This past week, my sons were both at camp, so my husband planned a getaway for just the two of us. I believe it is the first trip he has planned since our honeymoon. He was enthusiastic about the itinerary and teased me with hints of a few secrets in store for me. (P.S. I really dislike secrets.) We stuffed the car with our stuff (including a camp stove and sleeping bag for one night at a … [Read more...]
July 4th with Family
I apologize--this is my first time being late with a post. We just returned from a long weekend away, visiting family in Illinois over the 4th and the fact that it was my day to post slipped my mind until this morning. So, very quickly, I will just share that we had a lovely time visiting family--family that we see all too rarely: my younger brother and his wife and daughters, as well as aunts, … [Read more...]
“Jesus in the flesh” people in your life
Hey friends, I'm writing from Atlanta. I drove down on Sunday to be with my sweet dad who's been suffering from TIAs (mini-strokes) and other related issues. It's so hard to see those you love hurting. On Sunday when I arrived, he was not doing well at all, but what a difference the past 24 hours and YOUR PRAYERS have made! Thank you for offering prayers for his strength and healing. The … [Read more...]
My Most Inspiring Couple
Happy Friday, my dear Inspired by Life... and Fiction readers! It's my pleasure to introduce you to my friend Melissa Tagg, who is guest-posting here today. Melissa writes charming, funny, sweet, and wonderful contemporary Christian romances. If you haven't read her books yet, you're in for a treat! Thanks for joining us, Melissa! -Becky One of the things I love about … [Read more...]
The Path of Obedience
For the last week and a half, I've been part of a blog tour of Christian fiction writers of World War II novels. We came together to honor the 70th anniversary of D-Day. I invite you to join the tour by clicking on the image above. It's been such fun (and fascinating to learn about what motivates people to write the stories they do. With each of us it was launched by a story spark. Maybe it was … [Read more...]