I don’t look nearly as glamorous as this AI lady (but at least she has the right number of hands and fingers!), but I spent the month of December with a terrible cold. Woke up with a sore throat on Dec. 12th–I caught the bug from my hubby, I think. But he is always affected differently. His version of being sick is to come in and announce, “I’m not feeling too pure,” then he might cough once. But when I catch the same bug, I get fever and chills, then it goes to my nose and my lungs. I’m writing this on December 30, and though I’m over the feeling bad and exhaustion, I’m still coughing and blowing my nose. Why do colds linger so long?

But you know, God was good to let me have a cold in December. My book was handed in, the shopping was done, we didn’t plan a big dinner this year, and things were definitely low key. If I had to tick the box for a seasonal cold, December was a good time to do it.
So as we enter another month of winter, I hope you are staying healthy. Stay warm, drink lots of fluids, and get lots of rest! Once life slows down, it’s a great time to stay in and read!
What’s your favorite cold remedy? I need to make notes in case my husband brings home another bug!
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I also had a cold over the holidays. I work at a school, so I blame the children. I gargle with salt water and take mucus tablets to help me, but the cough lingers forever. Praying that you recover soon.
Thank you! Praying that YOU stay healthy!
Besides vitamins C and D, lots of liquids and ‘chicken soup’ remedies, I take Quercetin Zinc. It really seems to help boost my immune system. (I purchase it through Amazon.) I also use a medi-pot to keep nasal congestion from turning into ear infections, a recommendation by a surgeon.
I’ve used a neti-pot–makes me feel like I’m being water-boarded. :-(. Thanks for the tips!
I’m so sorry you were sick through December! But I’m so glad it wasn’t in the midst of work deadlines or big family gatherings!
Me, too!
I’ve heard Airbornce is good
Yes, it is. I used to take that whenever I traveled, to keep my resistance up.
my husband swears by hot toddy. I think warm tea with honey, soup and rest. I hope you are feeling better!
Lovely idea! Thanks!