I remember when my first novel From Dust and Ashes: A Story of Liberation came out in 2003. I was so excited to share it with my friends who'd believed in my writing dreams. But out of all the people who read the novel, there was one person's comments that stand out the most. My friend Kathy had worked with me to start Hope Pregnancy Center in Kalispell, Montana. She's also been in the Bible Study … [Read more...]
What Next, Lord?
Do you ever find yourself wondering what God has next? Yeah, I know. You're probably thinking, "Duh. Happens all the time, Putman." That's what I'm thinking as I sit here in Starbucks preparing this post. This is not the first time that I've neared the end of a phase of life and wonder what's next? Where does He want me to go first? Right now it's reevaluating whether I'm supposed to make … [Read more...]
March All Night
Have you ever had God smack you between the eyes as you are reading? I have, and the most recent occasion was while I was reading Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick. In case you aren't sure where you have heard that title before, it was in a prayer of Joshua, that God would make the sun stand still in the sky so the Israelites could win the battle they were fighting. My word for … [Read more...]
Flawed and Beautiful
I loved the analogy my pastor, Peter Vogt, shared in church this Sunday. He was describing how Michelangelo took a hunk of flawed marble other artists had rejected, and claimed it for himself. Then he dedicated years to chipping away everything that “wasn’t David,” and sculpting the breathtaking masterpiece we see today. But even after the sculptor was finished and paid for his work, he didn’t … [Read more...]
My One Word, A Bible Tool I’m loving, & A Giveaway
Happy New Year...With the start of a New Year is the beginning of new resolutions...new words...new disciplines. Some of my fellow authors have shared their words, so I thought I'd share mine along with a Bible reading tool I discovered thanks to Tricia Goyer and am loving! Be sure to read all the way to the end for a way to enter a new giveaway I'm offering this month, too! First my … [Read more...]