Several of the Inspired by Life and Fiction authors have already posted some great pics from the recent ACFW conference, and I thought I’d share just a few more. We writers don’t get out all that much, you know, so when we do, it’s a big event.
I truly believe that if it wasn’t for the ACFW conference, I wouldn’t be published today. This conference is where I met my editors, my agent, and so many close writing friends that I can’t begin to estimate the value to my career. Because of this (and because I met my first editor, Karen Schurrer, while volunteering at the 2007 conference), I make a point to volunteer in some capacity at every ACFW conference. Usually, this takes the form of me serving as hostess for the Bethany House Spotlight session. This is where the editors give their spiel about what their publishing house is looking to acquire and answer questions from the audience. It takes place the first night of the conference and coincides with the genre dinner, so I’m usually decked out in western gear for the occasion.
I don’t own any authentic historical garb, so when I see authors dressed up like the lovely Natalie Monk, I get a little jealous. She has connections in the old-time photograph business and was able to have a dress made up to her specifications as long as she donated it back to the studio after she was done. Doesn’t she look gorgeous? I wish you could see the dress all the way to the floor. It was fabulous.
In fact, when I got home, I started shopping for historical costumes of my own. They have a pretty steep price tag, so I’m probably just dreaming, but who knows – if my next book pulls in a little extra, I might have an excuse to splurge. Here is what I would choose:
Cameo Brooch – $20
Crinoline for underneath – $50
Professionally made Polonaise set – $275
Getting to step back in time and live for a few hours as one of my characters – Priceless
I think I’ll have to watch for a sale. If you like to geek out on historical clothing, the site where I found all this great stuff is Recollections: Historic Clothing Reminiscent of Centuries Past.
OK – back to the conference. This year, I did paid critiques with four up and coming authors – authors who I expect to see joining the published ranks very soon. I also taught a workshop on Saturday with my agent, Rachelle Gardner. Our topic was Reader-Focused Marketing: What’s in it for Them? She handled the social media side, while I dealt with websites and promo items, encouraging authors to actively look for ways to bless readers instead of seeing them as simply a sales figure.

Me and Rachelle – We definitely needed to find a better background for this picture. That yellow is not doing either of us any favors. Sigh.
Saturday night, of course, is the big gala award banquet. It’s so fun to dress up and cheer on our peers. I was up for a Carol award for my novella A Cowboy Unmatched, but since the other two finalists were agency mates and good friends of mine (Sarah Sundin and Katie Ganshert), it was easy to cheer for Katie when she won.
Here are a few pics from the Gala. I even managed to snatch my editor, Dave Long, for a quick pic. Gotta love that suave, romance hero grin.

I just had to get a picture with Crystal Barnes. She had the greatest dress – a Japanese inspired black and white formal with gorgeous applique flowers. She was stunning! And the dress was free, thanks to a cousin who sadly wasn’t able to make it to her prom.

Me with dear friend and fellow historical author, Lorna Seilstad, with agent and publisher Steve Laube unintentionally photo bombing in the background.
- So what special occasions do you look forward to each year?
- A getaway with friends? A family reunion? A special anniversary dinner? I’d love to hear about it!
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I thoroughly enjoyed browsing through your pictures, Karen! I’m so impressed that you managed to snap a picture with Dave. In all the years I’ve been attending ACFW, I think I’ve only captured him in one group photo and he had his eyes closed. 🙂
I had to act fast. 🙂 I managed to corner him when there were just BHP folks around and I didn’t give him much of a choice. Ha!
HI Karen, I loved your class! It was so helpful. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into preparing and presenting that info. I own one recollections dress. I love what you chose, and I hope to see you wearing it next year!
Thanks, Carrie. I’m so glad you found it helpful. I always try to make things as practical as possible.
I remember seeing you in costume at ACFW genre dinners in the past. I’m glad to know that you’ve enjoyed your Recollections dress. I’ll start saving up my nickels and dimes. 🙂
Enjoyed looking at your photos from the conference. Glad your books were eventually published–have enjoyed them a lot! There is a company who makes patterns for old style clothing called Folkwear. I have a few old ones, so looked them up and they’re still in business, now online at Should be able to make a dress with cotton “Calico” not too expensively, easily found in quilting or fabric stores. 🙂
Thanks for the link, Karen. I will definitely check them out. I have mediocre sewing skills, but if the pattern is not too complicated, I might be able to manage it.
How fun! So good to meet you at conference, Karen! I completely forgot we took a photo together, but I may steal this one if it’s okay. Got a have a copy of the pic with one of my writer-heroes! 😉
That dress was such a blessing–and when I found out they chose red for the fabric, one of my favorite colors, I was happy dancing all over the place!
I love your choice of historical garb! Rentals from local costume shops are also a fun option. I thought of doing that for next year, but by then my current heroine will be sporting a different look entirely. 🙂 I can’t reveal too much now, but I’m excited to see how it turns out.
Side note to Carrie: You looked just like your character from Refuge at Highland Hall at the genre dinner! I loved your lavender–and that hat!
Steal away, Natalie! 🙂 Now, you have me curious about what your next heroine will be wearing. Is it a completely different era? Hmmm…can’t wait to find out.
Loved getting the chance to chat with you in person. I hope to see you again next year in Nashville.
Thanks for sharing a peek into the conference! Since I wasn’t able to be there, I really enjoyed everyone’s posting!
We missed you, Susan! Maybe we’ll get to see you next year in Nashville. 🙂