In October, I battled a bit of depression in general and discouragement over my career as an author in particular. A number of things played into those negative feelings, including having to put my almost 14-year-old cat to sleep. I got Pinky as part of my breast cancer recovery (I wanted some “new life” in the house during treatment so got a kitten). Losing her hurt, especially since it was sudden.
I have a cup-half-full personality, so any down feelings tend to catch me by surprise.
On top of everything else, it didn’t seem like I was seeing any answers to my prayers. So I told God how I was feeling, and soon after it “just so happened” that my daily Bible reading took me to John 11. I’ve been using the same study Bible for over 25 years. The words are highlighted and underlined, and there are notes in the margins throughout those two-thousand-plus pages. That was true in John 11, too.
In verse 22, Martha, speaking to Jesus after the death of Lazarus, says, “Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give to You.” On 1/8/2015, I wrote in the margin, Even when it seems too late, it’s too soon to give up. Keep praying!
Let me repeat that: EVEN WHEN IT SEEMS TOO LATE, IT IS TOO SOON TO GIVE UP!! It is too soon to give up on those situations in our lives that are wearing us down. It is too soon to give up because resurrection may be just moments away.

A few days later, “it just so happened” that the first verse in my daily reading was Luke 18:1 which says, “Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not become discouraged” (emphasis mine). I couldn’t help smiling when I read that. Because God was definitely speaking to my exact need. And how do we keep from becoming discouraged? Praise Him. Praise Him often—morning, noon, and night.
Finally, the Sunday sermon that same week was in Judges 7. This is where God has Gideon pare down his army, from about 32,000 to a mere 300. Then the enemy is defeated because they fight among themselves, leaving little for the 300 to do. There were many points in the sermon, of course, but the one that I knew God meant for me was this: God knows more ways to win battles than I do.
Ah, yes. The battle is the Lord’s. My part is to pray and not become discouraged because the answer (resurrection) may be just moments away. It is too soon to give up! Praise God!
Perhaps these three words I received from the Lord will be as encouraging to you as they were to me.
PS My new book, Wishing for Mistletoe, releases in just five more days. You can preorder the Kindle ebook for only $3.99 (regular price will be $4.99). The paperback is already available on Amazon and is coming to B&N and other retailers. The audiobook is ready to release on the 6th on B&N and is coming soon to Audible.

Robin Lee Hatcher
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Thank you so much this sweet encouragement. I needed those resurrection reminders. The Lord is so gracious and understanding. He meets us in our places of need and shares His Truth in ways we can’t deny. He truly is the Lifter of our heads. Sweet blessings to you!
I’m so glad these words spoke to your heart.
Such encouraging and important reminders, Robin. Thank you for sharing your heart. I was particularly struck by the statement that God knows more ways to win battles than I do. How amazingly true is that? The Bible is filled with example after example of His unconventional strategies, so why in the world do I look at problems in my life and see only obstacles instead of opportunities? We know His power is endless, but sometimes we forget that His creativity is endless as well. Praise God that He is not limited by my own lack of imagination.
Amen on your last sentence, Karen!
Thank you for sharing this meaningful message: “Even when it seems late, it’s too soon to give up. Keep praying.” I also appreciated how you invited the Scriptures to speak into your heart when you felt sad or discouraged. I believe the person who wrote Psalm 119:28 (NLT) also went to the Scriptures for encouragement when he wrote: “I weep with sorrow; encourage me by your Word.” The Word which is God-breathed, living and active actually has the power to “read” us and to work powerfully in us. Lastly, thank you for the reminder to keep on praying and to not give up. Matthew West recently wrote a Christian contemporary song entitled: “Don’t Stop Praying.” The lyrics encourage us to keep perservering in prayer – don’t stop – there is hope!
Great newsletter, Robin. Yes, pray. Whatever is wearing you down might be on the verge of giving up if you don’t. God is mightier than any discombobulating demon. Allow God to calm your heart and fight for you.
Thank you so much for sharing the Matthew West song. I’ve added it to my Quiet Time playlist. I love it.
Thank you for this beautiful, inspiring passage. It’s never too late, Keep praying also reminds me that prayers are answered in God’s timing, not ours. Another recent help came to me through something called the “I don’t know prayer,” in which we bring our concerns to God saying “I don’t know what will happen, but You know.” That is comforting. I used to think so many things that happened in my life were random, but now I know in my “older” age and spiritual growth, they were by God in His perfect timing. I met my husband at the age of 19 on a blind date, and he was 24. We were so sure we belonged together that we were married 3 months later, a month before I was 20. He was a non-practicing Catholic, who had converted in high school, and I was a Methodist. He told me he had told a priest he was close to in high school that he wanted to be a priest, but was told priesthood was not for him. God gave this wonderful man to me for 57 years before calling him home. At the age of 60 he completed seminary at Duke University and was a Methodist pastor for 13 years, his last career of many. God knew, and everything was in God’s timing. From wanting to be a priest at the age of 18 to becoming a pastor at 60 is a good example of Its never too late. Keep praying. Thank you for this reminder.
Thanks for sharing your own story. Yes, keep praying.
This encouraged me today, Robin. Thank you!
So glad it did, Becky.
Thank you for the encouragement.
You’re so welcome, Jen.