Our two-week respite from travel just happened to coincide with Alfred Hitchcock week at the annual Summer Classic Film series in town. We ended up seeing four Hitchcock films in four days—two of which we saw back-to-back in a double feature! Watching several Hitchcock films in such a short amount of time really drove home his storytelling style. As I talked through the things that struck me in … [Read more...]
Temporary Goodbyes
Dad's safely Home! You might have already read this on Facebook or Instagram, but if not. . . Last Monday morning, my sweet father breathed his last earthly breath and is now in the glorious presence of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We were gathered around Dad's bedside as he passed from this world to the next, and it was a sweet and peaceful passing. The presence of the Holy … [Read more...]
If I Had a Dollar…
I often wonder: If I had a dollar for attending every one of my husband’s concerts over the years, how rich would I be? Probably pretty rich! Ken is a professional musician, a trumpet player. He was already the principal trumpeter of the Kalamazoo, Michigan Symphony Orchestra as a college student before we were married. This month, we will celebrate our 49th wedding anniversary. When I do the … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashEntertainment.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
New Book Release (And a Giveaway!)
I'm thrilled to announce the arrival of a brand new medieval YA series, The Lost Princesses! To kick off the series, you won't want to miss ALWAYS, a prequel novella, that sets the stage for the three full length novels that follow (and are releasing this fall 2019). I can already hear some of you saying that you don't like novellas, that they're too short and the stories always feel … [Read more...]
Deadline Day
August 15 - Deadline Day. Since my first book contract, signed back in 2009, I have always had a book due on August 15. My own personal D-Day. It's a day I look forward to with both dread and excitement. It's a day that seems far off for most the year then races across the calendar at light speed once we get to about June. I am proud to say that I've never missed a deadline, but some … [Read more...]
Writing Caves
Hi friends, Always happy to be with you! I hope you’ve had a wonderful two weeks. My last two weeks have been extremely busy. My latest novel, The Killing Tide, released. It was my tenth full-length novel and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m loving the feedback—reviews and most especially, sweet reader’s emails—letting me know how much they are enjoying getting to know a new team of … [Read more...]
Fiction Readers Summit
I thoroughly enjoyed participating in FRS 2019, a gathering of fiction readers and 14 Christian Fiction authors held in Grand Rapids, Michigan at the fabulous Baker Book House. I met so many wonderful people. And what I especially loved was how interactive the event was. Instead of authors giving formal speeches, there was time to interact, both informally and in panels where readers could … [Read more...]
So Many Changes . . .
For the past two months, we have been in the process of selling our home in Kansas, buying a home in Southeast Missouri, packing up to move, and making all the changes moving requires. It's been hard, hard work, and I'm not sure I could do it all over again if my life depended on it! But oh, the rewards. Yes, I miss my dad and my sisters and brother. I miss my mother-in-law and other dear … [Read more...]
Inspired by Scripture
This Sunday feature is brought to you by ClashEntertainment.com. You may sign up to receive a beautiful photo with scripture in your inbox each morning or view the verse each day online. … [Read more...]
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