the light, actually. It bothers my eyes.) I probably have a couple thousand books on there, so I have lots of variety and lots of choices for any given mood.
I’m one of those who definitely prefer the paper book – but I have accepted the ebook age as well. I love the variety you can have with you in a device that weighs no more than a single book – and yet you can carry hundreds with you wherever you go. You’re never short of something to read. And the e-ink readers are no harder on the eyes (unlike computer screens. :P) I’ll still choose the paper book if I can, but even the library is far more convenient downloading ebooks than having to return paper books that have gone overdue again because you were too slow reading.
I know what you mean about ebooks being expensive. Actually I’ve notice that Amazon has actually raised their prices on some of their ebooks. They raised Vannetta Chapman’s ebook The Christmas Quilt about 60 so am getting it from the library. But the authors are very good about letting their readers know when their ebooks are on sale. Over the holidays a lot of books from the Love Finds You in series was offered for 99¢ for only a few days at a time. Then Suzanne Woods Fisher gave two ebooks away for free during the holiday. Melody Carlson has offered a lot of her books ( Christmas and otherwise) for 99¢ and two of her Christmas books were free on certain dates. So I was down loading like crazy for a while. I just downloaded one of her books again today. But I do down load a lot from the digital library as well. I also have piles of paper books to be read as well.
Happy Reading in 2015
The last book I downloaded on my Nook is In Perfect Time by Sarah Sundin. I purchase both real and digital books. I purchase books my daughter and I both read as real books, such as your Belmont and Beige Meade books. I have more than 20 real books in my TBR pile as well as 75 plus on my Nook. I do love the convenience a digital reader provides. In answer to your question, I am prompted many times to purchase books when they are discounted. However, once I have a series or author I like, I do occasionally purchase at full price.
Just counted and I have 286 books on my iPad. No, I have not read them all. I do buy quite a few that I learn about on bookbub.com. This is a service where you pick your preferred genres, and you receive an email from them everyday with news of books on sale in those genres. It doesn’t bother me to get an email a day from them, as I often try free or .99 cent books and enjoy them. Most selections are 2.99 or less. Highly recommend!
The last book I downloaded is also my first. But first I downloaded the Free Kindle Reading App via Amazon – it was on the page for Lizzy & Jane by Katherine Reay. Katie Ganshert recommended the book on a Tweet. It’s only $2.99 for a few days. I checked our local library but it wasn’t in so I checked the Amazon link about downloading without a device. The first e-book I ever read was October Bride by Katie – on someone else’s device.
For years I’ve made Hammy Sammies for New Year’s Eve – usually 80-100. They’re made with crescent rolls, ham and cheddar cheese and shaped like a small cinnamon roll. Let me know if you want the recipe.
Happy New Year!
What fun I’ve had reading your post and the responses to it!!! I had your post open in one tab and Amazon in another and downloaded my way through… I don’t even want to know how many books I have on my Kindles (yes, plural). I have a very old one that I don’t use often but it’s good if I’m reading outside; my Kindle Fire seems to be the one I use the most now. For the marketer in you – I try to get books from the library and discounted or free Kindle books when available so that I can buy my very favorite authors’ books when they are released.
Happy New Year!
Hi Tamera. The last book I downloaded was The Rose Legacy. Author Kristen Heitzmann
It was Free on Facebook. Decided to get it because it sounded good and was free. I now have 531 books on my Kindle Paperwhite that I received last Christmas(2013) Thanks.
The books comprising my latest ebook download were The Secret of Pembrooke Park by Julie Klassen (full price) and The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah Ladd (discounted). My prompt: iTunes gift cards that I received for Christmas. I have had my eye on both books and was waiting for Christmas, as I knew I would receive some gift cards. Smart marketing to release new titles just before Christmas! Between iBooks & my Kindle app I have 71 ebooks. Many of those are titles of classic literature. My reader is obviously an iPad. Since I completely understand your marketing curiosity, (I am a needlework designer,) here are a few other thoughts. When the book is by one of my favorite authors, I will pay full price. I understand the need to support my favorite authors by buying the full priced book. I do love the discounted titles as they give me a chance to sample other authors without spending a great deal. If you don’t like a book, purchasing it for $3 versus $10 is a lot easier to take. At the same time, I have discovered new authors through the discounts and then they sometimes move into that “favorite” category. Have a Blessed New Year!
My most recent download was The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron. I don’t remember if it was reduced or free, but it was one or the other. I tend to prefer actual paper books as well, but there are such deals available for Kindle books that I have many more books through it than I would be able to have in hand. That’s my main reason for having the Kindle app on my iPad mini, but I like the portability of them as well. I bought this one when I saw it on sale because I heard seen it recommended several times on friends blogs. As to how many e-books I have downloaded – too many to count! LOL! I am currently reading Robin’s A promise Kept – just started it today while in the oral surgeon’s waiting room.
I cannot live without my Kindle. I am a pregnant, stay-at-home mommy of one (currently), who lives nowhere near any family, and my Kindle is my saving grace.
The last book I downloaded (and am totally enraptured with) is Julie Klassen’s The Secret of Pembrooke Park. I am trying to read it in between chasing after my toddler.
It was not free. I paid $9.01, which is I think the most I’ve ever paid for a Kindle book. Normally I stalk all my favorite authors and wait until the books go down in price, simply because we are not rich, but my husband generously purchased a $50 Kindle card for me for Christmas, and so Julie’s book quickly became mine. I love how she writes about the Regency period, and is a true Jane Austen fan, like myself.
I don’t know how many books I have on my Kindle. I don’t see the number of the grand total listed anywhere, and unfortunately, I don’t have all of the books into categories yet. But it is easily a couple hundred.