Earlier this year, I read about Dani Pettrey’s Writers at the Well retreat in Texas, and my spirit stirred. My prayer for 2024 has been to establish myself in the writing community again. To renew old relationships and make new ones. I had already signed up for the ACFW Conference, but this was a more intimate setting, something usually better for me as an introvert.
However, committing to the retreat also had a downside (as an introvert)—I knew no one else who was going!
No. One.
I knew I’d have to gird up my courage to go into a small group without knowing anyone except Dani, who, honestly, I haven’t seen in ages. But I was willing because I wanted to be obedient to the Lord’s direction.
Yet isn’t it amazing how God works out details in our lives, often when we least expect it?
I can’t remember exactly how it came about, but I found out quite unexpectedly that a writer who lives in the town next to mine had also signed up for the retreat! We’d met a couple of times but hadn’t pursued a possible friendship due to busyness. Yet she also attended ACFW this year. While there, she introduced me to two more ladies who would be at the retreat! This was especially helpful since Dani could not attend in person after the hurricanes. And our other friends, Karen Witemeyer and Becky Wade, also decided to give their workshops via Zoom.

As the time finally came to go, Teresa and I decided to ride together since we lived so close to one another. And we agreed to pick up another attendee at the airport. Because of that, we spent several hours pre-retreat hanging out with and getting to know Renee.
So by the time we arrived at a lovely spot on the Brazos River in Rainbow, Texas, I knew four of the ten people in attendance!

Isn’t God good?
I would have gone knowing no one, and it would have turned out fine. But God’s gracious gift was putting people in my path beforehand. My anxiety wasn’t as unruly, which allowed me to enter into new relationships more quickly.

What a gracious gift God gave me this past weekend. New friends. Writing encouragement and information. And a reminder that God knows what I need and makes a way for me when I walk in obedience to Him.
Have you experienced a gift from God while walking in uncomfortable obedience lately? Please share!

God is so faithful! Our time before, during, and after the retreat was such a blessing! I’m so thankful for you.
I’m so thankful for you, too! And I look forward to getting together more often to write!
Having visited this retreat via Zoom, I loved seeing it from your perspective through this post! “God knows what I need and makes a way for me when I walk in obedience to Him.” YES. Thanks for the beautiful reminder of His grace.
It was so fun to see you, even if just on the screen. But I’ll get to hug your neck next time week, so that makes me happy!
It was wonderful spending time with you at the retreat! Hopefully we’ll see each other again soon.