My dear friend (and wonderful author) COURTNEY WALSH is my guest here on the blog today. I’m so grateful for Courtney filling in for me as I’ve been with family this past week.
UPDATE: The winner of Courtney’s novel Change of Heart is Lisa Cullett! Lisa, see the final comment below with instructions on how to get your book!
by Courtney Walsh
I’m going to be honest. Lately, life has gotten the better of me. On a number of fronts. For the last 8-9 months, I’ve felt like I’ve lost my way a little bit, struggling to make sense of so much of what’s happened in my life and the way I’ve processed it.
My brave face has started to crumple.
My stiff upper lip has gone a little limp.
My sense of inner peace has been stirred, kicking up debris around the calm I desperately want to cling to.
I have been living an anxious life.
A couple of years ago, my husband and I started a performing arts business. We teach music, theatre, acting and art. We do big, full-scale musicals with casts of over 100 kids. We put on summer camps and and concerts and recitals and sometimes my head feels like it’s going to explode because everyone knows creatives aren’t organized people!
Still, we truly believe this is exactly what God wants us to do right now.
But if it’s what God wants us to do, shouldn’t it be a little easier? Shouldn’t I find it easier to rest in his presence and provision? Shouldn’t I trust that I can do what’s needed in my business and still write the books God has put on my heart? Shouldn’t every relationship we develop continue forever without any snags or tears?
In my experience, no. And you’d think someone my age would’ve known that. But perhaps I took the step into the deep end like a blind man stepping off the curb of a busy intersection.
Just because you’re doing what God wants you to do, that doesn’t guarantee you a problem-free life. I was naive to think otherwise.
In fact, it’s the exact opposite. The enemy doesn’t want us anywhere near God’s plan and purpose for our life. He wants us to tuck tail and run as soon as it gets hard. It’s his job to do everything he can to make us think we’re on the wrong path, doing the wrong thing, incompetent, “not cut out for this,” setting ourselves up for failure.
And he’s darn good at his job.
He’s been doing a bang-up job of convincing me I can’t do what God has called me to do. I’m not the right person after all. All those dreams–dreams of writing, dreams of creating a space for kids to grow and learn and love their creativity…they can’t coexist in the same person. I’ve actually let myself believe his lies.
And I’ve paid the price for it, physically, mentally, emotionally…constantly striving to unravel myself from his web of lies.
The enemy is a bully. He wants to shove us down and stick our face in the mud, and just when we’re about to get back up, he pushes us down again. Over and over in a vicious cycle.
But here’s the thing I know for sure. He attacks us because he’s afraid. He’s afraid that if we start believing, even for a second, that God’s promises are true, that we can walk in His fullness, that we are filled with His power and peace, that we cannot be shaken, that every mountain in front of us will move, that He is the author and finisher of life, that no weapon formed against us can prosper, that He has a plan and a purpose for us…
Once we get that…We will be unstoppable. And the glory of God will shine through our lives like a ray of hope to everyone who sees.
Today, I’m standing on those promises. Because I really hate bullies.
Thanks again, Courtney. Courtney has generously offered to do a giveaway here too! Anyone who comments on this post will be entered in a random drawing for a copy of Courtney’s newest novel, Change of Heart.”
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Yes, I’ve walked there. Thanks for the encouragement.
You said so much of how I have been feeling. But your words are so much better than mine ever would be. I needed to hear that about the enemy because he has been pushing me down for about 6+ months an I have to dig my way back up to God. I noticed I have had little patience lately. Easy to anger. Not focusing an praying to God. I need to sink God’s words in my heart and hold them there to ight the enemy. Thank you for sharing♡
Wow, Courtney. I am there now. (And I am a Courtney, too.) Thank you do this. Really hits home with me today.
*for this. Sorry! Typing on my phone.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. it really is a daily battle!! PS. Always love to meet another Courtney (doesn’t happen very often!) 🙂
Well said,Courtney! No weapon formed against you shall prosper!
One of my favorite verses!!
I have been there recently as well. It doesn’t get easier watching your children get through these times either. One just needs to keep praying that God will continue to direct and strengthen us in our path.
It’s a daily challenge, isn’t it?
Wow, Courtney! So, so good! Thank you for sharing and for the encouragement.
thank you for reading, Amber. <3
This is so true! Over the last few years, I’ve begun to feel like Job…I’ve had so many trials and tribulations thrown at me. Family and friends ask me how I manage not to crumble, and my answer is always the same, only by the grace of God do I remain standing. He has brought us through every single problem, and I have faith that he will continue to do so. His goodness and mercy are what gets me up out of bed every morning. Thank you for this post!
I admire your faith. It’s sometimes so hard to remember that!!
Obedience. That’s what God is teaching me about following Him and His will for my life. Recently He called me out of one ministry and into another. I wrestled for days over whether to move forward and leave a good thing behind for another good thing. I did move forward, out of an act of obedience. It’s been good. It’s been hard. And sometimes others don’t understand. Still, I know that I did the right thing in following God down the path He chose for me. Thanks for the insight in this post!
Obedience. Oy. That is a hard one sometimes isn’t it?? But you’re so right…it’s best to follow God down that right path, even when it doesn’t make sense to other people!!
Words of wisdom. Thanks, Courtney!
I loved Paper Hearts. Would love to read this new novel!
Thank you so much, Linda!! That means the world coming from you. 🙂 I would love for you to read this one too!!
What a great word! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by, Callie!
Thank you so much for the encouragement, it’s really easy to think that no other Christian goes through this, that their lives are put together, and why can’t mine be? It’s something I have been struggling with a lot lately. Thank you for sharing, I know it’s not always easy.
You know, I can’t think of a single day of my life I’ve felt “put together” LOL You’re so not alone! None of us really have our act together, I don’t think! And if we say we do, we’re in denial! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Katie!
I needed to hear this today! Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Thank you for taking time to read it, Jennifer! 🙂
Powerful Words! Thank you.
Thank you for this wonderful and thought provoking post.
Great words of encouragement for this Monday morning. All of us need to remember Who is always there to defend us from “the bully”!
So beautiful and so true. The Lord’s beauty and truth shine right thru you.
Thank you.
Aww, thank you for saying so, Shirley! 🙂
Nice to meet you, Courtney. I appreciate your candidness, and your willingness to stand on His promises. 🙂
Beautiful cover art, btw. <3
Nice to meet you too, Cheryl!! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! And I do love the cover…I can say that because it’s not my work! 🙂 I feel very thankful for my wonderful cover designer though!!
Courtney, thank you for sharing these pearls of truth! Blessings!
Hi, Deborah…I just finished writing a review on Jen Bricker’s story. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Also saw a YouTube clip about labels are what start wars. Satans tactics for sure. Will try to absorb your post today and make it mine. Thanks for the chance to win!
I so enjoyed the post and it really fits where I have been lately, too. God’s promises are TRUE and I believe all of them but sometimes I get blindsided by the everyday struggles. I am determined to look to the author and finisher of my life and give God glory for each day I am given,and try to be a blessing to each person I am in contact with.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day challenges, isn’t it?? I struggle with it all the time. Thankful God is patient with me! <3
Very true and I can’t stand bullies either!
Well timed encouragement, my heart needed to hear. Thank you.
God bless. Keep looking up.
Hooray! My good friend Courtney is guest-blogging today. Courtney’s awesome, everyone! As you can see from her post, she’s genuine and real and LOVELY. 🙂
You’re the sweetest thing ever, Becky Wade. 🙂 You already know my love for you is undying! Thanks for saying sweet things about me!
Your blog entry has blessed me by strengthening my resolve to keep fighting the good fight. Thanks!
I’m so glad to hear that, Susan!!! 🙂
I too hate bullies and am standing on His promises for me.
Oh how I’ve felt this as well recently. That enemy can sure get into our minds and cause our hearts to question.
I’m just glad to know that I am a Child of God and that He has sent me here to achieve happiness and joy. He knows what challenges I will face and wants me to grow and learn from them—all the while learning to find joy. What a blessing to know that there is opposition in all things! And because of that opposition I can know and have the love of God in my life because I know and see the opposite everywhere else.
You are so so right!! Thanks so much for taking time to read this today! 🙂
What a great post to read on a day when I’m feeling tired and a little beaten down. Thanks!
I hope your day got better! Glad it came at a good time!! <3
What a thoughtful post! It’s so easy to get discouraged when we’re fighting our daily battles. Thanks for the encouraging and thought-provoking words.
Thank YOU, Winnie, for taking time to read it and comment! 🙂
Thank you for sharing and this post.
It helps to know I am not the only one who gets discouraged etc. etc..
I have friends who run a performing arts studio: not easy! And little to no job security! Keep following what God wants you to do! And “Change of Heart” is on my list of books I want to read but haven’t read yet… 🙂
Not easy at all, and yet, God has been so very faithful! We are so so blessed!!
🙂 So happy you’re adding my book to your list! I hope you get to read it!
Courtney thank you for the encouragement. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this! It’s really encouraging, and a good reminder to pick ourselves up and keep going especially when it gets really hard. Thank you 🙂
Reminds me of a song from years ago:
Praise the Lord
He can work with those who praise Him ,
Praise the Lord
For our God inhabits praise,
Praise the Lord
For the chains that seem to bind you
Serve only to remind you that they drop powerless behind you
When you praise him
Now satan is a liar
And he wants to make us think
That we are paupers
When he knows himself
We’re children of the King
So lift up the might shield of faith
For the battle has been won
We know that Jesus Christ has risen
So the work’s already done
Thank you for sharing your heart and may we remember the battle is won and praise the Victor.
Thank you for sharing! Inspiring and encouraging.
No need to enter me in the giveaway. I have both of your books! 😉
Aww, Annie, yay!! Thanks for reading!
Wow. This is really powerful. I love how you said this. I believe I needed this in my life right now, thank you!
I’m so glad it was timely, Diana. God’s been working on my heart so much lately. It helps to share it, especially when I realize I’m not alone!
This is exactly what I’ve been feeling!The enemy of our souls will do whatever he can to distract us from God’s purpose and calling. Thank you for your honesty and encouragement. The bully is a conquered foe.
I appreciated the comments you shared about believing God’s promises and standing on them and trusting him with all of our cares and problems.That was really encouraging to me like a spiritual shot in the arm.Your book covers are beautiful and sound very interesting.God Bless you.Diana G.
Thank you so much for that, Diana!! And thank you for taking the time to comment. 🙂 Hope you get a chance to read my books!
Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for this! I needed this today! God’s timing really is amazing! So much is going on and I’m a bit overhwlemed but this really helps to put it in perspective.
“Overwhelmed” seems to be my norm lately. Trying to change that!! Just know you’re not alone!
It happens to all of us. The devil wants us to believe we are worthless. But Jesus has called us blessed due to his love for us. Be thankful in all things was the truth I had to learn to keep myself from having a mental breakdown. Remember God’s in charge!
God is faithful!
You are so so right!
Thanks for that sweet reminder, Courtney. Believing=unstoppable. I needed that.
Everything you said is true.
We have to keep moving forward and ‘tackle’ each challenge/obstacle that is put in our way and not give up.
Thank you for reminding me (& inspiring me).
Stand firm and feel His arm holding on to you!!
I’m standing on the promises of God. 😍
Thank you for the encouragement!
So true. I sometimes have to remind myself to go with what I know about God, not on my feelings. Emotions can lead me astray, God never will.
Thank you for the encouragement. God works in amazing ways!The devil definitely tries to discourage us but God is greater!
This sounds great! I would love to win. Thanks.
You are spot on! Thank you. I recently made a change to leave my wonderful safe successful Bible study group which I was leading and start up a new one. I felt I was called to do that. But a couple of zingers tossed from long time members of our congregation had me questioning what I was doing. One of my dear true friends said, it was Satan at work, clearly increasing the number of Bible studies would get in his way. She said the fact that Satan wanted to stop it was proof enough to keep it up and do not even consider quitting!
Your sharing brought to my mind this passage…”IF God is for us, who is against us?’… ‘WHO will separate us from the love of Christ?’…’not anything will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 31-39
Thanks for a chance to win.looks like a great book
I love these wonderful words of wisdom and encouragement! Thanks so much for sharing them, Courtney!
Thanks for sharing your heart and encouragement. I am looking forward to reading your books!
The winner of Courtney’s novel Change of Heart is Lisa Cullett! Lisa, please e-mail me at debraney @ [remove the spaces] with your mailing address and we’ll get your book in the mail to you.
Courtney, thank you again for being our guest on the blog. It’s obvious your words were meaningful for a lot of people!
My husband and I also have several battles and great struggles this past year. We have finally seen God’s light. Why is it when we are going through struggles and battles we don’t see God’s light First. We didn’t at least. In 2015 my husband and I began realizing that we wanted to give back more to help others. We have been so blessed with healthy boys. Two boys to be exact. Ages now 37 & 31. We decided to foster. I had always wanted to adopt. My husband had not come around to that idea until 2015. We were overwhelmed with excitement. We went through all the required classes and then some. We were planning to buy a boat. We took For and water safety. All most a year after our classes. We had a two year old for only a few hours. She had shown up on someone’s front porch in the winter. She had on only a diaper and a big bag with a sippy cup a diaper and a snack. She been gone about six hours when she came to us. Her family was finally located. The family had not even noticed she was gone! Then an angel came our way. Full of scabies that she had covering her sweet tiny little body for a month. Parents were druggies and had abandoned her. We were in heaven. A daughter we had always wanted! We just new God had sent this angel to use. After 5 months she went back to some long distant third cousin. That was a year ago. We mourned her like we had lost a child! We can just now look at her pictures and videos without breaking down. We would adopt if God sent us that way again. Just don’t know about fostering right now. Please pray for God’s guidance for the future. And that we see the Light even through dark times.
I know the Plans I have for you. Plans that will not harm you. Plans That will help you. I have always loved this Bible verse found in the Old Testament. But then in the New Testament in 1 Peter 5:8 we see the Devil described as a roaring lion who walks around seeking whom he may devour. When I read your post today these two Bible verses came to mind.
Thanks for your most generous giveaway. God bless you as you follow his will for your life.