Hi friends,
Happy Wednesday! Reading brings such joy to life. It transports us to faraway places and worlds. It takes us on emotional journeys. We laugh. We weep. We are moved by stories. But all stories need readers. They are the heart of why writers pen novels. Without readers, our stories would remain ours alone. Today I thought it would be fun to share some ‘you might be a reader if…’ I’d love to know how many apply to you. I’m counting the number that applies to me, as all writers are readers. That’s where our love of story began—by burying our nose in a book.

You Might Be a Reader If:
1) You have very strong feelings one way or another about marking pages in a book, which can include highlighting passages, turning down the corner on the last page you read, or making notes inside the book. You are either strongly for or against the above. And believe there is only one “right” way.
2) You literally wear your love of books.

3) You either love the narrator of an audiobook or hate them because they don’t sound like the characters do in your head.
4) You have a check-out card to keep track of who borrows your books. Or you don’t lend out books, ever.

5) You have book boyfriends. You know who you are. LOL!
6) You take the character’s sides. I.e., Team Edward or Team Jacob.
7) You’ve had to either move furniture or gotten rid of some to make room for your growing bookshelves.
8) You categorize your books by color. I LOVE these!

9) You love the smell of books!
10) You’ve experienced a book hangover.

Okay. I will admit to 6. How many did you get?
While I have you, awesome readers, here, I’d love to ask you a few questions that inquiring authors would love to know.
1) Do you like to pre-order books or wait until they release to purchase them?
2) Do you enjoy being on launch teams or to support authors in other ways?
3) What type of things do you enjoy authors sharing on social media most?
4) Where is your favorite place to connect with authors online?
5) What is the #1 reason you choose to buy a book?
Thanks, friends! Can’t wait to hear how many you got and your answers to any or all of the questions. Appreciate you!
Have a blessed day!
~ Dani
Latest posts by Dani Pettrey (see all)
- A Sneak Peek into a Retreat & Giveaway - March 26, 2025
- Favorite Reads - March 12, 2025
- Dani’s Favorites - March 2, 2025
Do you like to pre-order books or wait until they release to purchase them?
-Preorder if it’s an author I admire
2) Do you enjoy being on launch teams or to support authors in other ways?
-Launch teams are my favorite
3) What type of things do you enjoy authors sharing on social media most?
-Travel and background research on books
4) Where is your favorite place to connect with authors online? -Email
5) What is the #1 reason you choose to buy a book? -First, if proven to be a good author ie good writing; I can’t abide clichés, and if the description is full of them, I will avoid that book.
Thanks so much for taking time to share your answers. So interesting and helpful!
Thx Dani. Interesting your descriptions of ‘you are a reader if’. I definitely have to lay claim to a few. #1 especially. My daily morning devotional readings are rainbow colored with much underlinings. My Kindle is overflowing with books, too many actually. But I also send kindle selections via Amazon to friends and family!! Thx for your writing talent, the books you have given us!!
Aww. Thanks so much 🙂 I’m glad you’re enjoying my stories!
Yep. I’m the same way on #1. Underlined, highlighted, page markers…you name it!
Five of the You are a reader if!!
1) I sometimes pre-order if it is written by one of my favorite authors or a book that really catches my interest, but definitely not if it is very far in the future.
2) I enjoy being on launch teams and have pre-read a couple of books to help the author find errors.
3) I enjoy hearing a variety of things from various authors.
4) E-mail and Facebook.
5) #1 reason for my choosing to buy a book is the author – if it is one of my favorites, unless the description doesn’t appeal to me, I usually will get it. But I also like to try new authors so if a description sounds good I might try it…although that has been a mistake more than a few times. I won’t know if I like a new author, though, if I don’t try. If it is a new to me author and the book is part of a series I like to get the first book.
Hi Ann,
5 is a great amount :))
Thanks so much for taking time to answer the questions. So helpful.
Hope you have a blessed day.
Some of us think books are an essential part of decorating and have books in every room of the house except the bathroom. Some of us have to cull through books to pass along to a new home to make room, and that is even with having digital books.
1) Do you like to pre-order books or wait until they release to purchase them?
2) Do you enjoy being on launch teams or to support authors in other ways?
Yes. 🙂
3) What type of things do you enjoy authors sharing on social media most?
Stories about when author first thought of a character or plot idea.
4) Where is your favorite place to connect with authors online?
5) What is the #1 reason you choose to buy a book? For fiction, It’s either written by one of my favorite authors or recommended by one of my favorite authors. For non-fiction, it’s on leadership, or growing deeper spiritually, or has a story I am going to use to make a point.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks books are an essential part of decorating!!!! I have them in every room but that bathroom 🙂
I can probably claim 7 of them pretty strongly.
1. I love pre-ordering. That way I never forget a release day and it’s like Christmas morning when a book just shows up on my doorstep or my Kindle! (and it helps authors)
2. I prefer to just support authors every day
3. Every day stuff – something that brought them joy that day, something that stressed them out, something they did, something that made them laugh
4. Instagram – I love photos (not so much graphics)
5. The #1 reason I buy a book? Um… they usually just jump up and down screaming “Buy me! Buy me!” so I do… LOL
I love your #1 reason for buying a book. LOL! That’s an awesome description.
1) I’ve recently started pre-ordering only authors I really like. Due to budget constraints I only buy books that I’ve read, loved and will reread.
2) Prefer to support authors in more personal one-on-one ways
3) Really like it when authors share pictures of their characters and location inspirations
4) Instagram
5) Buy books by favorite authors
Hi Amy,
Thanks so much for dropping by and sharing :)) Appreciate you.
Hi Dani, This was a fun post! 1) Pre-order if its an author I already love! I don’t usually pre-order from new-to-me authors. 2) I like to leave reviews for authors but launch teams are fun, too! 3) I like when they share about day-to-day life like their hobbies or funny things that happen to them. 4) On their personal reader fan pages. 5) Hate to say it but that cover–especially if it’s an author I haven’t read before.
Thanks so much, sweet friend! Love hearing your answers 🙂
These are so much fun, Dani! Five of these are true of me. For example, I DEFINITELY understand book boyfriends. 🙂
Hi friend!
Yep. Book boyfriends are SO much fun 🙂 We’ll have to compare lists. LOL!
I would have to admit to 8 of the above lol!
1) I like to wait for the book to release, though I have pre-ordered a few that I was really excited about
2) I’ve never been on a launch team, so I suppose other ways
3) I love to see authors reminiscing about their characters from past books
4) I love visiting authors own websites, good reads is great as well
5) If the book takes place in one of my favoured historical periods, which is unfortunately less than some, I’ll definitely look at the back. Otherwise, if the summary sounds unique (A trope is one I’m more likely to borrow from the library), exciting (I appreciate duels but don’t tell me about it on the back), and romantic, you can take my money!
8 is awesome 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing!
1)I pre-order my favorite authors. 2)Never had the opportunity to be on a launch team. 3)It’s interesting for authors to talk about their books and how they develop characters, plots, locations, etc. 4)Email, Facebook, Instagram 5)When selecting a book, I look for interesting plots and locations. I return to authors who consistently create believable intricate stories and deep characters.
Loved reading your answers, Holly. Thanks so much for sharing!
1) Do you like to pre-order books or wait until they release to purchase them? I preorder books from favorite authors.
2) Do you enjoy being on launch teams or to support authors in other ways? Yes! I love the camaraderie of being on a team with the same goal, to promote the books of authors we love.
3) What type of things do you enjoy authors sharing on social media most? Upcoming releases and contests
4) Where is your favorite place to connect with authors online?
5) What is the #1 reason you choose to buy a book? The author and or the series
Waving hi, Vickie! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
7 or 8. I tried to color coordinate my books but then realized that would take time better spent reading. My mom was making an art closet and so she made me a bookcase in the wall of my room.
As for the questions
1) I would love to pre-order but I don’t have a credit card and my mom won’t pre-order
2)I am currently busy with University so I don’t have that much free time
3)tidbits about the characters in books and info about other books like releases
4)Facebook or Instagram
5)the author/series or a good review from someone I know.
Love that she made you a bookcase in the wall of your room. Best wishes at University!
I am a serious book addict. My dream as a girl was to be locked in the library overnight. Ha!
I do identify with all those except audible. I just don’t care for that.
I preorder because that is very helpful to authors.
I LOVE being on launch teams. It fulfills my book dreams. I love to promote good books and do it even if I am not on a team. It’s a blessing.
I enjoy seeing how authors ‘see’ their characters. It helps me as I read. But sometimes I see them differently and I see them my way. 😂
I forget the last question. Lol.
Hey Susan,
I know we all so appreciate your super support of authors!!!
I share my books with friends.
I preorder as soon as I know a book that I want is available.
I like to share on Facebook or e-mail. I get your e-mails frequently and make notes of books I need to order.
I have never been on a launch team and probably would not be good with doing so.
Sharing books with friends is a fabulous way to support authors. Thank you 🙂
1. I love to pre-order books for the church library because I can get them at a reasonable price.
2. Launch Teams.
3. Everything.
4. Either FB or Email is fine with me.
5. I’m the book buyer for the church library. I pretty much know what people like to read and I buy books to complete the series of books, if there is one.
After all, I’ve only been doing it for 43 years.
I lay claim to seven or eight of the “You may be a reader if…” I do not sort by color 😉
1) Do you like to pre-order books or wait until they release to purchase them?
If an author I know I enjoy, a sequel in a series, or simply a book that catches my attention, I am likely to pre-order my book.
2) Do you enjoy being on launch teams or to support authors in other ways?
I have enjoyed the opportunity to be on launch teams and love to tell others about books I enjoy.
3) What type of things do you enjoy authors sharing on social media most?
I enjoy authors sharing a bit about themselves, deeper detail about the stories they have written and how they arrive at their writing journey.
4) Where is your favorite place to connect with authors online?
Social media, ie. Facebook and Instagram, but also in person at book signings. I enjoy being able to interact with them when possible.
5) What is the #1 reason you choose to buy a book?
That is a difficult one to narrow down, because I don’t know that I have just one reason. If it is a book/author I am unfamiliar with the reason will be the cover grabbed my attention and the description intrigued me. If, however, it is an author I really enjoy and/or a series I enjoy, then I am going to order because it comes out.