We spent the last weekend in March in Boston for a very special birthday. Our oldest—our only girl—turned 30! Jeff and I had already planned to go up there to celebrate with her when one of my sisters called. She and my other sister were worried Elizabeth would be alone on her birthday and wanted to be there with her. (Both of my sisters have a unique relationship with my daughter.) I said, the more the merrier! Then we concocted a plan to keep their arrival a surprise.

Jeff and I arrived in Boston on Thursday afternoon. To kick off the birthday bash weekend we went straight from the airport to James Hook and Company for lobster rolls! From there, it was off to the Italian district to sample cannolis and decide our favorite. We bought from three different bakeries, but we all agreed Mike’s Pastry was the winner. To be honest, that was our choice going in, we just wanted to make sure we were’t missing out on something better!
Good thing we took it easy that afternoon, because starting Friday morning, we were on the go! We hit Flour Bakery for breakfast. Then we went to Brattle Book Shop, which was fabulous! Used and rare books. 3 floors! And then we walked outside to this:

Cue the Hallelujah chorus! Books in a cute, old alleyway. And all priced at $5, $3, and $1. Of course we left with more than we’d intended to get!
After that we walked the park, the gardens, Beacon Street and various others areas of the city. My sisters were flying in that afternoon, so I had one eye glued to my phone the whole time. 15,000 steps later, they arrived at Neptune Oyster Bar—our daughter’s birthday pick—for an early dinner. And she was definitely surprised! She had thought someone else might be showing up, but had no clue it would be her aunts! They both ate their first ever lobster roll and cannoli! Then we walked them over a good bit of the city before returning to the hotel and collapsing into bed.
Next morning, a fabulous breakfast at J&M Diner, then a day in Lexington and Concord, with a side trip to Walden Pond. It was a day of glorious sunshine with barely a nip in the air. We happened to arrive in Lexington just as they were filming a Patriot’s Day virtual reenactment! So fun to watch! Love the history at Concord beyond the first battle of the Revolution. And Walden Pond was gorgeous! It was much bigger than I expected. We did the 2 mile walk around it, through the woods. I can see how it would have inspired Thoreau. That night, we ate at a restaurant on a farm that has been in operation since the 1600s.
Sunday promised rain, so after booking a time at a museum for the afternoon, we decided to walk until the weather drove us indoors. We got donuts at Blackbird. Oh. My. Then we walked around Fenway Park. It was great to see this area of the city without being crowded with baseball fans! By the time we arrived for our time slot at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, the rain had begun. We spent a lovely couple of hours in the museum, but that will be it’s own post in the near future!
We finished our time with dinner back in the Italian district, followed by, you guessed it, cannolis at Mike’s for the third time in three days! In fact, it was a good thing that we walked a lot, because our daughter is quite the foodie, so any vacation and/or celebration with her–and we were doing both!–involves fabulous food! Here’s a sampling of what we ate besides lobster rolls and cannoli!
from Flour Bakery and Cafe The birthday girl’s dinner at Neptune Oyster Bar: Squid Ink Risotto J&M Diner’s peanut butter cup and bacon pancakes fettuccine bolognese from Quattro
It was such a joy to celebrate my daughter. And to do it with my sisters was extra special. She has grown into such an amazing woman. I can’t wait to see all that God will do in and through her in the coming years. And I love the memories we got to make with her during the Big Boston Birthday weekend.
Have you ever pulled off a surprise for someone’s birthday? Or have you been completely surprised by someone on your birthday? Please share!

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What a fun time, Anne. Thanks for taking us with you to Boston.
Happy to share our fun time! 🙂
Your daughter’s birthday bash sounds amazing! How nice that lots of family could be together to celebrate your daughter. My husband surprised me on my 50th birthday. He flew in my sisters and asked my good friend from work to pick them up at the hotel, which was at the airport, and take them to the restaurant where we were going to have dinner at an elegant French restaurant. I have seen in the mail that my sisters were flying in, but the biggest surprise was that my good friend was involved. I had previously confessed to her that I knew my sisters were coming for my birthday, but she did not reveal that she was involved too. She and her husband then joined us for the birthday dinner. My sisters stayed for a couple more days, and we did some fun sightseeing. It was really quite clever of my husband, and I appreciated his efforts to make the occasion special!
What a great surprise, Suzanne! I love when husband’s plan something we love. I know it made a special day for you in so many ways!
What a fabulous trip! That food looks AMAZING!
Food is always amazing when we are with Elizabeth! She always searches out the best restaurants!
Predictably, you and I would leave a used book sale or store with MORE books than we anticipated. As my eldest says, “Even if you run out of bookshelves, you do not neglect acquiring books!”
Absolutely! And we *might* have bought 2 of the same title–one paperback, on hardcover. 🙂
I love surprise birthday celebrations! Your daughter was truly blessed!
For my husbands 65 birthday I flew in our children from all parts of the country. He had planned a kayak trip the week of his birthday so planning the weekend was over the top. When he walked into the house and his beloved children walked into the kitchen from all different places one by one he was literally speechless. He was still confused during the surprise party the following day with family and friends.
Oh my goodness! That about made me cry! What a wonderful surprise you cooked up!