Have you ever had someone pick up a book you’re reading and comment, “You’re reading that? Really?”
This happened to me recently, although I can’t say I actually blame the person. It is a different sort of book. Holiness to the LORD: A Guide to the Expositions of the Book of Leviticus by Allen P. Ross, which was recommended to me by a preacher friend (waving to you, Dr. E). And I quickly snapped it up because I treasure the book of Leviticus (thank you to my years in BSF).
Most people think Leviticus is only a book about rules. And while, yes, there are plenty of instructions packed into those 27 lengthy chapters, there are also such encouraging nuggets from the Lord of Hosts. Like these. . .

So does anyone else love Leviticus too? Come on, fess up.
Another book I’m reading is In Our Backyard by Nita Belles. Did you know there’s more slavery in the world today than in the 19th century Transatlantic slave trade era? This book provides a wealth of information not only about the distressing prevalence of this current day evil, but it also gives practical counsel on how we can join together to stop it.

While In Our Backyard isn’t a “happy-get-away-from-all-the-world’s-troubles-beach-read” kind of book, it IS empowering. Heartbreaking, but empowering. And inspiring! Because in a world where this is happening all around us, Nita shares ways to combat this evil that will open your eyes. And your heart.
Next is Holy Roar by Chris Tomlin and Darren Whitehead. Did you know the English word “praise” has many different meanings? This book explores the 7 words the ancient Hebrews used to express their praise to God.
Holy Roar is an insightful and inspiring book about worship. I think it’s one I’ll be reading again.
Lastly is a just released novel, The Baggage Handler, by David Rawlings. I met David at the ACFW Conference last year (he’s the guy in this video with me reading Scripture with the cool Aussie accent), and this is his first release in the U.S. The story has such a clever premise! Be sure to check it out!
I love how David opens the story. Check out the first page . . .

Does that grab you like it did me?
Now . . . a prayer request!
The next time I post, I’ll be posting from Israel!
My daughter and I leave this Saturday for a two-week Biblical Studies trip and to say I’m excited is a major understatement. I’d so appreciate your prayers for safe travel, of course, but also that Kelsey and I will both take steps closer to Christ during this pilgrimage. There are 38 in our group, and we’re all leaving with hearts full of expectation and gratitude to be walking where Jesus walked.
I’ll be posting on Instagram from Israel and would love to share that journey with you. Are we connected on Instagram yet?

What books are on your nightstand? Or tucked by that cozy “favorite” chair in your reading nook? Be sure to share the title and the author name, if you can! I always love hearing what we’re reading in this community.
Your “word of mouth” recommendations always mean so much!
Blessings, friends,
For the month of March and April, we’re featuring quotes from reader reviews on the home page of my website. I’d love to feature yours!

Thank you to everyone who’s left a review for With This Pledge, a Carnton novel, on the various reader sites. If you’ve read and enjoyed With This Pledge, would you tell other readers? “Word of mouth” is the best recommendation of all!
Tamera Alexander
Latest posts by Tamera Alexander (see all)
- My last D was in QBA! - March 18, 2025
- Tammy’s Favorites - March 16, 2025
- Books on my nightstand - March 4, 2025
Thank you, Tamera, for the wonderful reminders about Leviticus. Have a safe and wonderful trip! Prayers for you, Kelsey, your group, and as always, your Dad.
Good points about Leviticus! People sometimes see the OT as judgmental and the NT as merciful, yet there’s abundant mercy in the OT and judgment in the NT.
I just started reading How to Understand and Apply the New Testament by Andrew Naselli. Just a few pages into the introduction, I’ve got several places marked already. It’s going to be a rich read. I’m also listening to How Green Was My Valley by Richard Llewellyn. I just finished Saving Amelie by Cathy Gohlke – so good!
Have a wonderful time in Israel, Tammy!
Prayers for safety and enlightenment for both of you, Tamera.
I am currently reading “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr and enjoying the novel very much. It was recommended by my niece. In fact I am reading her copy, but I have ordered the book and it should arrive very soon.
I am also studying a book by Nancy Eichman titled “Conquering Your Giants.” I love how she uses examples from the life of David go encourage us all to find and overcome our fears.
Great post! I have The Baggage Handler coming soon as an ARC and I can’t wait to read it. 🙂
I am ‘listening’ to CJ Box’s latest, The Wolf Pack. Definitely an edge of your seat hard to put down book. Historical fiction is my usual go-to, but I really enjoy the suspense of Box’s books.
I love Leviticus, too! Have a wonderful trip! What I’m reading now? Just finishing The Library Book by Susan Orlean, a fascinating non-fiction book about the Los Angeles Library, the fire there in 1986, and libraries in general. She is a great storyteller, even if the stories are true! 🙂
I am reading the third book in the Nantucket Legacy “The Light Before Day” by Suzanne Woods Fisher. This has been a great Series!