Do you have a “book-to-movie” wish?
A book you’ve treasured forever, that you’ve read several times through the years, and that you’d LOVE to see made into a movie? Well, I have several. But one of my all-time favorite book-to-movie wishes is coming true!
By now I’m betting you know that Francine Rivers’ bestselling novel Redeeming Love is being made into a movie. Or has been made. The filming is wrapped, and I imagine the various oh-so-talented-powers-that-be are putting their final touches on the film.

Would you like to see some behind-the-scenes glimpses of filming? In case you haven’t seen this yet, I ran across this montage on RedeemingLoveBook Instagram. It’s so cool to get glimpses of Michael and Angel!

Reading Redeeming Love all those years ago (and several times since) revealed to me a depth and breadth of God’s love that I’d never known before. What a gift that was. And still is. Thank you, Frani!
Don’t you wish we could have a massive Girl’s Night Out next spring and all go see Redeeming Love the movie together? Wouldn’t that be fun? Who knows . . . maybe we could get together in our individual cities and go in groups. Hmmm… Something to think about, trusting that circumstances allow!
Another of my book-to-movie wishes was made into a TV series several years back—Catherine Marshall’s beloved Christy. I adore this novel, have read it many times (and listened to the audio book), and really enjoyed the TV series too. Thank you, Catherine Marshall!
I was honored to be included in a tribute to the 50th Anniversary of Christy by the Christy Awards, which are, of course, named in honor of Catherine’s novel. And get ready . . . I gush a little. I so look forward to hugging Catherine Marshall’s neck when I get to heaven.
Another book-to-movie wish that came true is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.

Reading The Help got me through some really long, sleepless nights in the hospital with Mom when she was battling gall bladder cancer back in 2009. This story was a gift to me for that reason alone. When I would toss and turn on that hospital cot, when I would literally feel the time with my precious mom ticking down in my chest, I leaned heavily into God’s Word for comfort and peace—then I’d grab my hardback copy of The Help!
I laughed. I cried. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. And I enjoyed the movie immensely as well. Thank you, Kathryn Stockett!
Also, if you haven’t listened to the audiobook of The Help, oh my goodness, DO IT! It’s hands down one of the best audio books ever!
Listen to a quick sample of The Help
Finally, the absolute best book I’ve ever read in my entire life has recently been brought to life in a TV series and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Those of you who know me know where I’m going with this. Yep, The Chosen!
The Chosen is a remarkable series on the life of Christ that sheds light on the living, breathing Word of God in ways that really helps the text—and Jesus’ followers—to come to life. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

I’m thrilled that Dallas Jenkins, creator and director of The Chosen, recently announced that the filming of Season 2 should, prayerfully, begin this fall. The Chosen is FREE TO WATCH. No charge. Simply download the app. If you’re moved by what you see, then you might consider “paying it forward” so someone else can watch the shows. But no pressure if you can’t. Truly. Just know that God is on the move in this TV series!
Now it’s your turn…
What are some of your book-to-movie wishes? Have any of your favorites been adapted to screen or film?
Hugs from my corner of Tennessee,
Thanks to everyone who “pre-read” Colors of Truth, a Carnton novel through NetGalley and wrote a review on Goodreads or BookBub.
I appreciate you more than you know!

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Tamera Alexander
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I’m so excited to hear Redeeming Love has been made into a movie. That is such a powerful book! I’ve seen all of the others you mentioned except The Chosen.
One of my all time favorite books is Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman. A panoramic picture of Wales and Prince Llewelyn’s unification of Wales on his way to becoming Llewelyn the Great, it is also the love story of Llewelyn and Joanna, natural daughter of King John. Would love to see this become a movie.
Looking forward to the release of your next Carnton novel!
That book sounds marvelous, Betty! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for reading so faithfully, friend. Means so much.
I would love to see Lori Wick’s The Princess made into a movie. The story is unique and filled with situations that teach us how to trust in God’s will even when we have no idea where He’s leading. I can’t wait to read Colors Of Truth – I have it preordered! Thanks for you great books and your dedication to writing God into all of them!
Bless you, Kathy, and I remember Lori’s The Princess. That would make a good movie!
Any of Sarah Sundin’s war-mances. But only if they are historically correct. They can’t be done on the cheap.
AGREE on the no ” done on the cheap.” We’ve all seen those and cringe. I love the term “war-mances.” I’d heard it before but it always makes me smile. Thanks for sharing today, Janice.
I would love to see Linda Nichols If I gained the world made into a movie. I don’t know how often i’ve read it. The story just touches me again and again.
I’ve not read that one, Eli. But I know I’ve seen the cover before because it looked familiar. Here’s hoping your book-to-movie wish comes true!
I had no idea! Ty for sharing this news about Redeeming Love! I also love The Chosen. I recently read Christy and couldn’t believe I had missed it. I hope to see the tv series when I can find it. I’m making my kids read it, also!
Yay all around, Elisa! I love how we share here at IBL&F and learn from each other. Cool on encouraging your kids to read Christy too. It’s so full of wonderful life lessons and wisdom. Catherine Marshall tended her gift from God well.
I didn’t even know about Redeeming Love being made into a movie!!
Many times I see a movie and later find out it was based on a book, which makes me read the book because books are always better anyway. ❤️
If I read a book first, sometimes it takes a really long time to see the movie because movies don’t interest me like books do (obviously).
I did make sure I read I Still Believe before Jeremy Camp’s movie came out. Beautiful!
I would love for any of your books to be made into movies or even Julie Klassen’s! 😍
Isn’t it exciting, Summer! I can’t wait to see it. Because I loved the book many times over. Thanks for your kind words about my books. That’s a book-to-movie wish for me for sure! Maybe someday, Lord willing. Bless you, friend!