I have said it before, but if you ever have the opportunity to see a presentation by Candice Hern (in person or online) don’t miss it! Candice is an award-winning author and passionate collector of Georgian and Regency era antiques. As she and I are both members of the Minnesota chapter of the Jane Austen Society of North America, I have been able to hear her with some regularity, and always learn a lot!

Recently I attended one of her talks (along with author-friend Erica Vetsch). Candice talked about the history of the reticule and its evolution to the modern purse (first known as “indispensables,” and then “ridicules” before becoming known as “reticules”), and what Regency ladies would have kept in them. We also had the privilege of viewing items from Candice’s wonderful collection.

Here are some of the items Regency women likely carried inside their reticule:

- Pins! Many dresses (bodices and skirts) were pinned together.
- Needle cases
- Toothpick cases
- “Housewife” or “Hussif;” a folded fabric wallet containing needles, pins, thread, scissors etc.
- Etui (Eh-Twee) was a tiny case to hold a perfume bottle, a small sewing kit, writing or eating utensils, etc.
- Vinaigrettes. Often made of sterling silver with a pierced grating to hold an aromatic sponge. These could be used either as smelling salts or to hold to your nose to disguise foul smells.
- Coin purses (often netted, knitted, or beaded.)
- Cosmetic cases. These little cases had a mirror in the lid and often two compartments, one to hold rouge and the other lip tint.
- “The English Ladies Pocket Book” (Diary) and tiny almanacs were often carried by ladies and listed holidays, high holy days, phases of the moon, etc.
- Calling card case & calling cards
- Handkerchief

Which of these items would you be most likely to carry in your purse today? (I have my eye on that charming little cosmetic case!)
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So interesting! Thank you for sharing!
Fascinating! I love the cosmetics case.
I’m with you! I’d want one of the cosmetic cases!