When my sister Debra retired from teaching in May, we wanted to plan a trip for just the two of us simply because we could. I brought up the Just Reads Rendezvous. Debra is a reader, too, and I’ve long wanted to introduce her in person to some of the wonderful authors whose books she has read. So we signed up, both of us attending as readers. When we discovered we could add on the Christy Awards dinner, too, we were beyond excited.
All the things I thought would be wonderful about the weekend were:
- Time with my sister
- Reconnecting with author and reader friends
- Introducing my sister to authors she loves to read
- Meeting new-to-me authors as well as fellow readers

But as happened a couple of weeks ago at the writing retreat I attended, the Lord had some surprises in store, gifts I never would have even imagined to ask for!
- Becky Wade’s keynote address on the book of Ruth essentially clarified what the Lord has been speaking to my heart lately concerning what I need to focus on in the coming year. I am so, so grateful for His words to me through Becky.

- Several people I met knew me from this blog! Let me tell you, that blew. Me. Away. Seriously, y’all. I was so humbled to know that y’all read not just everyone else’s posts but mine, too! Putting me in a place where I got to know that was such a gift from the Lord.
- I was able to encourage a long-time friend because I had experienced something similar and could understand. I’m always amazed when God redeems hard things in that way. And I love it when the hand of the Lord orchestrates such ministry between us as sisters in Christ.
- Finally, a precious young woman found me near the end of the day, pulled out a copy of my Bethany House version of Wings of a Dream, and asked me to sign it. She’d brought it from home on purpose when she’d seen my name as an attendee (not even an author!). She wanted me to know that my book sparked her love of reading. 😭
James 1:17 tells us, “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.”
Gift after gift after gift the Lord lavished on me this weekend, a weekend I expected nothing more than to make memories with my sister and do a little fan-girling over my favorite authors, which would have been more than enough. And yet God often delights in “doing far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think” as Ephesians 3:20 tells us. And when His goodness overwhelms me in such a way as it did this weekend, I can only fall to my knees in worship.
Has God given you any surprise gifts recently?

Latest posts by D'Ann Mateer (see all)
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- God and His Name - March 5, 2025
- A peek into my (very distant) past - February 19, 2025
So glad you had a wonderful weekend. 😊
It was lovely in every way!
I’m so glad I got to see you again at the gala and at Rendezvous! (And that I was able to sneak in one of your books before seeing you again!) It was great getting to meet your sister. I hope she had a wonderful time meeting authors!
We had a great time! And I loved seeing your sweet face again.
What a wonderful post! I had such pleasure reading it knowing full well exactly what you mean. He blesses beyond measure even when we don’t even ask for it sometimes. I just wanted to let you know how much your post blessed and encouraged me this morning. Thank you and blessings on your day!
So glad you were encouraged, Carla. Don’t those unexpected blessings just make you love Him more? I could cry right now just thinking about that.
It was great sitting at your table and meeting you ‘live’ after reading this blog for so long. This was the fourth time I’d attended this event and it was the best by far. Reconnecting with authors I’ve met in the past and meeting new ones as well as fellow book lovers filled my reading nerdiness cup to overflowing. The only thing better was praising and worshipping God together and hearing each of the keynote speakers giving Him glory for their writing gift. Getting a small ‘earth’ peek of what heaven will be like moved me to tears. Glad you and your sister enjoyed yourselves and made your early morning flight. Hope to see you again next year. Until then I’ll keep meeting you here…. #pineapple! 🙂
😂 You are awesome, Amy! Yes, it was wonderful all the way around, especially worshipping together. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, too. Every time I see a #pineapple, I’ll think of you!
It was such a fun event! All those wonderful things you mentioned were true for me too – spending time with my sisters (in-law), reconnecting (because many of us have come to similar events before and reader friends are a wonderful thing), meeting new authors and readers, and especially introducing those who came with me to authors I knew they would love. I just wish I had connected with you, but maybe at another reader – author retreat? I know this is not my last one!
Yes, maybe next time. There were so many people it was impossible to meet everyone! I’m so glad you got to shared the weekend with sisters, too!
Loved to read about your experience and God’s blessings. So encouraging.
I’m so glad it encouraged you. I love when God’s encouragement to us individually is His encouragement to others in the re-telling!
I loved seeing you at RendezVous, D’Ann, and these reflections are precious. Merci!
It was so lovely to hug you and chat for a few minutes!
“Becky Wade’s keynote address on the book of Ruth essentially clarified what the Lord has been speaking to my heart lately” That means so much to me! Thanks for sharing that. 🙂
Thank you for sharing what the Holy Spirit put on your heart! I’m so grateful for you!