This past Saturday morning, Ken and I stood in front of Planned Parenthood in Wichita, Kansas with about two hundred other people in a peaceful protest against the horrors that have been exposed recently about Planned Parenthood. Wichita’s protest was one of many across the country last weekend and although we’ve always been pro-life, we’ve never been so outspoken about it.
I don’t like to get political on social media. Facebook and Twitter, and even blogs aren’t usually the best place for such things to be discussed reasonably and in love. But this is an issue I simply can’t be quiet about any longer.
If you’ve watched even a few minutes of the Planned Parenthood videos, you know that—whether they were “heavily edited” or not—they have revealed an unspeakably dark side of this organization.
One of the protesters carried a sign with a William Wilberforce quote on it. That quote has stuck with me since we came home from the protest. It read, “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”
And that is why I can’t keep silent any longer. I have held my precious three- and four-pound niece and nephews, born far too early, in my arms, and I am privileged to know them as delightful adults today. I have prayed as our friends’ tiny grandson came into the world weighing one pound, twelve ounces…and this month he celebrated his first birthday, healthy and adorable.
I also know what it’s like to be unexpectedly and quite inconveniently pregnant when our other kids were 14, 10, and 8. Today that precious “baby” is one of the great joys and delights of our lives (and she and her husband will give us our seventh grandbaby in February).
I hope there will be other opportunities to join the protests, but there’s so much more we can be doing. Pray, first of all. For the women in desperate situations who’ve been duped into believing they have no other choice. For the innocent babies whose blood is being shed in numbers that make this another holocaust by any measure. Pray for eyes to be opened and truth to win out.
We need to be willing to put our money (and time and effort and passion) where our mouths are. We can’t just tell these women that killing their babies is wrong. They need to know that there’s real help and real hope…not just lip service. Can you volunteer at or donate to your local crisis pregnancy center? Babysit for an overwhelmed mom? Adopt a child? Foster parent? Volunteer at a homeless shelter or women’s shelter?

A group praying behind the Planned Parenthood building was asked to move from the parking lot by one of the policeman stationed there, but they continued to pray on the sidewalk.
This is a difficult and divisive subject, but it’s too important to be “politically correct” about any longer. Lord help us know how to make a difference.
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”
~William Wilberforce
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Thank you for doing that and sharing that, Deb! And you’re right, serving hurting woman is so important–it will show the world that there is help and hope available for those facing a crisis! I’ve also written a blog with more ways to help:
Thanks so much for that link, Tricia. And for your ministry in this area. (Your comment got caught in spam…probably because of the link…so I just now “rescued” it. 🙂 )
Thank you.
Very well said.
Hear, hear.
I admire your conviction and courage, Deborah.And that quote is sure convicting and powerfully applicable. Did you meet with any antagonism? Blessings to you.
Julie, the two young girls you see holding hot pink and blue signs (that said: “Stand with Planned Parenthood” and “Don’t Take Away My Care”) were the only ones there that we saw there in opposition. My hubby counted four passersby in cars who flipped us off, but many, many people driving by honked (loud and long, some of them!) in response to signs that said “Honk if you are pro-life.”
I also meant to post a photo (I may go back and add it in) of a group praying at the back of the PP building. They were run off of the parking lot by one of the two policemen posted there, but they continued to pray on the sidewalk after that.
Thank you for highlighting this. I read a post by Pastor John Piper on his participation during this weekend’s protest in St. Paul MN (apparently several thousand participated! The quote you mentioned is really convicting. As Ms. Klassen asked, I was wondering what kind of reaction the protesters received from passerbys?
I really think there would have been a bigger crowd in Wichita if it hadn’t been pouring rain and lightning at nine o’clock when the protest started. Lots of people came out with umbrellas in the rain (after threat of lightning passed) and it was sunny and beautiful by 9:45 or so. We were so pleased to see so many young people, and young families with their children, there. There were more women than men (which flies in the face of how the media usually portrays these protests) and everyone was very civil and kind and friendly. There was a large Catholic contingent praying the rosary. Several times the groups on either side of the street sang hymns, a couple of people prayed aloud, though most prayed silently or in unison to the Lord’s prayer. (See my reply to Julie for more info as to the reaction, etc.) Thanks for posting, Lis.
This is such a powerful post, Deb. Thanks for speaking for those who can’t. (And I, too, love that quote!)
It was good to be a part of a peaceful protest like this. It felt like a very small thing in light of the HUGE evil, but it was something. Maybe the first of a bigger thing we can do in the future.
It is something that hurts my heart every time I think Of those precious lives being destroyed in such a brutal way.
Unknown to me and my husband, my stepdaughter had an abortion at age 16. She previously got pregnant at age 14 and had a daughter at age 15.
It’s unbelievable the lies that the abortion clinic will tell these young girls that come in upset and hesitant to go through with abortion. My stepdaughter was told that something was wrong with the fetus and she should be glad that she was aborting, lies, all lies!
Oh, Gail! That is so terribly sad. That they can even perform such a procedure on a minor without parental permission is just unconscionable! And yes, so many lies surrounding all of it. I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience this in your family. But thanks be to God, we serve a Lord of love and forgiveness and most importantly, redemption. May your step-daughter experience all of those things.
What a great quote. I’m glad there is no planned parenthood facility within several hundred miles of me or I’d be out there, too. Thank you for taking your stand!
Hello Mrs. Rainey!Thank you for the post it is very precious and necessary. One quick note, had it not been for a ministry blog that I follow I never would have known of this video and the going ons of this atrocity with PP from the beginning. I say this to say you mentioned above in your writing that you don’t normally like to bring these issues to topic via social media and the blogosphere world and I totally get it as they can be quite unkind sometimes/ most all of the time and it’s a very impersonal place. But you’ve been given a very dear and precious platform that not everyone has and in this day we’re living in the internet, social media, and the dreaded Blogs are just not going away……they are the new microphone, the newspaper and the 5oclock news for some people and this might be the only place that they can see a shining light on such subjects and will be apt to listen more and give it their much needed attention. Technology and all of these rivers are here to stay and should be taken full advantage of when necessary to be used as a Beam and a like a lighthouse (and not a sounding board) to shine some much needed very bright light on a very horrible and cataclysmic situations. Thank you for doing that today. Also a way people can get involved is to support ACLJ. They are a team of lawyers and advocasies who work with congress and the senate and white house in favor of Christian rights and what not. They are currently working on and with congress and state to get PP defunded by government and to get rights and protections for these babies. They go and intervene in high places where many may never go but we can support them. They are also actively working with the Abidini family to get Pastor SAyeed freed from that Iranian prison. ( They’re at and there’s a petition there to be signed to defund PP. Thank you and have a very sweet day! (sorry so long) 🙂 God bless.
You make an excellent point! And thank you for the great information you added in your own comment.
Deborah, Thank you so much for standing up for life. Our son is CEO and Editor of He has been involved in all aspects of pro-life since he was in high school. He and his staff (including our daughter in law) work very hard to make sure that everyone knows that all life from conception to death is important and that God values all life. He is often the first to report on many pro-life issues and serves on the Board of National Right to Life.
Loraine Ertelt
That’s great to hear, Loraine! You should be very proud of your son and his wife. I know the people who are in the trenches must get exhausted at times. It’s emotionally wrenching work, and the media is often relentless in continuing the lies. God bless media like, ACLJ, the National Right to Life, and so many other wonderful organizations that are fighting for Truth in a world full of lies.
Thanks Deborah! We all have to work together to keep the sanctity of life for all individuals.
May the lord bless you richly for publicly standing up for righteousness. “Matthew 5:6 NLT
[6] God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.
Thank you to everyone for the encouraging words, the good information, the prayers. This issue won’t go away overnight, but everywhere I turn there are stories of God doing amazing, amazing things for His glory. If you want to hear a COOL story, check this out (it’s a great message all around, but the story I’m referring to is in the final 10 minutes of the video, starting at 34 minutes.)
I’m later getting on here today, but HAD to thank you for this post.
Thank you (and Ken) for standing with others in your city to show PP that what they are doing is horrific. I will continue praying for women who feel desperate and need answers and help.
I also want to add that when I was expecting my 2nd baby girl, some routine tests came back indicating a problem. More tests were done—all showing that something was wrong. I was “offered” an abortion – – and emphatically told the doctors NO. I let them know that regardless of what they told me about the child I was carrying, that was still MY BABY and the Lord would help me. To our great relief and joy, she was born PERFECT!! No birth defects (as we’d been prepared for) and she has been such a blessing to our family (and now she and her hubby are going through training to become foster parents – – they have such a heart for children).
Thank you again, Deb.
Thank you so much for sharing that story, Patti Jo! Just think how many moms have been told that same thing…”something wrong with your baby”…but there wasn’t! I’ve heard that story several places! So glad you stood strong! And how neat that your daughter is now going to foster. Wonderful!
Thank you for your post.
I had friends arrested in the late 80’s early 90’s and then things got way out of had with legislation. They were not afraid to arrest peaceful protestors and even people who stood across the street to pray-no signless. I didn’t go myself, was way involved with trying to survive in those days as a single mom with 4 kids,it just never seemed to be the right time for me but I met with many to pray. This is what we are coming to, I believe—Christians who will pray heavily in such a time as this. Good to see you stand!