I’ve always known that God’s people were a powerful force when responding to His call. Just look at the decimated walls of Jericho. Yet, I’ve gained an entirely new perspective these past few weeks as God’s people worked a miracle in the opposite direction–shoring up my quivering infrastructure with divine support beams of prayer, encouragement, and love.

On July 31, I was pronounced the winner of the Romance Writer’s of America Vivian Award for the Romance with Religious or Spiritual Elements category. This is a prestigious award in the romance community, and I was excited and honored. Then a tsunami of backlash hit. You see, the prologue of the book begins with the massacre that happened at Wounded Knee in 1890, and my hero was part of the 7th Cavalry. Despite the fact that he is horrified by what happens that day and leaves the army with three of his men to become activists for justice, attacks rolled in claiming my book romanticized genocide. To appease the masses, RWA rescinded my award two days later. What followed was a week of hateful outrage that was picked up by national news outlets. What broke my heart most was not the loss of an award, but the fact that people were using my book to bash Christianity and the message of redemption.
I was a weepy mess for the first few days. Shame enveloped me, even though I didn’t believe I had done anything wrong. I knew I needed help before discouragement and bitterness took hold. So I reached out to a handful of writing friends that I knew I could trust and asked them to pray for me. I reached out to my publisher and my agent. A few days later, I reached out to a private group of readers. I reached out to my Bible as well. Knowing I needed something positive to combat all the negativity being hurled at me, I chose Philippians 4: 1-9. I meditated on the call to stand firm, to focus on things that are lovely and admirable, to believe God capable of guarding my heart and mind with his peace that passes understanding, and above all else, to let my gentleness be known to all.
I did not protest or defend myself to those who lashed out. I did my best to ignore the vitriol and respond with kindness and professionalism to those who contacted me directly, and God proved that a gentle answer can turn away wrath. But I don’t want to talk about me, I want to brag on the people of God.
As the week went on, I felt a change come over my heart. The barbs didn’t hurt as badly and my emotions weren’t quite as volatile. The prayers of God’s people were shoring me up.
Then came the tangible blessings.
My publisher stood beside me and my book and issued a statement that served as a shield for me when reporters contacted me for comments.
Dozens of encouraging messages found their way to me through Facebook and email.
My readers began a campaign to bury the harsh reviews on Goodreads and Amazon by liking all the good reviews.
People bought extra copies of the book to show their support.
Writers I barely knew reached out to share stories of their own battles with controversy.
Complete strangers reached out with compassion and support. One speculative fiction writer sent me an email stating that he had never bought a romance novel in his life, but he’d just bought mine because he knew the power of God’s redemption and he wanted to support that message.
As if that wasn’t enough of a miracle, more love poured out in a postal anointing.
A Texas writing friend send me a care package that had me laughing hysterically as I unpacked each of her little items with running commentary on sticky notes.

Another writing friend send me a hug in a jar.

My agent sent me the ultimate comfort care package – chicken soup, rolls, and oatmeal cookies. Who knew you could send soup through the mail? But it was lovely. Warm and comforting and so yummy. And best of all, I didn’t have to cook, which was a blessing because I also happened to be on deadline with my latest book due this past Sunday.
Another group of writer friends sent me a lovely arrangement of flowers followed a few days later by this beautiful sign art with a verse from Isaiah. It is now proudly displayed in my living room so that I can constantly be reminded of his care for me.

One group of readers sent me a sweet card and inside was a first place blue ribbon from the self-dubbed RRA – Romance Readers of America. This made me laugh and soothed the sore places inside.

I received some GORGEOUS handmade cards that I know took much love and time to construct. I felt these paper hugs deep in my spirit.

Then on Monday night this week, my Inspired By Life and Fiction blogging buddies along with several other authors threw me a surprise Zoom party. I thought I was meeting one person, but when I joined the link, dozens of faces looked back at me, all smiling and full of blessing. They had sent me a package that they wanted me to open on Zoom so everyone could see. These fabulous ladies had gone in together to buy me a replacement award that is far more meaningful than anything I could have received from RWA. They granted me the Truth and Grace award in honor of my book, At Love’s Command. I was stunned. Utterly stunned.
The very next morning, I took my beautiful new award to the office of my day job where I display my books and awards, and I placed this lovely statuette in a place of honor on my shelf.

The outpouring of love that I have received from God’s people, many of them slight acquaintances or even complete strangers, has allowed me to see Jesus in action on a scale I’ve never experienced before. I would never wish this kind of ugliness to befall anyone else, but I do wish everyone could experience the miracle of God’s people going out of their way to stand together on your behalf. It is humbling and awe-inspiring. I pray that I will never forget this experience so that I may be eager to answer the call when another someone else in God’s family needs a little shoring up.
Never underestimate the healing effect of a card, email, or small gift. When combined with the power of prayer, they can move mountains of discouragement and shore up crumbling confidence. I’m living proof.
Have you ever experienced the love of God expressed through His people?
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The very people who thought your character was beyond redemption are those who need that beautiful, hopeful message most. It has been such a blessing to see the response from the Christian community, and I pray that the powerful message of your book—NO ONE is beyond God’s redemption—will spread far and wide. Love you, Karen!
Thanks, Deb. God’s grace and redemptive love are so precious. The source of hope. Without them life would be dark, indeed.
I am deeply touched by your post today, Karen!
Thanks for sharing. I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of it but also thankful for your thoughts.
God is so good, Eli. He never leaves us alone no matter what trials we face. And when his people rally, amazing things happen.
One of my favorite Bible verses is:
“For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
As a music minister/worship leader, I have faced all kinds of challenges and hurts – sometimes even from my fellow brothers and sisters. While this verse does not seem like a verse that most people use in times of trial, I read it a bit differently from most.
I picture God, MIGHTY GOD, standing in front of us fighting for us. I see Him looking over His shoulder at us smiling for standing and not bowing down to evil. After the battle, I see Him holding us and humming songs over us, just like a Father might hum as He calms His child after a very difficult day.
After reading your post, my heart hurts for you. I love to hear how your reaction was to turn to friends for prayer and to turn to God for comfort. It doesn’t remove the circumstance, but it can bring peace through it.
You are my absolute favorite author. I have every book and almost every audio book that is out. I am always waiting anxiously for your next one. 😉 And I am definitely not the only person who feels this way. You are talented and use the gift God gave you for good. I, personally, think you deserve all the best book and best author awards there are. 🙂 But there is one reward that outshines them all and you WILL receive that one and it cannot be taken away. When time on this planet is over I know our Lord will say, ‘Well done, My good and faithful servant…’
Be encouraged and know that you have friends who you do not even know standing behind you and cheering you on.
Rachel – What beautiful thoughts! I love that verse from Zephaniah, too. My whole family is musical and singing is a big part of who we are, so nothing feels more comforting to me than the idea of my heavenly Father holding and singing over me. Loved your description, too! And what sweet words of encouragement! You have blessed me today. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your painful experience and the outpouring of love by God’s people. It breaks my heart that the hateful outcry of a few people can cause an organization to rescind a well-deserved award, but what an opportunity to witness God’s kindness and care. He is victorious! And your response is a beautiful testimony of your heart.
May God continue to pour out His blessings on you as you walk forward with stories for His glory. Never back down from writing what God puts in your heart. He will reward your faithfulness with treasures far greater than the RWA award.
I just love the Christian community and I’m so thankful to be part of it!
You are so right, Deena. Earthly awards are nothing compared to what awaits us in heaven. Such a healthy perspective.
Karen, although I’m sure we’ve met in passing at ACFW conferences, I don’t think we’ve ever had a lengthy conversation. I haven’t read all your books, but the ones I have read I’ve loved. When I heard what happened to you with the RWA award I was stunned. But that’s the way of the world these days–sadly. I went straight to Amazon to order the Kindle version of the book and saw that I already had purchased it. I am so touched by all the love showered on you in such creative ways. I thank God for His provision of encouragement given through people that love you and are standing in the gap for you. You are certainly blessed. I think of what Joseph said to his brothers that what they did to him they meant for evil but God used it for good.
Thank you, Pamela. I recall seeing you many a time at ACFW conferences. 🙂 I love the Joseph story. Such a great reminder that God can use anything for his glory.
Oh, how are God takes things meant for evil and turns them into good. I am thankful for the outpouring you received from the people of God. It is not only an encouragement to you, but to others of us as we see God still using people to work on His behalf to show His caring and love. Thank you for sharing and for your gracious public response to something that was ever so hurtful.
Looking forward to Book 3. 😊
Our God – 😂 Aren’t you glad autocorrect doesn’t edit your books??!!
Thank you, Melissa. It’s been a challenging time but also a time of incredible blessing. And yes – I’m so thankful auto-correct doesn’t edit my books. Ha!
This is wonderful, Karen! Your strength and character shine through God’s love.
I’m staying with my sister currently, and when I told her what was going on (reading some of the awful comments and talking about the truth of the book) she immediately but At Love’s Command on hold at her library. And she very seldom reads historical fiction, and never anything set in the old west, to my knowledge.
Stay strong. Hate will not win out!
What a great story, Betty. I hope your sister enjoys the book when she has a chance to read it. Love always wins in the end. 🙂
Oh, Karen…thank you for sharing this. I had tears reading about all the outpouring of love and support. Only our God could take such a painful experience and use it for good.
I’m so very, very sorry you’ve been through this extremely hurtful time, but I LOVED reading about all of the blessings you’ve received – – you deserve all of those blessings! 🙂
I’m currently reading your wonderful book, and will be adding my 5-star review very soon, too. Sending you a hug from Georgia (and wish I could send you a Georgia peach cobbler, right from the oven).
Please keep writing these amazing books – – our world needs them more than ever.
Hugs, Patti Jo
Ooo – I’m feeling all the warm, gooey, yumminess from the virtual Georgia peach cobbler, Patti Jo. Delicious!
It’s fantastic to see the people rally around and support and encourage you! I’m sorry this happened, but it seems to be happening more all the time! Our God is greater than the media and “outraged” people. LOVE the success stories of believers and supporters at work! Sending hugs!
Thanks for the hugs, Angie! God is good, and his is in control. No matter what the world thinks.
What a heartening story. Thank you for sharing all that has happened. Please know that for all those who reached out, there are likely many more (myself included) who did not but who kept you in their thoughts and prayers and were trying to elevate your positive reviews. I commend you for your professionalism and your Christian charity.
Thank you for your prayers, Carolyn. I really believe those prayers formed a protective shield around my heart and helped me find God’s peace.
Somehow I missed this (this summer has been packed!) I love LOVE your books and appreciate the time you spend researching the history surrounding them. Your characters are so believable. I have now purchased both the Kindle and Paperback versions. I plan to share the PB with my MIL, who is 84, and although she has a Kindle, she prefers the book format. 🙂
She is a big fan of your books also!
Thank you so much, Lyn. And really, I’m GLAD you hadn’t heard about it. Ha! I’m hoping that most readers never do. 🙂
Oh my goodness, I had no idea you have been dealing with such hatred! I’m so sorry. Had I known about it, I would have gladly participated in the efforts to shore you up. I’ve been a solid fan, buying everything I know of that you’ve written, since I first read Short-Straw Bride. I was smart enough to realize that the Prologue in At Love’s Command is important (AND REALLY HAPPENED, FOLKS! DEAL WITH IT) to knowing these 4 men and understanding their pain and motivations.
Shame on those people who attacked your inclusion of this real part of U.S. history. Reminds me of the phrase “Those who ignore history’s mistakes are bound to repeat them” (or something like that). It’s frightening when you see the hatred these days – and it’s so wide-ranging, who can escape it? Certainly not Christians. But, Jesus predicted our persecution and hardships. We shouldn’t be too surprised, and we should have great comfort to know that what we do, be it plant corn or write books or whatever, if it’s for the Lord’s glory, He will deliver us and provide for us and our reward will be awesome and everlasting. What a comfort! I’m glad to read that you’ve been comforted and restored, too. I can’t wait for your next book!
Thank you, Karen, for the blessing you are and the blessings you give others.
Thank you for your sweet support, Hilda. That means so much. And you are so right – if we are doing our best to work for the Lord, he’s going to take care of us and bring good from our trials.
God is so good to give us what we need (both the struggle and the blessing) exactly when we need it, and Christ’s body is a blessing that truly reaches beyond this present world. I’m so proud of how you’ve handled this situation with grace and love. Never stop standing for truth!
Thank you, Tammy. I know that you’ve experienced some similar challenges, and benefiting from your wisdom was a true blessing to me. We don’t like to think we need struggles, but those times have the highest potential for growth. I feel the stretching happening even now. 🙂
Karen, I wanted so much to be in the Zoom party, but a family situation took me away. You’ve been in my prayers, for you to be able to continue to do what God called you to do—write stories of His impact on human souls. I’m so glad He has been there for you. Blessings as you write.
Thank you, Kim. You are such a sweetheart! I appreciate your prayers more than I can say.
What a portrait of love and support in action. I am so sorry this happened. But, rejoice in this precious community of encouraging, kind, prayer-warriors who surround you. You are a wonderful lady in person and your love for Jesus shining through your fantastic novels!
Thank you, Stacy. You are so right about the preciousness of being part of such an encouraging, praying community. Reason to rejoice, indeed!
I discovered your novels a few years ago and enjoyed reading them from my local public library. I read and enjoyed “At Love’s Command” when it first released. (The #2 entry was wonderful too; I’d eager for #3!) I appreciated that you wrote historical context for the horrific massacre for those who might not know that time period well. I could understand why our main leads left military service after the massacre.
Unfortunately this isn’t the first time Romance Writers of America (RWA) has been in the news for controversy within membership ranks and subsequent media attention.
God bless you as you continue writing!
Thanks you, Elisa. One of my readers took a family vacation this summer to South Dakota with the intent of learning more about that horrible piece of our history, something she hadn’t known about until she read my book. It’s important to remember the painful things, too.
I am so very sorry this has happened to you. I am so thankful for the love, prayers and support you’ve received. What a comfort and blessing to your broken heart. After I read your post, I downloaded your book and the first thing I saw was this…
The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee; for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Psalm 9: 9-10.
I believe He has shown Himself to you in this difficult time. You are loved. ❤️
Thank you so much, Suzanne. Wow. I hadn’t looked back at that theme verse since the book was published. What a perfect reminder for this present time. I just love how God works!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us on this, Karen. That trial of controversy must have been difficult and hurtful to go through, but hearing of the miracle of caring support and the kindness of friends and strangers alike to soothe and heal, is heartwarming and so encouraging. Good for you!!
It has certainly been a roller coaster, Brooklyn, but things are smoothing out and I’m choosing to cling to the good and not the bad.
Thank you for sharing the outpouring of love and encouragement you received, especially the support of Bethany House. And also the way you handled the situation with grace and dignity. In today’s world where there is so much unkindness, it is so amazing to see what those who know God are capable of. Blessings to you!
I agree, Jennifer. Grace and kindness are rare commodities in this day and time. it’s been such a blessing to be on the receiving end of such abundance, and I hope that I am exuding those qualities as well.
Karen, your acquaintance (you won’t recall meeting me at ACFW, but I remember it) and the work you do for God are blessings. Congratulations.
Thanks, Richard. I do remember meeting you! In fact, you helped me run through some medical plot ideas for a story many years ago. I appreciate your support!
I’m so sorry to hear what happened against you, Karen, but so happy to read about the response. Your books are blessings to all who read them and your message is brings hope and redemption. That your detractors have taken your words out of context lumps you in with some of the most inspired authors in history! What a compliment!
So glad others are not so shallow. A virtual hug from me, Karen. Your work has inspired me.
Thank you for the virtual hug, Rebecca. As well as the perspective. Being lumped in with the most inspired authors in history is a horn worth tooting. Ha!
Karen, thank you for sharing your heart & gift of writing with us. You are such a blessing! Your books are some of my favorites & most often go-to reading.
Reading your post brought tears of joy to my eyes! I’m so grateful God’s people have been strengthening you through prayer, love, gifts & encouragement! This makes my heart so happy!
I pray God & His people continue to strengthen you.
Romans 15:13
Sending you love, hugs & prayers! 😊
I love that verse, Emilee! So much hope there. 🙂
I have been praying for you ever since I heard the news, Karen. The world resists the very message we all need most—complete forgiveness with repentance and acceptance, regardless of our sins. I pray some in the midst of their anger will realize the truth of this gift and accept it.
I have always admired you and your writing, but now even more so.
That means so much to me, Karen. Thank you for your prayers and kind words. You have played such a vital role in my career. I thank God for putting us together at that envelope-stuffing table in Dallas. 🙂 That was the beginning of a beautiful partnership and lasting friendship.
I love how God has surrounded you with love and support during a very difficult time. I am currently listening to “A Tailor-Made Bride” and loving the humor and grace that you write with, consistently weaving faith through your writing. It is simply beautiful and I see that in all of the books that I have read of yours. I’m sorry that people have chosen to misconstrue your writing. A verse that comes to mind is Exodus 14:14-“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Some versions say you only have to be silent. I also see that you in your response. You did your best to be quiet and still and others have fought the battle, including the Lord. Continue to write and share your gift with all of us who love your writing and are blessed by it. Praying that this storm ends soon.
What a blessing your comments are to me, Cindy. You see my heart, and that brings me joy.
Girl, this world is SO messed up. I was so grieved to hear what happened, but I LOVE your attitude. (I know you didn’t reach this point overnight, but it’s obvious God has done a marvelous work in your heart in spite of what was done to you.) You’re so anointed. So called. SOOOO in the right place. The enemy has worked overtime to kick your knees out from under you but you’re too smart for all of that. You’ve got work to do. Stick with it. Keep on keeping on! God is going with you.
Janice – I can’t tell you how much these words mean to me. Thank you! At times like these it’s so easy to let doubts and second thoughts muddy the waters. I want to learn and grow from this experience, both in my writing and in life, for I know there is always room for improvement, but growth is so much easier in a healthy environment. So thank you for adding nutrients to my soul!
While I sometimes read Christian romance novels, I don’t keep close tabs on the community surrounding it or the awards for it, and therefore didn’t hear about the problem you were having until the online Christian magazine “Lorehaven” talked about it. Normally, they focus on speculative fiction, but also frequently discuss cancel culture and how Christian authors can respond to it as well, so they featured and discussed the struggle you faced. I prayed hard for you after reading their article and am so glad to learn from you that our fellow believers helped to shore you up. I have read and enjoyed one of your books before and fully intend to get “At Love’s Command” when I have the funds.
The problem with the cancel culture’s argument that people who commit certain actions (and regret them, hello people, the hero wasn’t unrepentant) can’t be redeemed is that we are all human and we all make mistakes. If you make it so that no one can be forgiven and redeemed you open the door to an increase in hopelessness and extremism because people no longer have a way or a reason to change their ways. Thank goodness that we know better because of the example Christ set in redeeming us from all our sins. We absolutely must keep speaking that truth that there is hope for people who make mistakes (which is all of us!) and that yes, you can turn from wrongdoing and make a choice to do right instead!
Thank you for you prayers, E.F.B. They truly do make a difference. Mike Duran reached out to me when the storm first hit. I had never met him before, but I was so thankful to have his support. His article was a balm to my soul at a time where everything else was ugly. Redemption is the heart of the Christian message, and I pray that someone will pick up my book and realize that no sin of theirs is beyond Christ’s ability to redeem.
That is such a good point. The message of forgiveness and redemption are for everyone. We all need to hear it. It never grows old. And along the same lines of what someone above commented already, the writers in history who have been criticized because they have written the truth, exposed lies, revealed true history (however painful), or used their pen to defend those who could not speak for themselves (Harriet Beecher Stowe, for example), are, in the end, the writers that become great.
So beautiful! Praying all goes well for you! I personally loved all of your books, anybody that’s judged it without reading is missing something special.
Thank you for your kind words, Paula. 🙂
Keep writing stories about love, grace, and redemption. The world needs these stories more than ever ❤️
Amen, Morgan. We all need those stories.
I don’t know where to begin. The fact that your award was even taken away in the first place is appalling. They should have stood by you and it is scary to me that our country is being ruled by mob mentality.
I am so sorry you had to go through this! I LOVE your books and when we have communicated you are such a delight and lovely person.
I admire your strenght in God and scripture to see you through this and our amazing God provided you that amazing peace as well as brothers and sisters in Christ to offer you support.
As I see some Christians being targeted (ex. Jack Philips, Barronelle Stutzman) and now you, God has allowed the most gracious, gentle, strong in faith Christians to be on the front lines. And it is through your handling of this with a quiet faith that you are so impactful and such a strong witness for our Lord and our faith.
May God bless you and your work and through this awfulness may God bring light and truth.
Shelley, what a blessing your words are. Thank you for the support and sweet encouragement. I, too, pray that God will bring wonderful light and truth into someone’s life because of this crazy situation.
I just found out about this, and I’m so sorry for what you went through. Wow. You really handled this with grace, and God redeemed that. Everyone seems to be on a hair trigger right now and I’m certain your book deserved the award.
Thank you for your kind words, Ronda. It was a rough time, but I can see what caused the upset, and while I don’t agree with most of what has been said, I do believe that there is wisdom to be gained on my end regarding being more sensitive to the sore places in the lives of others. None of us is perfect, and I need as much grace and forgiveness as anyone.
I am experiencing the delight of reading At Love’s Command now. It was fun being in on that surprise for you and good to see the body of Christ operating as it is meant to do. So very good. Blessings to you Karen!
What a joy to have you join in on the surprise, Lori! Thank you for taking the time to lift me up. I am so blessed!
You have been in my prayers and so heavy on my heart. What a beautiful testimony this turned out to be. You are the definition of grace, and thank you for sharing your experience.
Those prayers made all the difference, Shelli. Thank you!
I am weepy over what you went through. As a new Indie (debuted in July-yikes) I’m saddened and disheartened by all this and thrilled that the authors surrounded you with their love and support: God’s church in action. All that other stuff? NOT.
While the body of Christ may disagree about things, I’m disturbed that what was intended for good was used by the enemy for his intended chaos. But he was quickly put in his place. Yay, God. I’m glad He worked in your heart to give you peace and calm about the situation. And even compassion for the hateful spewers. Now THAT’S faith in action. You will be blessed because of it.
Keep writing, my friend, keep writing.