One question that readers often ask me is: “How far in advance of publication do you work on your books?”
A friend just asked me that question while I was working in my church’s Library Cafe on Sunday. Among the library books on display, she saw my first orphan train book, With You Always, and wondered when the second book in the series was releasing and if I’d written it yet.

1st book in the Orphan Train series (released in June 2017)
I told her that, yes indeed, the book is written, that it’s actually been finished for quite some time and will release in May of 2018. She was a little surprised by my response and wondered why there was such a long wait.
After working now with three different traditional publishers, I’ve learned that the publication timeline is fairly similar for most books. The traditional publication pipeline involves a number of specific steps that are spaced out to allow each process to be completed thoroughly and meticulously.
The first step involves the author turning in the first draft of her manuscript. Publishers usually set a deadline for the author about a year out from the publication date. So for example, since the second book in my orphan train series releases in May of 2018, I had to turn in my first draft by May of 2017. I actually wrote the book at the end of 2016 and gave myself time to self-edit before turning it in.
The next step is the rewrite phase. Several editors read the first draft and compile their editing notes. Their reading often takes a couple of months before they return those multiple pages of feedback to me. Then I have about a month to go through my manuscript and do the rewriting (macro or big picture edits). At this point, I might add new chapters or scenes, delete old ones, revamp the plot, add in character arcs, etc.
While all of this is going on, the publisher is in the process of coming up with a title, cover, and book summaries. I give them suggestions, but ultimately their team meets together to make the final decisions.
After I turn in my rewrites, my line editor goes through the book again and this time checks for clarity, transitions, grammar, punctuation, style, and other details. This line edit takes a couple more months.
About six months before publication, I receive the book cover which I’m allowed to show to readers. Here’s the cover I recently revealed for Together Forever.

2nd book in Orphan Train series (releases May 2018)
Also about six months before publication, I get another set of edits called the Review Galleys. Each publisher handles the Review Galleys in a slightly different way. Some send a digital copy with notes in the text that need addressing. Bethany House prints out the pages, and I make changes in the margin with a bright colored pen.
I’m currently in the process of going through the Review Galleys of Together Forever. My publisher gives me approximately two weeks for this stage, my last time to make any major changes before publication.

Galleys for 2nd Orphan Train book, Together Forever
In a couple more months after my editor incorporates my edits, I’ll see a second Review Galleys. At that final read-through, I can only make very minimal changes. While I’m editing my book for the last time, my publisher will also have proofers reading the book to catch any final errors.
During those last few months before publication, the publisher will begin sending out advance reading copies (which won’t be the final copy and may contain a few errors!). Those ACRs are usually sent to bigger reviewers (like BookList, Romantic Times, Publishers Weekly, etc.) to solicit reviews that can be used in marketing.
Finally, about a month before the release date, the book is printed. Within the following weeks, the author receives her copies, and influencers begin to receive theirs. Books are shipped to stores so that they are available by the publication date (and some may even end up in stores ahead of the date).
So there you have it! Not every traditionally published book follows the above timeline exactly. But the process is fairly consistent and hopefully gives you a glimpse into what goes on during that year between when an author turns in the first draft and the book hits shelves.
How about YOU? What surprises you most about the publication process?
Jody Hedlund
Latest posts by Jody Hedlund (see all)
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Thank you Jody, this is very interesting. When I first started reviewing books, about 10 years ago, I couldn’t understand why it too so long for a book to be published. Especially series books. I didn’t want to wait 6-12 months before reading the second and third books. But now that I’ve gotten involved with author, their lives, Writing and book publication, I understand and respect everything an author and publishing company and the entire team it takes to get the book to the final printing. After all, this is what brings a book to its perfection.
I love your books, Miss Jody, and have read most of them, having several on my ‘to read’ list. So keep writing awesome book for us to read!
Blessings. Joy
Thank you for the sweet words, Joy! And thanks for reading and reviewing our books! We appreciate it so much! 🙂
The publication process is amazingly thorough; it’s no wonder it takes what seems like such a long time. Sometimes I’ll wait until an entire series is out and then read the books one after the other so that I don’t have to wait 6 months to a year for the next book in the series. However, usually I can’t resist purchasing the books as they are published because of positive and enticing reviews.
Hi Suzanne, I’ve done the same thing with reading a series all at once! It’s especially nice when you “discover” an author that has already written a lot and then you can go back and read everything they’ve written in a reading binge! 🙂
Wow, Jodie! What a process! I guess I knew it had to have various steps, but just didn’t understand what they involved until you explained them so thoroughly. I’m so glad I just get to read and enjoy books. I could never be an author. More power to you, because I realize how many different books/steps you have going at one time. Best wishes to you as you continue to produce wonderful literature.
Hi Betty, There are indeed a LOT of steps in the process of bringing a book to life! Some of the steps are more enjoyable than others. I know some authors who really love the editing stage. But at this point for me during Galleys, I become really critical and wish I could burn my book! I much prefer writing the first draft!
I think all the editing and proofing is what surprises me. I thought maybe a couple of times only.
Hi Gail, Now after having both published traditionally and independently, I realize how the many layers of editing are so helpful! It takes a lot of time and people to produce a very polished book.
I knew there were several steps but I never realized just how many there really are. This just confirms my belief that authors are both very talented AND very hard workers.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the kind words, Connie! Right now I’m writing one book and editing another. It takes a lot of self-discipline and concentration! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
I think what surprised me most was that the Author doesn’t choose the book’s title. I review books sometimes on Amazon and the hardest part for me is coming up with a title for my review so this would suit me fine for the editor or publisher to do the title.
By the way your Orphan Train series sounds good and I love the covers. I want to read the first book after Christmas before book two Together Forever comes out in May. I have never been disappointed in any of your books that I’ve read.
Hi Shirley, Titles are really hard for me, so I’m always glad to have my publisher’s expertise in coming up with the final title. It’s tough to pick just the right one! Hope that you’ll enjoy reading the series!
I knew that there were multiple steps in the editing process. I really enjoyed reading what all the steps are though. Thank you very much for sharing all of these details with us.
I LOVE the cover for Together Forever! I’m really looking forward to reading it. If you are looking for influencers I would love to help you out. Your books are fantastic!
Hi Debora, Thank you for the kind words! I’ll be forming my influencer team sometime in the spring so make sure to stay tuned to my facebook page for announcements! 🙂
I will go “Like” your page right now!
It does take a long time, but it’s certainly worth it for those of us who read the books. I love a quality product with a beautiful cover and careful editing. Your books are always beautifully done, Jody, and so enjoyable. Bethany House does a great job on their books. Thanks for the interesting post!
I was surprised about how many steps you have to go through to get a book published no wonder it takes so long to get series books to us.I love all your books.
While I’m fascinated by the publishing process, I just can’t get over the beauty of that cover. Together Forever is stunning!
If I had another life to live, I’d probably want to design book covers.
Are historical romances doing well for you? That’s my genre, and it seems the news is that they are in the tank for now. I suppose if you have a following that wouldn’t apply to a seasoned writer.